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Messages - Bally6354

Quote from: Ralph on January 31, 2013, 12:41:23 PM

The highest bet was 23300 units

Well fair play to you Ralph!

You can't win it if you don't put it down.

I have learned a lot from reading your posts.

cheers  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 30, 2013, 11:29:15 PM
The very nature of roulette would suggest nobody really needs to tamper with the variance.

The average 25/37 numbers ensures a dozen sleeps for 37 spins anyhow most of the time. So actually seeing dozen 2 sleep for 25 spins like I did last night should not really surprise me. It's just that they are neatly packaged in that middle section of the layout which catches my attention.
Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 30, 2013, 07:08:24 PM
OK, I have looked back at what I have written in this thread and I think it's pretty clear.

I can't really explain it much better than what I already have. I have added the chart and a detailed explanation step by step for 20 spins.

The basic premise is to wait until there is a sleeper street and you add the 12 street to leave 2 missing streets. I think that part is clear if you go through the example a few times.

Then you use the chart to work out the bets which I have also explained using the 20 spins.

If someone is genuinely interested and wants to attempt some spins, I will answer back and correct anything you get wrong. You can PM them to me because I am locking this thread.


Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 10:19:52 PM
Coming back to system9 has taught me a few things.

The coverage is between 7-8 streets = 21-24 numbers.

System 18 covers an average of about 14 numbers.

So I compared the average win per session between the games I have played the last few days using system9 and the sessions I played with system18 in my 'new year challenge' thread.

system9 averages mid twenties.

system18 averages mid forties.

You would think covering more numbers with system9 would be the safer bet!

However it strikes me that the extra coverage just results in more lost chips and that's why the average win per session is only half.

This is good to know and it serves as a solitary lesson for anyone thinking more numbers may be better when designing a strategy.
Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 09:51:39 PM
Quote from: soggett on January 29, 2013, 04:29:31 PM

I am interested in this too, just don't get it all :(
that's why I hope you code it ;D

When I get an afternoon this week, I will write up a few pages and go through it step by step.  :thumbsup:


session 1. +16.
session 2. +39.
session 3. +28.
session 4. +13.
session 5. +22.
session 6. +21.
session 7. +2. (A toughie!)
session 8. +40.

Total = +181 units.

General Discussion / Re: Not rare at all!
January 29, 2013, 08:14:49 PM
I was just playing at BV on the NZ wheel.

It went 25 spins without the 2nd dozen before I logged out.

Who knows how many it would have ended up going to!  :o

General Discussion / Re: @Ralph
January 29, 2013, 01:53:09 PM
Quote from: Ralph on January 29, 2013, 01:41:53 PM
I am not sure I understand  what you mean.

It is just that I notice that there are always a few back to back sessions with almost the same time frame and same win. It just seems too robotic for the random nature of roulette. It is more than likely just my brain recognizing the similarity. But I see it quite often on logs people put up and with my own results.

cheers  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / @Ralph
January 29, 2013, 01:13:00 PM
Hello Ralph

Here is something interesting.

Look at session 5 and session 6.


They both have more or less the same time frame and exact winning amount.

Now I have noticed this phenomenon a lot in your logs as well.

It seems to come in waves.

I don't know if it's just me, but you would not really expect that in a random game.

Is something more spooky going on which we don't know about?  ???

Maybe not of course and it could be just some kind of temporary 'bias' going on.

It's interesting all the same.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 01:06:24 PM

session 1. +16.
session 2. +39.
session 3. +28.
session 4. +13.
session 5. +22.
session 6. +21.

Total = +139 units.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 11:19:13 AM
Alternatively, if you get a run of 12's. Bet for them after they appear twice.
in that case we would reverse here:

L noBet noBet REVERSE

Yes, that's ok to do that.

I understand vague answers are no good to you if you are designing a tracker. So rules need to be made.

My experience tells me to reverse the bet after two losses playing for the missing two streets. Then I will normally go straight back to the original if I have a loss betting the reverse.

cheers.  :thumbsup:
Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 11:07:53 AM
Hello ophis

I checked through it again and I did make a few mistakes.

To answer your questions....

''i understand that after 2xL you are reversing bet and you go for 1 and 12.... but where from did you took 2? '' --ophis.

The last street out was the 5 and my missing two streets are the 1 and 12.

So I go to the 5 block on the chart because that was the last street out and look for anything that has a 1 or a 12 in it.

There are four streets that have a 1 or a 12 in it.

These are the 1, 5, 10, and 12.

So I would bet these four streets.

(my mistake was looking up and seeing the 1 and thinking that was the last street out. I would have then backed the 1, 2 and 12 if that was the case.)

It was still a winner. I just need to take a chip of the end result.

''same here... where from did you took 2 and 4?'' -- ophis.

The last street out was the 1 and my missing 2 streets are the 7 and 12.

So I go to the 1 block on the chart because that was the last street out and look for anything that has a 7 or 12 in it.

There are five streets that have a 7 or 12 in it.

These are the 1, 7, 8, 9 and 12.

So I would bet these 5 streets.

(I made the same mistake by looking up and seeing the 7 and thinking that was the block I was working from. I am not used to doing everything in this new word doc that I am using. I should have used my charts. Sorry)

''can street12 be part of DoubleLoss trigger to reverse bet?'' -- ophis.

Yes, if I am understanding you correctly. That's what I have shown above.
Alternatively, if you get a run of 12's. Bet for them after they appear twice.
It can only ever be a 1 or 2 chip bet.
It will be 1 chip if the 12 keeps repeating or 2 chips if you keep getting a repeat street other than the 12.

''would you agree to reverse bet back to original betting mode after 2Actual Losses?'' -- ophis.

After two losses playing for the missing two streets, I play for the reverse bet.

If the reverse bet does not come straight away. I jump back on the original bet.

'shoudnt you bet here 2 3 7 9 10 11?' -- ophis.

The 1 and 12 street are missing from the 5.

So I go to the 5 block and look for anything without a 1 or 12 in it.

So these would be 2,3,4,7,9,10,11.

All that scrolling back and forth and the numbers too close together is my excuse. Or maybe I need to go to specsavers.  :))

Well I think that answers all your questions ophis.




Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 29, 2013, 12:15:39 AM
I wouldn't have been able to sleep if I didn't reach 100 units.  :)

session 1. +16.
session 2. +39.
session 3. +28.
session 4. +13.
session 5. +22.

Total +118 units.


Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 10:22:43 PM
Hello ophis

Yes mate. I think that is OK for an adrenaline ride but not a sensible way to play if you are looking for consistency in winning sessions.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 09:46:28 PM
I have also played 4 games of system9 over the weekend just to get the feel for it again.

Just using 5 cent pieces at betvoyager.

session 1. +16.
session 2. +39.
session 3. +28.
session 4. +13.

Total +96 units.


So you can see it can be a bit slow at times. system9 was the next step up from my 'streets of gold' strategy. Now that was a grind.  :nod:

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 09:18:21 PM
Another quick example....

I downloaded 100 spins from random.org.

Here they are...

34 16 21 2 33 12 34 26 35 17 31 1 26 3 15 5 14 29 20 5 35 24 6 31 12 22 25 21 16 6 2 7 30 9 26 33 17 16 28 20 26 14 17 4 11 35 30 24 32 17 27 5 2 10 29 8 23 12 31 9 35 36 26 35 23 11 31 30 5 20 8 27 27 1 6 10 10 26 28 30 18 32 5 17 15 4 24 13 5 14 27 7 17 11 20 14 4 11 16 9 
Timestamp: 2013-01-28 21:03:38 UTC

I put them through the tracker/bot


Things were not going very well until a 13 spin win streak on the missing 1 + 12 street brought it into profit.