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Messages - Bally6354

Bally's Blog / Re: Final thoughts/strategy on Roulette.
November 14, 2018, 01:43:18 PM
You can get some nice little runs playing like this as in the example below on the columns.

One slightly advanced way which doesn't affect the rules is to run a separate stream for the dozens and for the columns. It tends to balance things out a bit more if you wanted to run something like the 'holloway' rise and fall for example.

How do you do that?

Say for example number 23 goes to 36, so that's 2nd dozen to 3rd dozen. Then 2 > 3 = 1.

So 1 > 1 = 3.
1 > 2 = 1.
1 > 3 = 2.

2 > 1 = 2.
2 > 2 = 3.
2 > 3 = 1.

3 > 1 = 1.
3 > 2 = 2.
3 > 3 = 3.

For Columns.

A > A = C.
A > B = A.
A > C = B.

B > A = B.
B > B = C.
B > C = A.

C > A = A.
C > B = B.
C > C = C.

The only tricky bit here using the multiple streams is having to calculate the bet.

So for example using the Columns.

A = A
B = A
So if I was looking for A to appear again in the second stream, I would need to bet column C because B to C = A.

Pretty easy when you get the hang of it and I will do another sheet to show how this works later.

Bally's Blog / Re: Final thoughts/strategy on Roulette.
November 14, 2018, 09:28:45 AM
Here is an example sheet. I have recorded all the wins in green and losses in red and also included instructions on how it plays out. It's pretty straightforward really. You would only bet a further 2 spins down the line for a repeat when you see a 'same' or 'diff'.
Exceptions are when you get either a 'same' or 'diff' follow either a 'same' or 'diff' on the very next spin in which case you will delay the bet a further spin. You would also need to switch over sides if for example a 'diff' followed 'same' on the very next spin and bet 'diff' instead of 'same' in a further 2 spins. It's all recorded and explained clearly in the  sheet. As always, just ask if you don't understand anything.

Bally's Blog / Final thoughts/strategy on Roulette.
November 13, 2018, 12:03:21 AM
Over the next few days, I will post up my final roulette strategy. I don't promise the HG but it's an interesting and easy way to play when you get the hang of it and more than holds its own as anyone interested will find out.

It revolves around the dozens and columns where anyone playing it would be making a single bet of either a dozen or column for 1 spin attempt. So you either win 2 units or lose 1 unit if flat betting and then wait for the next attack.

The first thing to understand is how I define the cycles. It's exactly the same for either the dozens or columns.

Here is an excel sheet explaining it. Any questions, just ask!

The stats for the doublets get interesting when you run two different streams.

So taking the 4 combinations which could be anything really...…


I got the following after a few more short tests....

11 = 48/6 = 8 (weakest)
12 = 41/12 = 3.5
22 = 41/9 = 4.5
21 = 45/13 = 3.5

2nd test

11 = 30/6 = 5
12 = 39/13 = 3
22 = 21/3 = 7 (weakest)

21 = 39/13 = 3

Based on that info, my approach would be to play against the weakest when opportunities arose.

Thanks Nick for starting another interesting thread on ideas surrounding non-random concepts.

I did a quick 200 spin test using random.org to test the doublets just to see how the averages performed and they were pretty much in line with what the video suggested. It's always great to see things in a different light because it gets the creativity going.

Cheers Nick!

I am looking forward to reading/studying your part 2 of using math to beat Roulette/Baccarat. I know there are quite a few of us still looking into the 'non-random' concept and it will be interesting to read about any new developments.
Now just thinking about it, I seem to remember you can't get a mutual bet situation up to spin 6. You can only get them from spin 7 onwards. So using the 2 streams like above up to spin 6 maybe isn't such a bad way instead of playing just the one stream through to spin 9.

Just on the subject of the VdW for the E.C's.

It was probably mentioned before somewhere, but you can run two different streams using the same numbers.

So here, I am looking for the traditional arithmetic progression and also using a 'same/difference' stream as well.


Hello guys,

The pairs in any format are always interesting to re-visit in case anything catches the eye.

I always go back to either a missing pair of the following.....

Red/Red or Black/Black

Odd/Odd or Even/Even

Low/Low or High/High

In the following example, Red/Red has missed three times and is what I would term as the furthest back because the Red/Black, Black/Black and Black/Red are all more recent.



The numbers and colour as they appear are as follows......

27 R (L)
8 B (W)
2 B (W)
34 R (L)
31 B (W)
31 B (W)
18 R (L)
13 B (W)
26 B (W)
26 B (W)
17 B (W)
34 R (L)
6 B (W)
36 R (L)
21 R (L)
22 B (W)
24 B (W)
21 R (L)
22 B (W)
30 R (L)
9 R (L)
23 R (L)

The W/L registry is not too severe!

I often think about VdW in it's simple guise and these pairs. You can play for the arithmetic progression in 9 spins and get a few losses and then no bet because of the mutual situation. Any missing or 'furthest back' pair has to give you a win if you back the opposite pair as long as the furthest back pair continues to miss (excluding the 0/00).


Quote from: Gizmotron on March 09, 2018, 06:42:46 PM

On second thought please don't bother or to waste your time. I've looked at several threads regarding this around the internet. It's a baloney festival.

Fair enough! Now not to brag or anything and for sure it doesn't proof anything really, however, here is little old me on the 'roulette simulator' website in top spot.


Going by what you requested, it seems you just wanted to take the basic concept and proof to yourself that it didn't work. Good for you.
Mr J was bang on with what he said on Kav's forum the other day and that was that some people just REFUSE to learn. But you are in good company Giz. Keep doing it your way.
By all means, if somebody would like to power test this, that would be great. This 16 combination AP is one of the most basic non-random concepts that I know about. Now believe me or not, there are a lot more powerful ones that will never see the light of day on a public gambling forum. I always like to think when I type up anything on these boards which is rare nowadays that I am trying to help players to look at something different instead of a lot of the older ideas revolving around MM and such.

Quote from: Gizmotron on March 09, 2018, 03:42:48 PM
It sure worked because Roulette, Baccarat, Craps, and Blackjack have all been shut down by it. Or not.

That's quite a statement Giz. A young kid walked into the local supermarket store and stole a bar of candy. Mr Singh has now closed down all his 5 shops. A shame really 'eh.
And the last one for now to show a loser first followed by a winner on the next result.



Another one....



Cheers Sputnik and thanks James for providing the link.

For anybody really into AP / VDW / Ramsay Theory (call it what you will) here is a nice book that isn't too over the top.


Now here is another example:



Take into account that there are 16 AP combinations.

1) 123
2) 234
3) 345, 135
4) 456, 246
5) 567, 357, 147
6) 678, 468, 258
7) 789, 579, 369, 159

Now doing it this way and only playing the one side also means you don't have the 'mutual bet' situation where either Banker or Player could produce an AP on positions 7,8,9.

The picture on the left shows that the pair Banker/Banker was the missing pair, therefore I am looking for P. I look to create an AP from the previous results and notice the last two results were PP and therefore I will play for the 123 AP.
Now supposing the next result was B like in the hypothetical picture to the right, then using a countback, I will be looking for an AP to form in the shape of 147.

It's not too difficult to grasp once you play around with it a bit. One thing I will say is that you don't always get too many opportunities in a shoe.
