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Messages - Bally6354

Dozen/Column / The 'Run of Three' System
December 15, 2012, 05:58:15 PM
Here is something interesting I found well doing some research over the last few days.

I will paste in one of my 100 spin cards and then explain the system.

13 2A
11 1B (3C)
13 2A (3C)
31 3A (C) O
3 1C (B) O
18 2C (B) S
9 1C (B) S
4 1A (B) S
26 3B (2) O
26 3B (2) S
23 2B (C) O
3 1C (A) O
23 2B (A) S
34 3A (1C) O
15 2C (1) O
35 3B (1) S
33 3C (1) S
15 2C (1) S
14 2B (1) S
15 2C (1) S
31 3A (1) S
34 3A (1) S
6 1C (B) O
34 3A (B) S
20 2B (1C) O
9 1C (3A) O
23 2B (3A) S
7 1A (3) O
17 2B (3) S
14 2B (3) S
4 1A (3) S
4 1A (3) S
29 3B (C) O
22 2A (C) S
10 1A (C) S
14 2B (C) S
34 3A (C) S
33 3C (1) O
6 1C (2B) O
5 1B (2) O (RUN OF 3) WON
9 1C (2) S
36 3C (2) S
25 3A (2) S
36 3C (2) S
35 3B (2) S
22 2A (1) O
6 1C (3B) O
34 3A (B) O (RUN OF 3) WON
21 2C (B) S
2 1B (3A) O
19 2A (3) O
15 2C (3) S
24 2C (3) S
14 2B (3) S
25 3A (1) O
31 3A (1) S
32 3B (1) S
33 3C (1) S
3 1C (2) O
18 2C (A) O
24 2C (A) S
21 2C (A) S
26 3B (A) S
6 1C (A) S
23 2B (A) S
6 1C (A) S
24 2C (A) S
28 3A (B) O
11 1B (2C) O
24 2C (3A) O (RUN OF 3) WON
8 1B (3A) S
27 3C (A) O
36 3C (A) S
30 3C (A) S
25 3A (2) O
14 2B (1) O
11 1B (C) O (RUN OF 3) WON
28 3A (C) S
21 2C (1B) O
33 3C (1B) S
35 3B (1) O
13 2A (1) S
6 1C (3B) O
25 3A (B) O
4 1A (B) S
35 3B (2) O
32 3B (2) S
26 3B (2) S
11 1B (2) S
7 1A (2) S
15 2C (3) O
8 1B (3) S
29 3B (A) O
20 2B (A) S
27 3C (A) S
6 1C (A) S
10 1A (2B) O
2 1B (2) O
9 1C (2) S
13 2A (3) O

The number is to the left.

Then I assign the dozen/column. Example 13 = 2A. (2nd dozen / column A)

The  ( ) contain the furthest back dozen and/or column.

So looking at the first few numbers from above....

13 2A
11 1B (3C).....BOTH 3 and C are the furthest back.....
13 2A (3C) .....BOTH 3 and C are still the furthest back......
31 3A (C) O......Now just the C is the furthest back........
3 1C (B) O......Now the B is the furthest back.......
18 2C (B) S......The B is still the furthest back......

You may be wondering what the O and S stand for?

If the furthest back stays the same, it is marked S.

If it changes, it is marked O.

The 'Run of Three' System is looking for three O's and then you bet for the S on the next result.

You can see that 4 bets appeared looking through my 100 spin card.

Here was the first one.
33 3C (1) O
6 1C (2B) O
5 1B (2) O (RUN OF 3)
9 1C (2) S

So you can see the three O's and now you would be looking for it to change to S.

This basically means that you want the 2nd dozen to remain missing in this case.
You would therefore bet dozen 1 and dozen 3.

Number 9 appeared (1C) which belongs to dozen 1 and is a winner.

All 4 bets were winners. Most of my cards are clear winners with this idea with very few losses at all.

General Discussion / Is variance really a killer?
December 14, 2012, 10:51:55 PM
It strikes me variance does not have to be the big bad wolf some people claim it to be!

Who are most likely to be the victims?

*progression players would be at the top of my list..... One bad run increasing your bets and it's likely to be 'goodnight Vienna'.

*Mechanical system players..... The player who sticks to playing his system despite the fact it's plainly not performing on the day.

*The underfunded gambler...... This is the guy who thinks he can turn 50 euros into 500 euros with just 100 chips  :-[  (we all make mistakes)

All the above can be corrected.

We don't need to bet every spin.

We can have several methods of play which are interchangeable.

We can be properly funded for our sessions and set workable targets.

So variance does not have to be the bogeyman. (That's the house edges job  :P )

Archive / Re: Sponsor a community software!
December 14, 2012, 01:09:14 PM
Hello Vic

I did have an idea which I would like put in a tracker and I don't think it would be that complicated (however you would know better than me)

Here was my idea.....

31,3A,(C),O.......the missing 3 appeared.
3,1C,(B),O...........the missing C appeared.
18,2C,(B),S...........the B remained missing.
9,1C,(B),S...........the B remained missing.
4,1A,(B),S...........the B remained missing.
26,3B,(2),O.........the missing B appeared. 
The tracker would record the dozens/columns and tell you which is the furthest back dozen or/and column.

The O and S stand for 'opposite' and 'same'. The missing dozen/column appearing means it has went opposite (o). The dozen/column remaining absent means it has stayed the same (s).

I would appreciate it if you had time to fit something like this in.

Split / Re: Play just one split
December 14, 2012, 11:15:01 AM
Nice going Ralph  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 14, 2012, 12:01:18 AM

Did you consider the shift manager was telling you a load of porkies about the 'algorhythms' and what he didn't tell you was that the piece of crapola was heavily biased. (It does happen and you could be talking about SD of +10) Now that wouldn't take long to rack up a few dollars.

Maybe the suit doesn't want to be putting fancy ideas into players heads about how you might actually find an edge. The 'algorhythm' story was a nice touch!

just saying......
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 13, 2012, 11:16:14 PM
Quote from: spike on December 13, 2012, 11:09:14 PM
You wouldn't know unless you had a system that won
more than it lost. Because you don't,

That's probably why I thought the 'alfastreet' used to cheat and is why 100's of players up and down the UK think the F.O.B.T's are fixed. 

Those were the days my friend.  ;)
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
December 13, 2012, 10:56:37 PM
I used to think the 'alfastreet' machines were rigged! But I am not so sure about that anymore. The wheel design was slightly different and it was probably just displaying unique characteristics specific to that particular type of wheel.

My gut tells me they are above board where I play at least and I am more than happy to play them.

The manager from my local Genting casino does play a bit of roulette himself at the Gala and I have seen him play the airball several times. So I am assuming that he would not play something like that if he had an inkling there was something dodgy about them.

General Discussion / Re: Pinball Roulette
December 13, 2012, 10:20:37 PM

All it needs is a few 'flippers' like the real pinball machines in case you get the wrong number appearing.  :))
General Discussion / Pinball Roulette
December 13, 2012, 10:07:58 PM

I saw this for the first time in my local casino today.

You place your bets and pull back the spring controlling your own game.

The best thing for me about this is that you can get all your bets down every time.

I will try and dig up some more info on it!

Online Casinos / Re: No Deposit Casino Bonuses???
December 12, 2012, 07:04:09 PM
Hello wannawin

The problem with these type of bonuses is that they normally set a restriction on the money you are allowed to withdraw should you win.


You win $250.

But they only let you withdraw $100.

not only that....

To get your winnings, you also then HAVE to deposit some money into your account.

I find these casinos that offer this type of bonus are normally some of the less reputable ones as well. They tend to be from places that have poor regulation and a bad history of ripping off customers.

My personal advice would be to stay away from any of these type of offers!
Well you can't really have it both ways I suppose.

I mean could you imagine a private room with JL, Nathan, Sam, gizmo, spike, marigny, bayes, FLAT, 'johno' and myself.... That would make for an interesting video  O0

We all have our own views on the game and some of us are pretty entrenched in those views.

I reckon you just let it all hit the wall and see what you can make of it all. Some of us have invested a lot of time and I can see why it can get what appears to be personal at times. I respect all the guys I mentioned in the above list because they all have a passion for the game. You can't knock that. It would be a shame to lose anybody because of a bit of squabbling now and then.
General Discussion / Crazy idea / pattern analysis
December 12, 2012, 01:47:03 PM
I was reading on one of the baccarat forums how a player was having success betting against the majority of players at a table. (a sure way to make new friends  :fight: )

So it got me thinking.....

What if you created 5 random streams before you went into the casino.

I will use RED/BLACK for this example.

R -1 R -1 R -1 R -1 B +1
R -2 B +0 B +0 R -2 R +0
B -1 R -1 R -1 R -3 R -1
R +0 R +0 B -2 R -2 R +0
B -1 B -1 R -1 R -1 B -1
B -2 R +0 B -2 R +0 R +0
B -3 R +1 B -3 R +1 R +1
B -2 B +2 R -4 B +2 R +0
R -1 R B R R
B +0 R B R R
B -1 R B B B
B -2 R B R B
R -3 B R B B
R -4 B B R R
R -3 R B B B
B -4 R R B R
B -3 R B R R
B -4 R B R R
B -3 R B R R
B -2 R R R R
B B B R R R R B R B R R B B R R B R B B. (Here are the 20 results)

The analysis stuff.....

Player 1 never gets ahead.

Player 3 starts a losing streak.

Player 4 is on a win streak of 5.

Player 5 goes back and forwards between +0 and -1 or +0 and +1. (The trick here would be to wait for it to go to +1 or -1 and then bet for it to go back to +0.)

Looking at the next bet......

Player 2 who is on a win streak of 3 would be betting RED next.

Player 3 who is on a losing streak of 3 would be betting BLACK next.

Player 4 who is on a winning streak of 5 would be betting RED next.

So my intuition tells me to bet RED.  :nod:

It's RED.  :applause:

(I am enclosing a neater version of the chart as a screenshot)

I am just wondering if anybody has ever thought of using something like this just to try and gain some sort of insight into what to bet next. It may be a load of hocus pocus but you never know.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Bally's blog
December 10, 2012, 12:47:11 PM
Here is something to ponder.....

Do you go to a casino to 'play' or to win?

Something that I have started to try and do recently is to ask myself 'is there any reason why I should not place this bet'

If it's a YES.....no bet. If it's a NO.....bet.

This seems to have made a difference. Try it and you may be surprised! It does take some getting used to. One positive to this approach is that it instills discipline. I also think it may be good psychologically because there is nothing worse than losing a few bets that you were hesitant to make. Playing this way could help out in some of those tough sessions and keep you in the game.

Gambling Philosophy / Bally's blog
December 10, 2012, 11:57:50 AM
Here will be a place to share some of my thoughts and ideas!  :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 08, 2012, 11:10:24 PM
The only word of caution I would give having come up with similar strategies in the past is to have a stop loss for any game. I was thinking around 50 units for this particular one. That still gives you a hell of a lot of scope to catch a win. What you don't want is the occasional game where it just keeps throwing up repeat numbers. That can get expensive and ruins all the quick wins you will get for sure with an idea like this.
