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With respect to all erudite members here,

(The others, please don't post nonsense here)

As we know, till today , there's no selection that can produce positive edge except constant good luck.

And all systems lose because they can't win when bad permutations hit, and no progression can withstand the assault.

Thus we must have a bet selection that very stable, in the mathwise, always produce result that hit within math expectation.

Some of us stressed that STABLE BET SELECTION ....impossible

But then, some say, progression that win absolutely. .also impossible...except martingale with no table limit and infinity br.

If stable and absolute progression are impossible,

then Variance Avoidance,  and Losing Streak avoidance, are the options left.

If both deemed impossible,  then pattern , highly unlikely, back to back occurrence,
Say after 6ds in 6spins, then 6ds in next 6spins , highly unlikely...

Or after 10black, then 10red to hit in next 10spin also highly unlikely...

It just impossible to bet 1000spins, in bm casino ,just to have a stable within math expectation hit.

Even 300spins will take a  whole day , (break for meals and washroom.?)

We need a *stable result*, strategy or method, in says, below or around 300spins,
By waiting for the deadly permutation to pass, deadly permutation is part of randomness,
even fighting random with random, will hit deadly sequences...

Thus how to avoid the deadly permutation sequence?
By waiting and watching for them to appear.... (hahahaww!)
(Seriously, that the only way....for we can't predict future)

and "avoid long losing streaks "
after we start betting after the " variance avoidance strategy", how?
Just stop betting..
(Seriously,  that the only way)

And taking losses with stride,
We simply take losses and sigh,
What else can we think out ?
General Discussion / Re: Sequence
July 10, 2018, 02:47:25 PM
Hi Sputnik,
Thanks for your posting,
You mean, if we just bet baccarat,
Only play , PLAYER,
then we mark them as S , for single player, and M for series of players,
Then see how it behave.

Thus we have say,

If we only bet PLAYER,
Mathwise, are the probability for "single and series ",of PLAYER only=slightly below 50%???
what kind of variance and the ecart that you had experienced.
Quote from: Nickmsi on July 08, 2018, 01:17:03 PM
Hello Beat The Wheel . . . .

In my opinion,

Take control.  Don�t chase random, let random chase you.

Don�t think in terms of individual spins, think Group of Spins. The VDW is a Group of 9 Spins.

Here�s an example of a Group of 2 Spins:


That�s it. RBRBRBRBRB etc.  It is a fixed bet.  You bet Red the first spin, Black the second spin, Red the third spin, Black the fourth spin, etc.

You will roughly win 50% of the Red Streaks, 50% of the Black Streaks, you will win RB streaks and lose BR streaks.  No hoping, no guessing.  No matter the variance, the results should be the same.  Is this a more Stable Bet?
Your thought very helpful,
Now I understand what you mean group2spin,
where the only sequence , in this rb, the loser is streaks of brbrbr...

Thus, in group of 3spins, say rbr, then the loser is streaks of brb...
The red losses all 123, 135, 147, 159 or equivalent.
When 2persons bet the opposite, red and black
Then, 123....
When rrrbbb hit, the red person win, the black also win,

When, 135...
Both also win

When 147...
Both win,

When 159...
Both win...
Thanks Nickmsi for your explanation.

As I see it,  if you bet a fixed color, example, RED only,
The 123 same as 234, 345, 456, 567, 678, 789,
Which are streaks of three in row.....rrr

The 135, same as 246, 357, 468, 579.
Which are chops, rbrbr...

The 147  same as 258 and 369...
Which are rbbrbbr....

And 159 the only rbbbrbbb

Thus lose if the pattern breaks. ...when we bet the "third"

Thus if 2persons bet opposite color, then a person must hit....in the 9spins.

You said, this a very stable bet,
May you please tell,

In 100placed bet, how it behaved...
Were  the results,
always hit above 40win/100 placed bet?

How about 200placed bet,?
And 300placed bet.?

If  it always hit around math expectation, then a mild progression plus virtual losses, could make this constant winnner.
General Discussion / Re: FTL, BEST SIMPLEST BS?
July 03, 2018, 04:36:41 PM
Then wait for ppbbppbbppbb...till they stop, and bet , hoping won't happen again :scared: :whistle:
General Discussion / FTL, BEST SIMPLEST BS?
July 03, 2018, 01:30:16 PM
Follow the last, in EC, :cheer:
I think is the simplest no brainer to bet. :whistle:

It is better  bet, than beting a fixed color (or in baccarat, bet only , say, player only.)
Or any  method....

Simply because we can read the outcome,  how? :scared:

wait for long chopping,  brbrbrbrbr.... >:D

that cause long streaks of losing, and simply,  :scared:

but most importantly, :whistle:

The advantage, of  hitting long streaks of  black and red. :nod:

They won't produce positive edge, :-[

but at least, itlr,
It  stable,

we could outwait losing streaks of chops, :nod:
(again, simply by waiting for it to happen) :whistle:
and also stop betting, when losing certain spins of bet. :o

Then bet with mild progression.  :applause:

Any thought? >:D
Then play virtually till u have the huge drawdown, then start playing anew..?
General Discussion / Re: Gambling Perspective!
July 02, 2018, 11:33:17 AM
Betting player only, when it hit, hoping for streak forming?

Wait for bpbpbpbpbp.....to formed, then when bb formed, wait for  p to hit and bet it to streak?
General Discussion / Re: @SPUTNIK
June 29, 2018, 05:54:49 AM
 THANK YOU  so much..need time to digest.. thanks again.
General Discussion / Re: @SPUTNIK
June 28, 2018, 07:41:02 AM
For those who want to understand, below a post, I posted 2yrs ago.
With some amendments.

Single vs series, will have 50/50 minus edge,
just like betting P/B, or any EC game.

Sputnik, try to bet
single, vs series of two, vs series of three.




[three repeat, and/or more=series3]

Sputnik believe that single vs series2 vs series3,
have the same probability as DOZEN bet!
Thus he believe that , betting dozen one two three,
same as betting single vs series2,vs series 3.

Thus he believe...
that the chances of
dozen 1/dozen2/dozen3, permutation= in next three trials

123, or 132, 213, 231, 312   ,321 =33%, minus edge.

he believe that
the chance of
single/series2/series3  [123] permutation,

all three hit and all three hit again in six spins,
same as

[dz1,dz2,dz3,/ dz1,dz2,dz3],permutation
three different dozens, in 3spins, and again in next 3spins
  in six spins,


He believe when
single 1 and series3 hit,
then the chances of series 2,
will less likely.
The probabilty=33%, minus green.
pbpb=single, then

ppp=series 3, then

b.............(=he believe, b will not become series2,
thus he will bet that  it will not repeat.)

if it repeat, it become series2,
then he bet that series2,
will become 'series three'.
as series2 hit will less...likely (33%)


ppp/ series3.
b-...........new hit, bet will not series2.
b-again...oops! become series2, bet will series 3.
p-......damn! (bb=series2....=lose) lose-2u flatbet.

ppp/ =series3.
b-...............new hit, bet will not series2.(bet 1u)
b-  again....oops! become series2, (lose-1u,  then bet 1u, series 2, will series 3.)
b-   again.....      win! become series3!  Win 1u.=0...

thus single/series3/series3.=no win, no loss,
as he try to catch the SINGLE MARCH!

eg pbpbpbpbpbpb...where the Majority OF PROFIT COME!

thus if single/series3/series2=LOSE!


My thinking is,
u will win/ and will lose, if u play flat.
but the chart line of profit/loss, will
oscillating up and down like a stable wave,
thus u need a mild progression,
and variance avoidance strategy to win,
which Sputnik realized, and keep  close to his chest
General Discussion / Re: @SPUTNIK
June 28, 2018, 06:56:54 AM
Dear Sputnik,
With respect,
Thanks for your reply.

1) what is event +1 into the other direction?
2)why 300trials?  How there 300 for EC?
3) at least one extreme ecart in 1000trials,
Then how and what considered extreme ecart? In how many trial, imbalance ratio considered extreme ecart?

4)Most importantly,
please elaborate the LAW OF SERIES.

THANKS in advance, looking forward for your reply.
General Discussion / Re: @SPUTNIK
June 27, 2018, 04:44:14 PM
We can't expect a CORRECTION, after a long streak,
We expect a balanced permutations to hit after a bad permutation.
If we see a long streak of 66hit of double dozens, we can't expect the next 33hit will be single dz.

We expect the next 66spins to hit within math expectation.
That 66%/33%,  with greens thrown in,
and bet our luck.

Yes, luck.