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Messages - Baelog

Live Shoe.

-  LAST 9 AP's (for more bets)
-  Flat bet
-  No mutual bet
-  AP (1,2,3) only used until beginning streak ends

Quote from: Nickmsi on May 14, 2017, 07:49:24 PM
Hi All,

VDW can be played in many different ways.

Think about playing the LAST 9 spins instead.
Mathematically it is the same but you get so many more bets.



The LAST 9 spins is how I programmed the excel sheet to get more bets. Still avoiding the mutual bets.

Had to change the alternator on my car today. Did not have time to do any more studies .

Quote from: ADulay on May 14, 2017, 04:54:50 PM

  Thanks for joining in on the discussion with your testing.

  I took a look at the first one and I don't believe it's being played correctly, at least from the standpoint of VDW proper.

  What is the wager at hand #2?

  Also, with the win at hand #5 (BBB) you would restart the sequence as any "win" ends the VDW session and starts a new one.

  Thanks for posting up.


Yes you are correct ADulay. I missed the top 2 rows when I took the screen capture. First bet can only be on the third descision. I will return with some live shoes. I am excited to learn more about VDW.

This is the last one for now.

Ok, so I have ran some simulations in Excel that I am posting here based on the information I have seen in the forum. I feel like I am very close to how Nickmsi is playing the game, but not all the way.

This is how I set up my excel program
- Only the 9 AP's
- Avoid mutual bet
- 500 random Descisions ( no live decks)
- Flatbet
- No stop loss

Here we go.

Could you teach me your style of play using VDW?

Quote from: Rewster88 on March 13, 2017, 06:31:12 AM
Nice one atlantis!

Im still playing the mogli way. Good results tnx mogli! Some very long sessions but it does not lose  :thumbsup:


How does the mogli way work?