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Messages - Bally6354


Somebody posted his method on another forum. I will try and remember which forum it was.

I am pretty certain it was something like betting the last number that appeared and then adding the other numbers as they showed up (or something along those lines)

I know the guy you mean and he supposedly had some kind of video showing him win 10k playing the tables in Vegas.

One thing I do know for sure is the bloke was an internet marketer and had all kinds of different websites on the go. So this whole thing was maybe just some publicity stunt to promote his sites and get a name for himself.

General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 03:58:33 PM
Well looking further into my ideas here and I can honestly say...

Abandon ship  :pirate:

This just isn't going to work!

It's the same old problem and that is that things can go to sleep for a long time and you can dig a big hole for yourself very quickly.

The only real answer I know is to play on a spin by spin basis.

If you think about it, it actually makes no logical sense to play for a split or street to appear sometime in the next 5-10 spins or whatever. Something is either coming out on the next spin or not and your prediction for that particular spin is either right or wrong.
(I am not including bias wheels in that synopsis)

Playing it for the next 10 spins and losing is like attending the funeral when you never went to the wedding  :D

Well at least it passed on an afternoon and it reinforces the fact that there are a million and one ways to lose at this game and not very many ways to win.


p.s. I will count to ten next time before I post up any of my old ideas!  :whistle:
General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 01:29:50 PM
This can be the fanatics thread!  :))

I second Drazen's comments. It would be nice to learn more about bias play if you have the time Sputnik.

cheers  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 01:18:26 PM
The next pic shows how you would start a new cycle for the streets after the first 12 spins and also start a new cycle for the splits after the first 18 spins.

Playing a 37 spin cycle would give you three cycles for the streets and two cycles for the splits.

The numbers that came out in the pic below were as follows...

------ This ends the first cycle for streets.
------ This ends the first cycle for splits.
General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 12:31:24 PM
Now you may be wondering where I am coming up with all the markings.

So allow me to explain....

Here are the numbers again from the above example.


So the 33 went to the 24.

I am using CW pocket distances. So 33 to 24 = 35 pockets travelled.

24 35

So how do I work out the splits?

Well the split of 24 =12 and the split of 35 = 17.

24 35 (12 17)

How do I work out the streets?

The street of 24 = 8 and the street of 35 = 12.

24 35 (12 17) (8 12)

So here are the full markings....

24 35 (12 17) {8 12)
34 26 (16 14) (12 9)
1 14 (1 8} (1 5)
36 27 (18 15) (12 9)
32 25 (17 13) (11 9)
14 24 {8 12) (5 8}
35 9 (17 6) (12 3)
4 7 (1 4) (2 3)
33 18 (18 9) (11 6)

So I import the singles, splits and streets into the chart as I go along.

I would only use a 12 spin cycle for the streets, an 18 spin cycle for the splits and a 37 spin cycle for the single numbers.

General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 12:18:44 PM
OK guys, I put a chart up a few minutes ago and I made a mistake.

Here it is again corrected!

The numbers that came out were as follows....



General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 11:31:52 AM
Now you could put all three together to look for bets. (singles, splits and streets)

Maybe an idea would be to reset the whole thing after each win. Alternatively you could go up a unit on a loss.

It's snowing today and I am going nowhere, so I will have a play around with this and see what can be done with it.  :)
General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 11:17:45 AM
Quote from: Sputnik on February 12, 2013, 07:13:35 AM

Is like me saying that we should use the dealers release and nothing more.
Then spin length would be random, rotor would be random, deflector hits would be random.

If you are going to implement physics into the game, then rap your mind around it first.

Well there is nothing stopping anyone going the whole 9 yards if that's what they want to do! I find the bias wheel approach very interesting if we are talking about the physical aspect of the game.

OK, back to the voodoo side.....

I put the spins from above into three cycles of 12 spins using the streets.



General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 02:22:10 AM
Quote from: RouletteKEY on February 12, 2013, 01:54:22 AM

I think on the other board the discussion regarding CW vs CCW was in situations such as some airball machines that spin one direction twice and then reverese for two spins or alternate direction every spin.  Most of the live dealer wheels I play they just keep 'em spinning in all one direction all the time. 
I don't know if there is a discernable difference on most, some, or any wheels...but if you're tracking and testing...why not include all variables and be as thorough as possible?  If something is there that can be useful you have isolated it, analyzed it and can choose to use or not use it...or you can see that it makes no difference whatsoever and remove it from consideration and move on.
Just my thoughts on that aspect of the discussion.

Definately RouletteKEY!

Players should ALWAYS do their own research and not just take someone's word on something.  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 02:19:17 AM
Now let's convert the first 12 numbers and turn the idea into streets.

24=08 32=11
35=12 14=05
12=04 36=12
12=04 00=00
14=05 29=10
08=03 28=10
03=01 19=07
14=05 27=09
24=08 32=11
16=06 01=01
21=07 21=07
27=09 06=02

First pic is of the wheel layout streets.

Second pic is of the CW distance streets.



This is working on a 12 spin cycle bearing in mind it's streets.

So you can see that you nearly always get some kind of clump effect going on whichever way you dice and slice it.


General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 01:58:08 AM
Let's convert the first 18 numbers from above and turn the idea into splits.

24=12 32=17
35=17 14=08
12=06 36=18
12=06 00=00
14=08 29=14
08=05 28=13
03=03 19=10
14=08 27=15
24=12 32=17
16=07 01=01
21=12 21=12
27=15 06=03
12=06 22=10
11=05 18=09
16=07 07=04
25=13 23=11
21=12 35=17
33=18 17=08

First pic is of the wheel layout splits.

Second pic is of the CW distance splits.



This is working on an 18 spin cycle bearing in mind it's splits.

General Discussion / Re: Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 01:04:44 AM
Here is another pic of a 37 spin cycle using the wheel layout.


One way to attack this could be to wait for two joining numbers to have a total of 4 (with 2 hits on each number) This is double the expected rate. You would then bet looking for another hit on one of those two numbers for the remainder of the 37 spin cycle.

You could use both the wheel layout and CW distances to look for betting opportunities. Most numbers would not even qualify because of lack of hits and you would not be chasing numbers for ever by using the 37 spin cycle.

General Discussion / Wheel Movement Studies
February 12, 2013, 12:13:08 AM
There appears to be some interest on this topic at the moment on different forums.

It is something that I spent a lot of time studying.

So I will share some ideas and thoughts on the subject.

My personal opinion is that it makes no difference seperating spins between CW and CCW.

You can just as easily use one or the other full stop.

Here is one thing that always stood out for me...

I will write out 37 numbers and the CW distances for all 37 numbers.

(I just got these numbers from r-xtreme)

24 32
35 14
12 36
12 00
14 29
08 28
03 19
14 27
24 32
16 01
21 21
27 06
12 22
11 18
16 07
25 23
21 35
33 17
23 32
01 06
22 05
25 16
00 30
34 09
28 23
18 34
24 28
13 29
18 17
15 10
00 35
25 07
16 14
11 30
36 36
09 14
35 07

So the numbers on the left are the actual numbers that appeared and the numbers on the right are the CW distances.

Now look at the following two pictures where I have marked in the numbers that appeared with a 1.

The first pic is the CW distances and the second pic is the wheel layout.



There are a few things to notice here.

Both sets more or less always confirm to the 'rule of the third'.

The other thing is how you get clumps appearing.

The two examples I circled are both showing more than double the expected hits.

You will see this most of the time and it does not matter how you arrange the numbers.

More to come....


Quote from: Sputnik on February 11, 2013, 02:50:13 PM
Bally do you play real wheels with dealer or just air ball ?

Hello Sputnik

I prefer the automated wheels at a real B+M casino because the time is a constant 45 seconds between spins. It's just me vs the machine and I like that.


A lot of casinos in the UK have replaced the type of autowheel machine I prefer to play on with the newer type of airball machines. Now my personal opinion is that they certainly don't go out of their way to improve the players chances. Also I prefer to stick with what's working for me.

Quote from: Dino246 on February 11, 2013, 01:13:36 PM
Bally,your playing Airball....yes?


No, I am playing on the autowheel.

The wheel lifts up and the ball dissapears after each spin and then the ball gets fired out of the side of the machine on the next round.
