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Messages - Bally6354

General Discussion / Re: Roulette strategies!
January 28, 2013, 08:47:26 PM
My personal opinion for what it's worth is that you need to try and make your goals simple and achievable.

I know I will have a winning session if I get a few back to back wins.  Now the nature of variance tells us that somethings are going to appear more than others. So achieving a few back to back wins should not really be out of bounds.
General Discussion / Re: Roulette strategies!
January 28, 2013, 08:32:19 PM
So the question should be then....what do we know if anything about the future spins.

Are there any parameters that we might be able to work with just to be right a bit more often than we are wrong.

It's certainly worth thinking about!
Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 05:43:14 PM
Quote from: soggett on January 28, 2013, 04:18:04 PM

well, you can't have it all :D

are you going to share system36 with us? or if you already did and I missed it can you post a link?thanks

I will share it soggett!

Give it a year or two. The novelty will soon wear. I am an Aries!  :))

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 05:40:23 PM
* * * * * * * * * ** **
07=03 (*)
17=06 (*,*)
27=09 (*,*)
11=04 (*,*,**)
02=01 (*,*,*)
19=07 (*,*,**)
27=09 (*,*,*)
31=11 (*,*,**)
20=07 (*,*)
06=02 (*,*,*)
30=10 (*,*,**) *5* bet 1,2,4,7,8,9,11 = 7. +5.
23=08 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 = 7. -7. (-2)
00= * repeat same bet. 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 = 7. +5. (+3)
12=04 (*,*,*) *5* WON. bet 1,2,3,6,8,10,11 = 7. +5. (+8)
02=01 (*,*,*) *5* WON. bet 2,3,4,7,8,9,11 = 7. +5. (+13)
20=07 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 1,2,4,6,8,9,10,11 = 8. +4. (+17)
28=10 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 1,2,4,7,8,9,11 = 7. -7. (+10)
36=12 (*,*) *5* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 5 is still the missing street) The bet was actually a loss. no bet next. never bet from the 12 street.
I don't like betting from the 12 street because it often involves betting 9 or more streets.
I don't really see the point in that. The risk seems to outweigh the reward.
33=11 (*,**) *5* WON. bet 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10 = 8. +4. (+14)
27=09 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 3,4,6,7,8,10,11 = 7. +5. (+19)
22=08 (*,*,**) *5* WON. bet 3,4,6,7,9,10,11 = 7. -7. (+12)
15=05 (*,*,**) *1* LOST. bet 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11 = 8. -8. (+4)
15=05 (*) *1* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 1 is still the missing street)
This is a situation where I have just lost 2 in a row and I can either bet for the losing run to continue or wait for a paper win before I start betting again.
Betting for the losing run to continue means I would bet for the missing 1 street or the 12 street to appear on the next spin.
That is only a 3 chip bet and I would only bet streets 1,2,12.
01=01 (*,*,*) *7* LOST.
The missing 1 street did appear and that takes the losing run to three even though I would have won the last bet looking for the loss.
New total = +13.
So I would look for the losing run to continue and now I would bet for the missing 7 or 12 street to appear.
That is only a 4 chip bet and I would only bet streets 2,4,7,12.
36=12 (*,**) *7* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 7 is still the missing street)
One of either the missing 7 street or the 12 street did appear and that now takes the losing run to 4.
You can see what I mean by the losing runs clumping together as well sometimes.
New total = +21.
Now remember I don't bet from the 12 street and so there is no bet on the next spin.
22=08 (*) *7* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 7 is still the missing street)
Now I have had 4 losses in a row and there was no bet on the last spin because I don't bet from the 12.
However the last bet was a 'technical winner'
These are the grey areas. You could wait to see if things get back on track with another win.
Or you could dive back in looking for the 7 and 12 to stay missing.
OK, let's bet for the 7 and 12 to stay missing.
Bet 1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11 = 8.
21=07 (*,*,**) *3* LOST. New total +13.
So the losses are 5 from the last 6 even though we bet for a few of those losses.
This is one of those times when you might like to wait for at least the wins to approach 50% over the last few spins.
That's just to confirm that things may be getting back on track.
So I am not going to bet and just see what happens.
It may be the losses continue and I bet for more losses.
14=05 (*,*,**) *3* WON.
OK, so two wins from the last three for the missing street and the 12 street. Back looking for that.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue.
Bet 1,2,4,6,9,10,11 = 7.
03=01 (*,*,*) *3* WON. +5. New total +18.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue missing.
Bet 2,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 7.
03=01 (*) *3* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 3 is still the missing street) That was a loss. -7. New total +11.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue missing.
Bet 2,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 7.
22=08 (*,*,9) *3* WON. +5. New total +16.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue missing.
Bet 2,4,5,6,7,9,10 = 7.
17=06 (*,*,**) *3* WON. +5. New total +21.
Bet for the missing 3 street and the 12 to continue missing.
Bet 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11 = 8.
16=06 (6) *3* WON. (The 'WON' just indicates that the 3 is still the missing street) That was a loss. -8. New total +13.
Bet for the missing 3 street and 12 to continue missing.
Bet 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11 = 8.
30=10 (*,*,**) *3* WON. +4. New total +17.
Bet for the missing 3 street and 12 to continue missing.
Bet 2,4,6,7,8,9,11 = 7.
02=01 (*,*,*) *2* LOSS. -7. New total +10.
So I have 3 losses out of the last 5 and the wins are dropping below 50% again.
This is where you need to use your judgement.
You don't have to bet every spin.
The 3 was missing for a long while but it kept getting hit by the 12 (ie.. repeat streets in this instance)
So no bet on the next spin. I only like to bet for the losses to continue if there are a few losses on the bounce.
07=03 (2,*,*) *11* LOSS. So another loss but no harm to the balance.
Now the actual missing street has come up twice.
So I will look for the missing 11 to come up here.
Bet 2,11 = 2.
29=10 (1,*,**) *11* WON. So that was a loss for me. -2. New total +8.
So back to looking for the missing 11 and 12 to stay missing.
Bet 1,2,4,5,6,7,8 = 7.
13=05 (3,5,7) *11* WON. +5. New balance +13.
Bet for the missing 11 and 12 to stay missing.
Bet 1,2,3,6,7,8,10 = 7.
11=04 (4,10,11) *8* LOSS. That was a loss. -7. New total +6.
Well that is a pretty detailed and concise explanation of how I would play it.
It came out in front flat betting and it was not a pretty session.
system9 can be a grind, but hey, that's roulette.
Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 03:45:27 PM
Hello ophis

I will run through them and get back to you!

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 03:43:22 PM
The one criticism I do have about system9 is that using the streets as a betting vehicle does not allow me to be as creative as I would like and I also don't like covering so many numbers.

This idea is about 18 months old. I have since come up with system18 and system36.

I wanted to develop something which did not take as long to get started and which covered less than 50% of the board.

System 36 is the most dynamic because it bets on single numbers. I have got it down to roughly between 8-12 numbers and still get some amazing winning runs with some additional concepts that I threw in.

It goes to prove that this game is not unbeatable. I now find myself winning most sessions I play. The only downside is that it does take a lot of mental effort. So I just play short sessions looking to hit a few wins and then stop and have a break.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 03:12:48 PM
This pic shows a typical example of how the streets as I would use them can go out of action for a while.

The 7 went AWOL for 19 consecutive spins.

This is just variance at work.


Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 12:36:14 PM
One thing I need to add regarding leaving out the 12 street.

You never mark it when charting.

So for example......

Let's say street 11 travels to street 11 again.

The Master Chart has the following....

11-11 = 11,12.

You would just mark in the 11.



32=11 (11)

You will ALWAYS have 10 numbers in total in the bracketed numbers once you have your missing street.

Like this....


5=2 (*,*,**)

7=3 (*,*,*)

4=2 (*,**,**)

1=1 (*,**,**)

13=5 (*,*,*)

5=2 (*,*,*) *7*

16=6 (*,*,*) *7*

11=4 (*,*,**) *7*

30=10 (*,**,**) *7*

21=7 (6,*,*) *3*

33=11 (4,11) *3*

19=7 (*,8) *3*

13=5 (*,*,**) *3*

28=10 (5,9,10) *3*

2=1 (1,3,7) *2*

Count all the numbers in the brackets. There are 10. You have 2 missing. One is your missing street and the other one is the 12 street.

More info regarding the 12 street....

The only way the 12 can appear is if you get a repeat street or the actual 12 street itself (34,35,36) appears.

This would only be a two chip bet if you saw that it was coming out like wildfire in one shape or another and wanted to bet for it.

More info regarding the missing street....

Let's say street 5 (13,14,15) was your missing street and number 32 has just appeared.

Let's also assume the missing street has come in on the last two spins and it is clumping and you want to just continue betting for the missing street to keep appearing (which can obviously happen from time to time)

All you would do is just look for any 5 in the 11 block on the Master Chart.

Let's have a look!

11-4=3,4,5. *
11-5=5,6. *

I have put an * next to where the 5's are.

You can see that there are only two of them here.

So you can bet for the missing 12 or the missing street (or both combined) if you see either or both of them clumping together.


Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 11:38:15 AM
So you can see how waiting for just one missing street and then adding the 12 in as the second missing street can throw up some nice winning runs.

These runs will come. You could play after a bad batch of spins hoping for some kind of correction scenario if you liked. Just wait for the positive indicators that things are changing and then test the waters with a bet.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 11:29:25 AM
Here is the next pic....


So you can see there are four wins where the 3 and 12 went missing before the 3 finally appears.

Now the furthest back is the 2 where I have put the arrow!

This was a nice win streak first involving the missing 7 +12 and then the missing 3 + 12.

It had a W/L registry of WWW L WWWW L.

**To answer some of ophis's questions**

This way of tracking gives me an insight into what's happening. There are no hard and fast rules and that's why I said I never used the bot and only used the tracker. I like to work my way through things and get a feel for what's happening and go with the flow. That's what works best for me. I can only tell you the way I go about it. Every session is different and I adapt accordingly.

Let's say the missing street keeps appearing (excluding the 12) That is only a 2 or 3 chip bet and I play it if that's what is happening most of the time. It does not pay to keep betting on something that's not happening.

The numbers that have come out so far!


5=2 (*,*,**)

7=3 (*,*,*)

4=2 (*,**,**)

1=1 (*,**,**)

13=5 (*,*,*)

5=2 (*,*,*) *7*

16=6 (*,*,*) *7*

11=4 (*,*,**) *7*

30=10 (*,**,**) *7*

21=7 (6,*,*) *3*

33=11 (4,11) *3*

19=7 (*,8) *3*

13=5 (*,*,**) *3*

28=10 (5,9,10) *3*

2=1 (1,3,7) *2* (The new missing street is now the 2)

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 11:06:00 AM
Here is the next pic...


You can see that there are three wins with the missing 7 and 12 before the 7 finally appears.

Now the furthest back is the 3 where I have put an arrow.

The pics are a good illustration because only 1-3 X's can go into a row.
This leaves at least 9 empty boxes after every spin. So you can get an idea of how long one or two of these streets can go missing for.

Here are all the numbers so far.....


5=2 (*,*,**)

7=3 (*,*,*)

4=2 (*,**,**)

1=1 (1,**,**)

13=5 (*,5,*)

5=2 (2,*,*) *7*

16=6 (*,*,*) *7*

11=4 (4,8,**) *7*

30=10 (*,10,11) *7*

21=7 (6,7,9) *3* (The new missing street is now the 3)

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 10:47:09 AM
I will run through another game throughout the day with some pictures and explain what's going on.


The numbers that have come out so far!


5=2 (*,*,**)

7=3 (*,*,3)

4=2 (*,**,**)

1=1 (1,10,11)

13=5 (4,5,8)

5=2 (2,6,9) *7*

So you can see in the picture that the 7 and 12 column are empty.

These are my two missing streets.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 28, 2013, 12:44:59 AM
Just ran a quick 100 spins through the tracker and all the upward curves in the pic are when just the 2 streets are missing.

Winning runs of....




You do get times when a few early hits can boost up the profits. However there are other times when it just eats up a few chps every spin and you are down 20-30 units before you know where you are.

Winning runs like the ones above can always dig you out of a hole.

Street / Re: system9 revisited
January 27, 2013, 11:58:10 PM
Quote from: roulettefan on January 27, 2013, 11:42:03 PM
great job bally

have you done a lot of test

you consider this version safer and wining in the long run?


Hello roulettefan

I definately prefer playing it this way. It suits my conservative nature.

One thing about playing it this way is that you get some real streaky sessions.

My record for a missing street using this method is 15+

One of the best MM plans that works great with it is the 'pluscoup progression'

That's the one where you stay level on a loss and go up 1 on a win if you are not in profit for that series. It almost doubles the profits compared to flat betting.

One thing that I have noticed is that the missing streets do tend to appear in swarms.

It always pays to be watchful.

Ophis' MST / Re: [S9_BOT] System 9 by Flukey Luke
January 27, 2013, 11:15:55 PM
Here is the new thread titled 'system9revisited'  :thumbsup:
