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Messages - Bally6354

General Discussion / Re: BRAINSTORMING THREAD
July 11, 2017, 07:36:50 PM
Nikola Tesla said ''If only you knew the magnificence of the 3,6,9, then you would have the key to the universe''

How about the roulette wheel ??? (You don't have to take them as literally meaning numbers 3 red, 6 black or 9 red)


A lot of the regular guys are still around the different forums contributing. (just not as much as they used to)

There comes a time when someone probably gets fed up repeating the same things or giving out the same advice. I find I learn the most when I am contributing. It helps me to focus the mind and think better instead of just passively reading along. The last few years has actually thrown up some interesting new ideas instead of the usual old tired stuff. VDW is fascinating! The Magician's work is very interesting as well (frequencies etc...) Then you have the advantage play on the side bets for Baccarat. There is enough info out there to turn anybody into a savvy player and not just some ploppy who goes and dumps all his/her cash on the table and goes home broke more often than not. It just takes a bit of work sorting out the wheat from the chaff.



Just went through these 3 shoes with my own version of VDW.

Shoe 1: +4 flat bet. (+6 with divisor, highest bet of 2)

Shoe 2: +7 flat bet. (+10 with divisor, highest bet of 2)

Shoe 3: +8 flat bet. (+11 with divisor, highest bet of 2)

AsymBacGuy / Re: Roulette
June 01, 2017, 12:24:02 PM
Last year, I was playing on the pinball roulette machines at my local B+M casino made by Admiral.
The wheel would speed up for some spins and be slow on others just to try and make things as random as possible. Croupiers get tired/lose concentration and probably forget from time to time to mix things up. The auto-wheels just keep on going doing what they are supposed to do. I saw one of these for sale on eBay the other day for the first time going for a couple of thousand.

Quote from: Nickmsi on May 14, 2017, 07:49:24 PM

VDW can be played in many different ways.

Think about playing the LAST 9 spins instead.


That's the great thing about it. Be creative and AP/VDW can be virtually anything you want it to be.


Baelog, with the standard version of AP, you can only have wins on the following spins with these spin combinations.

Spin 3) 123
Spin 4) 234
Spin 5) 345, 135
Spin 6) 456, 246
Spin 7) 567, 357, 147
Spin 8} 678, 468, 258
Spin 9) 789, 579, 369, 159

It looks impressive until you realize that he always spins the ball from around number 6. He had to pause a couple of times when he would have had to spin past the number 6 when the rotor went a bit too quick for him. We also have no idea what kind of tilt (if any) was on that particular wheel. It all looks like a bit of a neat carnival trick setup under perfect conditions for the required result IMO.
Bally's Blog / Re: VDW meets GUT!
May 03, 2017, 12:59:07 PM
These 2 games are from the first 40 or so spins from Wiesbaden Table 5 (02/05/2017)



It's only 5 games tested, however it's interesting that 4/5 wins have came out in the same spin range 17/18/19.

Bally's Blog / Re: VDW meets GUT!
May 03, 2017, 09:29:18 AM


I am just picking random tables from Wiesbaden for these initial test games. I think there is promise here and plenty of food for thought.

Bally's Blog / Re: VDW meets GUT!
May 02, 2017, 11:57:05 PM

A nice easy one here!
Bally's Blog / VDW meets GUT!
May 02, 2017, 10:48:53 PM
Time for some action in the old blog!  :)


As the unhit numbers are appearing in the beginning, you are going to get a lot of W (W denotes an unhit number)

Then gradually as the repeats start to hit, you are going to get the L hitting (L denotes a repeat)

For my purposes, I am looking for a ( L) VDWAP. So I ignore the W wins.

The first two bets lost at x1unit, but the third bet won at x2 unit for a 19 unit win in the game.






If your bet selection is getting hammered by a 2/1 ratio.....It sucks!  >:(

Money Management / Oscar's Grind Test....+50/-20.
March 17, 2017, 12:28:58 PM
I am running some tests on Oscar's Grind.

It's a pretty simple MM scheme which I believe is around 50 years old. All you do is start off at 1 unit. If you lose, you continue at 1 unit. On a win, you raise the bet by 1 unit and continue raising 1 unit on a win until you reach a 1 unit profit. You reset to a new game once you reached a 1 unit profit for that particular game. For an example, if you get to the stage where your bet is 4 units and you win and you then only need 2 units to go into a 1 unit profit, reduce the next bet from 5 to 2. Simple really.

Anyway, I don't want to test it for a million spins to see it fail. Instead, I want to see how often it can reach +50 without going to -20 just using a random bet selection. (black in this case)

Test 1.


Hello Nick!

Yes, that's perfect. Thanks very much for your help.