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Messages - Bally6354

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 24, 2013, 11:29:15 AM
Here is a picture from yesterday (Spielbank Wiesbaden Table 4)

I have underlined the doubles. The 30 was a repeater making it the first double and then it hit again as the first triple on spin 20!


General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 24, 2013, 08:40:05 AM
Here is another one from yesterday...

01) 2
02) 25
03) 6
04) 25.......The first double within 4 spins which is ok (max of 5 would be my suggestion for that first double)
05) 8
06) 23
07) 2........The second double.
08) 15
09) 24
10) 24......The third double.
11) 10
12) 33
13) 10......The fourth double.
14) 6
15) 12
16) 7
17) 29
18) 7........The fifth double.
19) 11  (so now I am going to look for that 25 to appear as the first triple through spins 20-25. Remember to stop if another double hits as a triple first)
20) 20
21) 35
22) 21
23) 31
24) 25........The first triple and was also the first double. A win.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 24, 2013, 08:18:28 AM
Quote from: Bally6354 on September 22, 2013, 05:43:12 PM

Now what I have noticed a lot is that the very first double...the 29 in this instance...will be the number that hits for the first triple on either spins 23, 24 or 25. It seems to happen more when that first double hits twice within the first few spins of the cycle.

It's something to look out for and include in any hot number play that you currently use.

Hello Biagle,

You seem to have missed this part that I wrote above.

The 9 is the first double in your example and appears twice in the first 5 spins. (Twice in the first 5 would be the limit)

One way of doing it would be to wait for a repeater and then you are good to go.

So your example would be a loss because the 9 did not appear on spins 20-24 before the 5 hit for the first triple.

Here is another example from a session I played yesterday.

01) 27
02) 27.......so here we have a repeater and 27 is the first double.
03) 5
04) 10
05) 32
06) 11
07) 16
08) 19
09) 2
10) 1
11) 14
12) 30
13) 4
14) 18
15) 29
16) 28
17) 29.......The second double.
18) 5.........The third double.
19) 6  (so now I would start playing for the first double which was 27 from spin 20 through to 25. I would stop and count it as a loss should any other double (ie.. the 5 or 29 turn into a triple)
20) 3
21) 13
22) 27........The first triple and also the first double. So it's a win.

Sports Betting Forum / Re: My sports betting picks
September 23, 2013, 07:54:12 AM
Hard lines Albalaha,

It seems pretty rare for a team to score nil points in the final three quarters like the 49ers did last night.

Onwards and upwards. [smiley]aes/thumb.png[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 22, 2013, 10:20:07 PM
The win can sometimes come slightly earlier as in the example below.

A good rule of thumb may be to play for this particular type of triple hit no earlier than spin 20 and no later than spin 25.

01) 26
02) 25
03) 30
04) 30.....The first double. (within 4 spins)
05) 20
06) 33
07) 20.....The second double.
08) 4
09) 22
10) 2
11) 4......The third double.
12) 23
13) 10
14) 36
15) 24
16) 14
17) 9
18) 19
19) 2......The fourth double.
20) 18
21) 30.....The first triple. The 30 was also the first double and therefore a winner.
General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 22, 2013, 07:10:47 PM
Here is a game I just finished which pretty much played out to perfection regarding the above.

01) 23
02) 23........so this is perfect with the first two numbers as the first double.
03) 31
04) 20
05) 17
06) 16
07) 7
08) 9
09) 8
10) 14
11) 3
12) 28
13) 9..........The second double.
14) 20........The third double.
15) 30
16) 27
17) 7...........The fourth double.
18) 0
19) 1
20) 28.........The fifth double.
21) 35
22) 16
23) 26
24) 23..........The first triple. The 23 was also the first double and therefore a winner.

It's a nice trick to have in your bag.  :thumbsup:
Sports Betting Forum / Re: My sports betting picks
September 22, 2013, 06:18:11 PM
I have a feeling the 49ers result will keep us on the positive tram.

Sorry, couldn't resist it!!   :cheer:
General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 22, 2013, 05:43:12 PM
Here is a phenomena that I have noticed a lot with repeaters and relates to the title of this thread.

This one tends to happen a lot at the end of a 25 spin cycle. (spins 23, 24, 25)

01) 29
02) 12
03) 29
04) 15
05) 2
06) 36
07) 32
08) 8
09) 33
10) 11
11) 10
12) 9
13) 28
14) 36
15) 20
16) 13
17) 10
18) 6
19) 6
20) 35
21) 34
22) 5
23) 1
24) 29

The important thing is that no triples can appear before the winner. That would render the attack void!

There are however 4 doubles...The 29, 36, 10 and 6.

Now what I have noticed a lot is that the very first double...the 29 in this instance...will be the number that hits for the first triple on either spins 23, 24 or 25. It seems to happen more when that first double hits twice within the first few spins of the cycle.

It's something to look out for and include in any hot number play that you currently use.

General Discussion / Re: Too funny
September 20, 2013, 09:10:50 AM
Quote from: Mr J on September 20, 2013, 04:18:56 AM

RE is great for playing repeaters. I honestly feel there are more repeaters compared to an actual wheel.

Yeah..it's kind of strange!! I have noticed my local airball machine seems to have a liking for close repeaters. (It is one of the older style wheels enclosed in the glass dome) Hey, I am not complaining.  But I am definately finding RNG, random org and some airball machines (not all) throw up repeaters consistently enough to allow either testing sessions or real play to end mostly in profit.

Why?  Well the only logical answer I can think of is that they don't have any kind of dealer influence. Not that I am saying dealers can place the ball where they want. I don't buy into any of that stuff.

But it kind of begs the question what's really 100% random ?  and that brings me to my point I often raise about studying the wheel and looking for the current conditions. I liken my approach as a bit like a heat seeking missile. I am looking to latch on to something (anything) that I see is repeatedly happening. Look at a day's results and it all just looks like a big mess. But there will be events in those numbers which are happening on a consistent loop. We can latch on to them and ride that wave. It can go on for 100's of spins in one form or another.

Quote from: 6th-sense on September 19, 2013, 06:43:13 PM

also for everyone who has a kindle,i have made this book is free for the next 5 days ..

LoL..... I just bought a copy 5 minutes ago! I am staying away from the casino tonight!

But hey, no sweat, it was only a few quid anyhow.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 17, 2013, 04:55:17 PM

I have just finished reading Martin Blakey's book 'Roulette A Winning Strategy' and he devotes a few pages to hot numbers.

He mentions waiting for a number to appear 3 times in 11 spins (only counting doubles or triples as a single occurence) and then bet that number for a further 9 spins. I would rather look for that 3rd appearance after the first two hits within 11 spins.

The most important thing to do when playing just a few numbers IMO is to stop if whatever you are doing is not working. I am a great believer in the cyclic nature of roulette and there are going to be good times to enter a game and bad times. Learning to read the game well and catch the good times when you are getting a 35/1 payout can lead to some very rewarding sessions. But you still can't afford to sit there and fritter away chips when things are not running smoothly. Try and identify what it is that is causing you to lose and see if you can make the necessary adjustments to catch those wins.

Take the 3 in 11 example from above.

I was playing a game and the 17 kept hitting twice within 11 spins. So I played the number again up to the 11th spin looking for the triple hit and a win. What happened is the 17 kept hitting about 2/3 spins after the 11th spin.

This happened about 4/5 times over the space of about 80 spins. Something very similar also happened with the number 24.

Now you have 2 choices here. You can either play like a robot and curse your luck which I am still guilty of doing at times even after years of playing....OR....you can go with the flow and try and catch that 17 on the 12th, 13th and 14th spin.

When your luck (timing) is out, it is amazing how the wheel can throw up results which leave you scratching your head in amazement. I think it's human nature to fight it....but this is definately not the right option to take when playing roulette.

Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
September 16, 2013, 09:29:02 PM
Thanks for making up the sheet Turner  :thumbsup:

It's a great idea for anyone playing a method where you have to wait a while for triggers. This should certainly speed things up a bit!
Quote from: NathanDetroit on September 16, 2013, 10:44:32 AM
We  are UNDERCAPITALZED and therefore  decline  to  play under those circumstances.


50 units is not a lot for playing inside numbers.

Anyway, I decided to give it a go with my hot numbers approach flat betting.

Play 1-3 numbers in very short games.

I was wanting to see how long it would take me to double the 50 units....

298 spins later and I reached 127 from the starting 50.

Unfortunately it did dip 10 units before the 50 unit bankroll. [smiley]aes/sad.png[/smiley]

But it's not like 50 units is going to be our lifetime bankroll and you just never know where you are going to enter the game regarding the variance for your chosen method.

Having a sound strategy to begin with and plenty of patience is half the battle.

General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 15, 2013, 07:53:39 PM
Something like this zabbot

so here are 45 numbers.

16 is the hottest x4.

21 is next best x3.

The next number out is...


So now you would cross out the very first number at the top of the list which was the 13.

You are always left with 45 numbers.

next number out....


now cross out the 16 which was the second number at the top.

This now changes things because you have just crossed out a 16 and it was the hottest number.

So now the 21x3 and the 16x3 are the joint hottest numbers.

next number out....


now cross out the 16 which was the third number at the top.

This changes things again because you have crossed out another 16 which was the joint hottest number.

So now the 27x3 and the 21x3 are the joint hottest numbers and the 16 drops out.

It's easy once you get the hang of it.


General Discussion / Re: Playing leader of the pack
September 15, 2013, 05:36:34 PM
You need to be careful when playing these hot numbers (leaders)

Let's just say 27 and 36 have 6 hits each and are a few hits in front of all other numbers....

Number 13 has no hits BUT hits 6 times in the next 25 spins to go equal top.

One idea I had to get around this is to run your marking charts in cycles.

So you mark the first cycle of 37 spins. Then you would start a new chart at spin 38 as well as keeping the old chart going.

Kind of like this....

1st cycle... chart 1. 1-37.

2nd cycle... chart 1. 38-74.  chart 2. 1-37.

3rd cycle... chart 1. 75-111.  chart 2. 38-74. chart 3. 1-37.

This way...the 13 that got hot above would have probably shown up as the leader of the pack on your 3rd chart and you could have had something on it.

It's just an idea for consideration. Hot numbers or leaders can go cold as soon as you start playing them....but you can guarantee there is something hotting up somewhere.
