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Messages - Bally6354

The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 30, 2013, 11:14:22 PM
Quote from: esoito on October 30, 2013, 10:49:11 PM

It's been noted several times elsewhere that demos use a different software algorithm to the software used for playing for money.

In other words, players have noted they win easily (if that's the right word) when in demo mode, but the minute they switch to real money mode the wheels start to fall off.

So many have observed this phenomenon that it can't just be pooh-poohed and written off as coincidence.

The 64k question:  is BV into that sort of duplicity?

It may be that BV throw out what could be considered 'user-friendly' numbers in demo mode.

Now who is to say they can't throw out 'unfriendly' strings of 60 spins which will defeat a lot of the 'garden variety' types of progressions out there.

The randomness control can work perfectly....but that does not mean it is still not just a fancy gimmick.

These online casinos have been operating for years. Who is to say they have not done research into producing what you could define as psuedo random numbers which can adapt to certain playing styles.

Ken, I play single numbers myself and I find a lot of the wins come pretty close together in clusters.

Yesterday was an extraordinary day at the B+M casino because they were hitting within a frequency of less than 10 spins apart for a good while. So obviously this is easy to take advantage of.

I will pull my horns in if I don't get a hit within 20 spins. There are also times now that I may not even bet if I go a few 15-20 spin cycles without a hit.

What I never see is a hit coming every 37 spins, lol. So it's not really that difficult to make decisions regarding MM in my opinion betting one number.

It's either working or it's not working as 'gizmo' would say.

If you are winning long term betting single numbers, you will definately get a feel for when things are going your way or not.


How often are the hits coming?

Do you believe you actually have an edge? / have you taken into account your 'risk of ruin' ?

(the risk of ruin is the chance that the standard deviation will wipe out your bankroll before you have had a chance to win an amout which corerelates with your advantage)

I am not trying to be funny....but you can't expect concrete answers if you ask vague questions with little information to go on.

But one thing for sure! No good player IMO would be reducing his bets when he is winning (assuming he has an edge in bet selection which is the only way you are going to win long term.)

Here is RWD's summary of 566 sessions.

He suggested to play 3 strings on a wheel and then quit if no winner.

So 1 means a win on the first string on spin 1.

LL1 means the first two strings lost and the third string won on spin 1.

These figures look almost too good to be true and old Roy may have been cooking the books  :whistle:

But what I can say is that it was a popular foil for many savvy blackjack players down the years.




RWD has a chart in his book with betting scales and plateaus that you can use going up and down depending on the success you are having.

Here it is. It's in old money but can be easily converted.

The RWD way is betting for 9 spins. I noticed Mike McBain's suggestion is to go for 13.


Slot Machines Forum / Almost a 200/1 winner, LoL.
October 28, 2013, 01:27:06 PM
I like the odd game for low stakes to see if I can hit something!

It will pay for a few drinks. [smiley]aes/wine.png[/smiley]


Gambling Philosophy / Re: The Pareto Principle
October 26, 2013, 03:43:45 PM
.....and now the Man Utd fightback!


Gambling Philosophy / Re: The Pareto Principle
October 26, 2013, 03:19:31 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on October 17, 2013, 01:47:25 PM

I notice it a lot in sport as well. A football team may score two goals very close together.

like this.....


and this.....


It happens a lot!

Australia put on around 18 points in the last 10-15 minutes of the first half this afternoon in the Rugby League World Cup!

That's why discipline and concentration are so important when you are playing a game like roulette where the casino enjoy the edge. A strong adversary can defeat you or wipe out your bankroll quickly.

Online Casinos / Re: Betvoyager Live Casino
October 24, 2013, 11:27:18 PM
It's more likely to be the Eastern European type with the Barbie Girl dealers.....

''do you have a favourite book player''

Now the last thing you are thinking when you are doing your brains in playing the latest fandangled progression is what was the name of that book you just couldn't put down. [smiley]aes/lol.png[/smiley]

''It is random player...please don't use bad language''

Of course it is!  :-X

I can only go 10-15 minutes of that before I go back to DB, LoL.
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on October 22, 2013, 11:14:15 PM

Perhaps you could you start by defining "flat bet"?

Flat betting remains a bit of a grey area with many opinions as to what it actually means.

Some exaamples;

A), etc.
B), etc.
C), etc.
D), etc.
E), etc.
F), etc.

Which of the above would be considered flat betting?

In my opinion, they all are.

Not to put words in your mouth MBB.......

But are you saying...

''In the long run, any progression is simply a set of many different levels of flat bets'' (courtesy of Imspirit)

Off-topic / Re: I got it right in roulette!
October 22, 2013, 10:04:43 PM
Quote from: Turner on October 22, 2013, 10:01:32 PM
its like another world than UK.....Im shocked.

And that's just at the bingo!!


Off-topic / Re: A CAT
October 21, 2013, 12:05:34 PM

Yes, this place needs a bit of humour from time to time. Roulette is just a game!

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The Pareto Principle
October 17, 2013, 02:52:33 PM
I was trying to think of ways to take advantage of this 80/20 rule and I remembered what a guy wrote on a now defunct Baccarat forum. He used to look for guys who were losing steadily and would then bet against them.

You would think he would find a lot of opportunities. It might not have made him very popular however.

I always remember a book I read by Andy Beyer called 'The Winning Horseplayer' and he bet in the exotic pools just going for that one big shot and he collected something decent every year which more than made up for his losses.


Gambling Philosophy / The Pareto Principle
October 17, 2013, 01:47:25 PM

Thought I would mention this here as well.

Also known as the 80/20 rule.

I notice it a lot in sport as well. A football team may score two goals very close together or a rugby team puts 20 points on the opposition in the space of 15-20 minutes.

Can it apply to roulette?

There are times you could be playing two dozens using a progression and lose your shirt. Is the casino enjoying it's 80/20 moment?

Other times....you could be betting just 4-8 numbers and hitting every other spin!

Many professional horseplayers have said that their winnings tend to come in spells and at other times they could not back a winner to save their life.

So what would be the key elements to try and take advantage?



Does it then suggest that attempting to pinpoint these 80/20 spells and use some type of positive MM approach will be much more effective in the long run than using a negative progression during lean spells looking to recoup losses quickly?

It would also raise the question of why some people don't consider 'hit and run' tactics effective. Why would anyone not want to quit with a profit if the windows of opportunity are short?

It is certainly food for thought and I am just throwing out there to get some opinions.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 17, 2013, 09:22:38 AM
This progression is great! It's not like you have to use it every spin either. You might play two sides of a bet and can use it on the side that is hotting up throwing out consecutive wins hoping for it to continue.