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Messages - Bally6354

Off-topic / ebay find!
June 19, 2013, 05:22:54 PM
Saw this on ebay today!




The odds are not so good.  ;D

3/1 for a six line will have you broke in no time.

A nice toy if you have the room for it. The weight of it is 285 kilos.

Development / Re: SO Tracker for Bally
June 12, 2013, 11:41:48 PM
What I propose to do is make some video tutorials.

I can use Betvoyager and Notepad for that.

Then I will play a few sessions at some of the live casinos. (smartlive + dublin)

I have that WM recorder that TCS uses for his videos. It is clear as a bell compared to all the other screen recorders out there.

The hardest part of system design is turning complexity into simplicity. This gives you breathing space to think about what you are doing. So I am going to show how I have wrapped everything into a playable and most importantly winning method.

It doesn't really work IMO explaining different ideas and then expecting someone to put the pieces together. You need to actually see everything in operation.

You will be able to go over the tutorials and videos at your own pace and will pick up what's going on.

Just as a note of caution reading the 'terms + conditions' at Joyland.


Casinos don't like low risk wagering on bonus money and WILL lock accounts if they see you playing this way. A lot of players used to do it with Blackjack playing basic strategy assuming that they had a good chance to keep most of the bonus money even after playing through the requirements.

It would be a shame to risk losing something that you have obviously worked hard for.

Development / Re: SO Tracker for Bally
June 12, 2013, 09:50:22 PM
 Hello Vic! Thank you very much for taking the time to create a tracker for my idea.

I have to be honest and say that the original version did not hold up as well as what I thought it would with some of the other concepts when used in tandem.

It had to be played about with a bit. The following is the modified version. It is not miles away from the original. The only real difference is that I try and just have one of either the Dozen or Column as the furthest back rather than a Dozen and a Column combined as the furthest back. There is one exception which you will see below. The improvement in performance is considerable.

3 = 1C

24 = 2C

32 = 3B  (The A is the furthest back. 'column A')

25 = 3A (So the furthest back A appeared. The new furthest back is the 1. 'dozen 1')

18 = 2C (The furthest back is still the 1. 'dozen 1')

24 = 2C (The furthest back is still the 1. 'dozen 1')

So how would all this look.

03 = 1C
24 = 2C
32 = 3B (A)
25 = 3A (1) (O)
18 = 2C (1) (S)
24 = 2C (1) (S)

Obviously the (O) and (S) stand for OPPOSITE and SAME.

Looking at the short example above, you can see that the furthest back A changed on the very next spin and the 1 became the furthest back. So the (O) stands for OPPOSITE.

The 1 stayed as the furthest back for the next two spins and therefore remained the same and that is represented by the (S)

There is one exception which you can see below if I continue with the numbers.

03 = 1C
24 = 2C
32 = 3B (A)
25 = 3A (1) (O)
18 = 2C (1) (S)
24 = 2C (1) (S)
35 = 3B (1) (S)
21 = 2C (1) (S)
03 = 1C (A) (O)
35 = 3B (A) (S)
28 = 3A (2) (O)
18 = 2C (1) (O)
28 = 3A (1) (S)
33 = 3C (1) (S)
08 = 1B (2) (O)
20 = 2B (A) (O)
25 = 3A (C) (O)
03 = 1C (2B) (O)  Here you see the furthest back is not either a single dozen or single column. It appears as 2B.
23 = 2B (3A) (O)  Once again, the furthest back can't be represented by a single dozen or single column. It appears as 3A.
07 = 1A (3) (O)  The A appeared this time leaving the 3 (dozen 3) as the furthest back. I still count it as a (O) because it changed from the 3A to the 3. This does not happen that often where you get both a dozen and column as the furthest back. You normally get either a dozen or column.

This is slightly different to the original version I proposed to Vic. This way is definitely an improvement when allied with a few other concepts. I did promise I would share the method if Vic had the time to produce a tracker. I will keep my word.

Thanks once again Vic for going to the time and trouble. It is appreciated.
Math & Statistics / Interesting roulette simulator
April 15, 2013, 08:00:56 PM
I was looking around the net today for roulette stuff that I had not seen before and found this thing.

It is a neat little simulator which tests systems.


Watching the little sliding arrow down the bottom gives you a rough idea as to what's happening when it is crunching through all the numbers.

AI will be the way forward.

Look at how 'deep blue' defeated Gary Kasparov. I think Kasparov won the first challenge and then got beaten in the rematch by an improved version.
General Discussion / Re: OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 11, 2013, 05:14:17 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on April 11, 2013, 03:59:34 PM
My mother had a stroke 10 years ago and made a very good recovery and has had no more. She exchanged 10 cups of coffee a day for as many green teas.

And I myself swear by it.

Thanks John.

I did use to drink a lot of Green tea with mint and also a lot of Evian water. All my mates used to take the mick saying it was like drinking paint stripper, lol.

I will take your advice and get back to my old healthy ways. Luckily the warm weather is supposedly just around the corner as well. My body likes to hibernate in the winter and I think that had a part to play.

The green tea is meant to have a lot of antioxidents which are supposedly good for us.

Mind you, god knows what goes into a lot of the food nowadays reading the papers.

No burgers or corned beef for a start. I love seafood and you would think that's healthy, however, I was reading something today about all the chemicals that is in the water where they catch a lot of this stuff. It's hard to find what's not going to poison you. I will need to study up on some of this stuff and get healthy again.

cheers  :thumbsup:
The new layout is cool. Nice and colourful.

I also like the fact that you don't always need to login to read a few posts.  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 11, 2013, 11:28:12 AM
Thank you guys.

It was nice to wake up and read these messages.

It just shows you. It certainly puts things into perspective and makes you think about what's important in life.

On the plus side... I do have a nice young community nurse who is going to visit me a few times just to make sure things are ok. I will need to buy a new pair of pyjamas.  :))

General Discussion / OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 10, 2013, 03:15:19 PM
thank you Vic for your kind words.

It could have been a lot worse and I am thankful for that. I really need to change a lot of things regarding my lifestyle. But that won't stop me enjoying roulette.

thank you.
It's a nice idea. We could have a monthly comp and an honours roll for a bit of fun.

The only problem I would envisage is having everyone available at the same time because of all the different time zones.

Where would the spins come from? The best option would be using live spins from one of the online casinos. However I could see that presenting a few problems as well because of the limited timeframe between spins.
p.s. nice thread by the way.  :thumbsup:

p.p.s Nice z-score Bing Bell  :applause:
it's possible to use the framework of the permanence and manoevere yourself into positions where you can consistently take advantage and come out ahead flat betting.

All this is possible well at the same time each number is coming out as probability suggests over a long period of time.

Roulette is a unique game in a sense compared to other gambling games because of how you can interpret what is happening. My edge is how I use the information at my disposal.

Whether he can do it or not is not really the point.

The point is that he is not required to show proof to you or anybody if he does not want to.

That goes for anybody and I was just using Spike as an example.

There are more than a few people on this forum who claim to be able to win. I don't really care if they can win or not. I wouldn't think bad of them for not showing me.

Calling people liars is a harsh word Sputnik (deluded maybe  :) )

I agree with Spike here. The casinos are the ones who pay you out for proving it and that's all that matters.

no offence intended!  :thumbsup:

p.s. I voted yes by the way.