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Messages - Bally6354

Bally's Blog / Re: 2nd's + 3rd's (for E.C'S)
January 28, 2014, 09:47:53 AM
Hello Bayes,

It can be hard to get hold of and the copies in circulation are likely dwindling. I found one on ebay and it cost around £100 including P+P....but I can say it's worth it.

You buy a book for £15-£20 and the author could have written the system on a postcard....the other 95 pages are covered with such valuable information like the casinos have no clocks on the walls and it's best not to drink while playing, lol.

The 'Future Gambler' is packed from beginning to end with 'no waffle' insightful gaming information. So I consider it a bargain really for what I paid and there is probably no need to buy any more books. This one will keep me busy for a while.

Bally's Blog / Re: 2nd's + 3rd's (for E.C'S)
January 28, 2014, 09:38:28 AM
Hello Warrior

The 2nd's refers to a second consecutive hit of an E.C. and the 3rd's refers to a third consecutive hit of an E.C.
Any hit of the same E.C. after the 3rd's does not count in the example I posted.

So taking those Black numbers again.....

33 is the first number and it's black. So now I am waiting to see if Black makes a second appearance on the next spin. If it does, I put a W (win) in the 2nd's column. If it doesn't come out on the next spin, I put a L (loss) in the 2nd's column.

The next number out was 26 Black. So it gets a W in the 2nd's column.

Now I am waiting to see what the next number is. If it's Black, that's a third consecutive hit and I will put a W (win) in the 3rd's column. If it's not Black, I will put a L (loss) in the 3rd's column.

The next number out was 26 Black. So it gets a W in the 3rd's column.

Now it doesn't matter if there are another 3 consecutive Black numbers. They don't get recorded. Because I am not looking for 4th's, 5th's or 6th's.

I repeat the same process for all 3 E.C's...but nothing stopping anybody just playing 1 or 2.

My example came from the first batch of numbers that I found and I suppose in hindsight doesn't really show the benefits of tracking in this way. So here is another example of 2nd's and 3rd's which should give a clearer picture. Let's assume I am tracking Black in this example and the first column is the 2nd's and the second column is the 3rd's.

1) L
2) W  L
3) W  W
4) L
5) L
6) W  L
7) W  L
8} W  W
9) W  W
10) L
11) W  W
12) L
13) L
14) W  W
15) L
16) L
17) W  W
18} L
19) L
20) W  W
21) L
22) L
23) W  W

So looking at 8} to 23) you can see that there was 11 wins and 12 losses for the 2nd's. However there was a straight 7 wins for the 3rd's. This is really the whole point behind the operation. You are using different streams (ie....2nd's + 3rd's) to look for the strongest trends to follow.

I hope that helps.  :thumbsup:
Bally's Blog / Re: 2nd's + 3rd's (for E.C'S)
January 27, 2014, 11:47:51 PM
This idea of the 2nd's + 3rd's comes from a brilliant gambling book called 'The Future Gambler' by Craig Greiner.
It is a real eye opener and covered from page to page with original concepts.

Surprisingly it was published in 1995....I have never really seen any of this books ideas mentioned apart from the Mongoose progression. However, there are stacks more original MM plans and the author really gives some brilliant insights on variance and how to attack it. The ideas in this particular book could be a great Launchpad for anyone who likes to create their own strategies.

Anyway...enough of the plug, lol. I will share some of the ideas and how I have twisted them on this blog as time permits.

Bally's Blog / Re: 2nd's + 3rd's (for E.C'S)
January 27, 2014, 11:28:23 PM
Quote from: esoito on January 27, 2014, 11:04:52 PM

[I've cancelled the flowers!  :rose: ]
Hello esoito!

If they are plastic, keep them on hold!  :thumbsup:   

Here is another sheet with the same numbers converted to dozens and columns.

The 2nd's in Column C are suffering from 'single-itis'.
Bally's Blog / 2nd's + 3rd's (for E.C'S)
January 27, 2014, 10:16:06 PM
Hello  :)

I would like to share the idea of 2nd's + 3rd's here.

There is an Excel sheet at the bottom with an example using Black/Red and Low/High.

I will use the Black numbers in the sheet to give an example....

What I am tracking for is to see if a Black number goes to 2 hits and then goes on to 3 hits.


There are 6 consecutive black numbers there and so I put a W for both the 2nd's and the 3rd's.

The next black numbers....


Now there are only 2 black numbers there. So I put a W in the 2nd's and an L in the 3rd's.

Next up...


Only 1 black number there. So an L goes in the 2nd's and I can't put anything in the 3rd's.

Next up...


2 black numbers. So a W in the 2nd's and an L in the 3rd's.

What I am playing close attention at is the W's and L's in the 2nd's + 3rd's.

It's possible to get a run of L's in the 2nd's.....BUT.....a run of W's in the 3rd's. This would happen if you got runs of just either 1 black and runs of 3+ blacks.

Charting all three E.C's (Black/Red, Low/High, Odd/Even) is the way to go.

A tracker would do the job OR you could just skip a spin or two in a B+M casino to give you time to track everything.

Of course....you could track 2nd's, 3rd's + 4th's and even use this idea for dozens and columns.

It is just another way to look for betting the W's OR L's depending on what's happening in the 2nd's and 3rd's.

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
January 01, 2014, 11:25:07 AM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 01, 2014, 06:22:36 AM
If PP exists, then I should be able to have an idea at one table, and walk to another and continue my PP.

........very interesting!

Hello Sam,

consider this.....


Let's take the first 37 consecutive numbers.


There are 25/37 original numbers in that lot.

Now let's start at the top and skip a spin every time.....


There are 24/37 original numbers in that lot.

Now suppose you were sitting at the bar in a casino enjoying a rum and coke and I came up and showed you the two cards from above.

Would you be able to tell me which card was showing consecutive spins and which card was showing every second spin?

Of course not!!

You can take every second spin, every fifth spin....it makes no difference.

How can it help?

It allows you to play several strategies at the same time and not to be under pressure by the dealer spinning so fast that you end up making costly mistakes.


The Twocat Cafe / Re: PatternAnalysis, I challenge you!
December 14, 2013, 11:36:01 PM
Quote from: esoito on December 14, 2013, 11:09:04 PM
I'm biting my tongue over the 'ball drop' thing. I was wondering why my voice is so high.

I am just waiting on Mr J with one of his cough, cough posts.  :))
Quote from: wannawin on December 08, 2013, 10:15:20 PM
The trouble is that learning through play for real money costs

That's true Walter, however,I find that's also when you get a lesson in reality regarding your style of play.

I have been messing about with RX the last few days just to see if anything jumps off the page rather than specifically looking for something.

So I put in 7 numbers and just watched the swings in balance as they went up and down.

The balance can be +6,000 one minute and then -5,000 a hundred or so spins later. You can start to get a feel for when it's going to plummet and when it is just holding it's own or on the rise.

We are only limited by our own imagination in this game and there are many ways that you can group numbers together and come up with all kinds of different framework to use for analysis. But I do believe you will see the same swings and roundabouts as I mentioned above. The trick then is just to wait and watch. Dip your toe in the water when you see an event happening with a greater degree of frequency.

Money management also plays an important part. Once again, you can use your imagination. Positive, negative, parlays, regression. Is there an optimal way to bet for the situation you find yourself in.

I think one of the biggest mistakes we make is to think in terms of just a one dimensional approach regarding bet selection and money management. Where a more fluid and dynamic approach goes hand in hand with the nature of the game we are trying to conquer.

I had a conversation with a friend on this subject the other night.

What does 'you will never beat roulette' actually mean?

Here are my thoughts....

Yes...the E/C's and all the other betting locations will always confirm to probability.

It is impossible to know what is coming out next. You can only make an educated guess.

...and there lies the answer IMO.

All you have to learn to do is correctly guess more decisions right than you guess wrong and you can win.

So using a simple example....


5 reds and 5 blacks as probability dictates.

Now what's to stop someone guessing 3/5 of those reds and 3/5 of those blacks consistently.

It can be done! In fact...it is been done!

That's it....no magic...no smoke and mirrors. Just good old fashioned guessing.

Sounds simple eh?  Well it's not and you might never achieve it. BUT.....that doesn't mean others can't do it.I can't run 100 metres in 10 seconds (especially after the lovely Chinese takeaway I just ate) But I know someone who can.

There are a lot of people who spend all their time testing and have no real life casino experience to talk about.

There are a lot of people who believe everything they read and never question anything for themselves.

If you want to teach yourself to win, you have to get your hands dirty and put in the hard work.

Online Casinos / Re: View Casino (dublinbet)
December 07, 2013, 11:35:05 PM
Well I can't disagree with what you are saying esoito.

Luckily the BGO casino did not ask for any ID....but no doubt they ran some checks and I am already in the system.

I get lazy in the winter and play more online. So I am always on the lookout for any new places to see what promotions they have going. But you can't really beat the land casinos where you can just roll up and collect your winnings there and then without all this verification malarkey if you get lucky.

I have had some horror stories with Betfair and Betfred in the past. So it's definately not all smooth sailing with these online outfits.

Online Casinos / View Casino (dublinbet)
December 07, 2013, 06:43:54 PM
Hello Guys

This casino has opened up using the dublinbet live feed.


The good thing about them if you live in the UK is that you can play in £ (pounds) and your money does not get converted into euros and then back to £ (pounds) when you make a withdrawal.

I am pretty certain that anybody who already has an account at dublinbet would qualify for the 50% cashback on their first deposit as well.

Roulette Player

It's possible that Stetson might be 'brown bread' by now!  :rose:

I reckon that PDF must be around 20 years old at least.

I tried to attatch a copy but it's not having it.

Shoot me a PM if you would like a copy. But basically it is just to continually raise 1 unit on a win or loss and reset back to 1 unit when you are in front.

Thinking about it sensibly....It can't be right betting sometimes 50%+ of your bankroll on the one decision.

Well.....the game is up!!  :broken:

This well and truly hit the skids.

A highest bet of 77 units!  :o

All roads lead back to the 'Kelly method' assuming you have a bet selection with an edge.

So I suppose that I should have expected this to bust out. But it's always better to find these things out for yourself and then you don't need to go back to them.

Next game:

The highest bet placed this time was 11 units.

I am going to keep testing in batches of 100 spins. I figure that's the way I would play it.

It will be interesting to see how far ahead I can get before a loss of the 500 bank on RX.

So far.....

Game 1. +59  highest bet placed = 20.
Game 2. +50  highest bet placed = 16.
Game 3. +56  highest bet placed = 61.
Game 4. +53  highest bet placed = 11.

Total = +218.  Worst drawdown from 500 bank = 144 units.

(my plan would probably be to take a 100 unit loss in a game. So game 3 above would be a wipeout. However I would still be +62 ahead from the other three winning games.)

Roulette Player

Considering it was a rough set of spins for DBL...your idea did not hold up too bad.

There were very few chances to bet 2 units in the second half of the game.
