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Messages - Bally6354

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 10:13:27 PM
The day before yesterday on table 4 at spielbank wiesbaden


I don't use it as a stand alone method. It is certainly a handy thing to have at your disposal. Having a handful of half decent trigger bets requiring not much outlay gives you the opportunity to increase your bets when things are going well and causes minimal damage in a lean spell.


Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 09:34:20 PM
Yesterday on table 4 at spielbank wiesbaden

Total +46.

General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 08:29:14 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on November 21, 2012, 08:20:19 PM
So here are a few of the stages.

1. Winning a bunch of money will change my life for the better.
2. The Martingale Progression. (I'm going to be rich)
3. I will find a progression that does work
4. Very abstract rules will make progressions work
4.5 Magical thinking will make mechanical systems work.
5. Mechanical Systems don't work. ( I'm not going to be rich )
6. The discovery of conditions might help in bet selection.
7. Bet selection alone will not work.
8. Win streak conditions are opportunities. (Effectiveness) I can be rich if I want to.

Good list.  :thumbsup:

What's funny (or not) is that there are probably half a dozen of us who took 100 years between us to come to the firm conclusion that step 8 is the way to go.

I just hope there are no more steps!  :stress:
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 08:10:36 PM
The most important bit of advice I would give anyone (and it applies to gambling) is to think for yourself or someone else will think for you and that always comes at a price.
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 08:03:43 PM
''Finish the job'' - Gizmo.

The problem is most people have not even started even after spending years at it.

Shane Warne was probably the best bowler the world has ever seen in international cricket. He was getting interviewed once and they asked him why guys who had played in loads of games like him were nowhere near as good as him.

He said that a lot of guys who had played 50-60 games were in fact still playing in their very first game of cricket.

Now I can relate that to gambling. There are guys out there who are likely coming up with the same stuff and making the same mistakes that they made on day 1.
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
A lot of the so-called experts on the subject have chopped and changed their ideas around for years.

Here are some authors to look up if you are interested.

Nathaniel Branden.
David D. Burns.
Albert Ellis.
Daniel Gilbert.
Fritz Perls.
Barry Schwartz.
Martin Seligman.
William Styron.
Robert E. Thayer.

The most interesting book I read out of that lot was Fritz Perls 'Gestalt Therapy'.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 06:57:14 PM
Here are some numbers from a session I played today.

I will put the markings from the chart next to them. I won't cross anything out which obviously I would if playing.

34) 12
21) 7  7/10.
35) 12  2/5/12.
22) 8  8.
17) 6  1/6/10.
14) 5  5/10/11.
09) 3  3/8/10.
08} 3  3/12. **I would not bet here because it is not 3 6 9 even though two street 3's appeared**
25) 9  3/6/9. **Now I have the 3 6 9 and would bet streets 3 and 6.**
26) 9  9/12.  **oh well. It sometimes comes like this. stop betting**
10) 4  4/7/11.
09) 3  3/10/11.
08} 3  3/12.  **It's playing funny buggers at the moment**
06) 2  2/10/11.
30) 10  3/8/10.
07) 3  3/5/11.
19) 7  4/7.
02) 1  1/6.
24) 8  7/8/9.
15) 5  5/9/11.
04) 2 2/6/9.
12) 4  2/4.
24) 8  3/4/8.
02) 1  1/3/5.
27) 9  7/8/9.
22) 8  2/8/11.
34) 12  4/12.
18} 6  6/9.
17) 6  6/12.
02) 1  1/2/7.
32) 11  3/10/11.
18} 6  6/7.
26) 9  3/9. **It's trying**
18} 6  3/6/9.  **play the 3 and 9 street here**
18} 6  6/12.  **no luck whatsoever. stop betting**
17) 6  6/12.   :'(
16) 6  6/12.
31) 11  5/11.

Talk about hitting everywhere except the bullseye. Only lost 4 units.
It does show what I am getting at however.

General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 06:17:28 PM
I must admit I find it a very fascinating subject.

It must be very empowering for someone who had a gambling problem to turn their life around and still be able to gamble after treatment in a controlled manner rather than think that anything and everything related to gambling was taboo. This would kind of suggests that it is all a state of mind.

I know the UK government spent a fortune several years ago training up a lot of people to work as councilors using CBT techniques. I have not read any reports yet on how successful they think this has worked out.
General Discussion / Re: Magical Thinking
November 21, 2012, 05:52:45 PM

I can understand why a therapist would come out and tell a pathological gambler that they can never gamble again if they want to live a life in recovery. They have to cater for the majority. What percentage of problem gamblers do you honestly think could turn things around and become successful gamblers ? (speaking of which, I have a book on this very subject where the author did try to turn a group of problem gamblers into successful players at the track... see what I did there)

I reckon the percentage is small because the actual gambling itself is only 5% of the problem for someone addicted. It is all the other sh*t that needs working on which can take years to fix which creates 95% of the problem. It's hard for people to break negative cycles in their life and problem gambling is just another one of them.
Quote from: Ophis on November 21, 2012, 04:32:00 PM
maybe instead of full moderation control give topic starters new option like:
"Mark as Offtopic" or something similar.

Then selected post would be automatically edited to fit into some sort of folding function
like [reveal][/reveal] from rouletteforum[dot]com.

This way topic starters could "CLEAN" their topics while maintaining full transparency off the forum.

That's a good idea if it can be implemented and is then fair to everyone. I would vote for that option.
Of course another option in some cases is to start a thread and then lock it. That leaves whatever pertinent information is in there not to get lost between loads of 'thank you' and 'where are the instructions'. A separate thread could be started for all that. There is nothing worse than reading through a 15 page thread and you still don't understand what's going on.
I can see both sides to this argument.

We have had some good contributors down the years like Winkel and Mr Chips who might still be around contributing if some of the 'usual suspects' did not start giving them a bit of grief. Then I also appreciate everyone is entitled to their opinion and disagreeing with someone is not a crime. I think we can all spot when someone is just plain trolling and just out to get a negative reaction.

I like the idea of 'troll free' posts  :forbidden:

Yet, at the same time, not discouraging free speech just for the sake of it. There is a fine line I suppose and let's hope it is used wisely.
That was a great post Bayes.  :thumbsup:
Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 11:16:54 AM
I am wide awake now.  :cheer:

Here is the chart that I used for system9.

1-1 = (1,12)
1-2 = (1,2)
1-3 = (2,3,4)
1-4 = (3,4,6)
1-5 = (4,5,8)
1-6 = (5,6,10)
1-7 = (6,7,11)
1-8 = (7,8,9)
1-9 = (7,8,9)
1-10 = (5,9,10)
1-11 = (3,10,11)
1-12 = (1,11,12)

2-1 = (1,10,11)
2-2 = (2,12)
2-3 = (1,2,3)
2-4 = (2,4)
2-5 = (3,5,6)
2-6 = (4,6,8)
2-7 = (5,7,9)
2-8 = (6,7,8)
2-9 = (5,7,9)
2-10 = (3,8,10)
2-11 = (1,9,11)
2-12 = (10,11,12)

3-1 = (1,8,10)
3-2 = (2,10,11)
3-3 = (3,12)
3-4 = (1,2,4)
3-5 = (2,4,5)
3-6 = (3,6)
3-7 = (4,7)
3-8 = (5,8)
3-9 = (3,6,9)
3-10 = (1,7,10)
3-11 = (8,11)
3-12 = (9,12)

4-1 = (1,6,9)
4-2 = (2,8,10)
4-3 = (3,10,11)
4-4 = (4,12)
4-5 = (1,2,5)
4-6 = (2,4,6)
4-7 = (3,5,7)
4-8 = (3,4,8)
4-9 = (1,5,9)
4-10 = (6,10,11)
4-11 = (7,9,11)
4-12 = (7,8,12)

5-1 = (1,4,8)
5-2 = (2,6,9)
5-3 = (3,8,10)
5-4 = (4,10,11)
5-5 = (5,12)
5-6 = (1,2,6)
5-7 = (2,3,7)
5-8 = (1,3,8)
5-9 = (4,9,11)
5-10 = (5,9,10)
5-11 = (6,7,11)
5-12 = (5,7,12)

6-1 = (1,2,7)
6-2 = (2,4,8)
6-3 = (3,6,9)
6-4 = (4,8,10)
6-5 = (5,10,11)
6-6 = (6,12)
6-7 = (1,7)
6-8 = (2,8,11)
6-9 = (3,9)
6-10 = (4,7,10)
6-11 = (5,11)
6-12 = (3,6,12)

7-1 = (1,6)
7-2 = (2,3,7)
7-3 = (3,5,8)
7-4 = (4,7,9)
7-5 = (5,9,10)
7-6 = (6,11)
7-7 = (7,12)
7-8 = (1,8,10)
7-9 = (2,8,9)
7-10 = (3,6,10)
7-11 = (4,11)
7-12 = (2,5,12)

8-1 = (1,3,5)
8-2 = (2,5,6)
8-3 = (3,7)
8-4 = (4,8,9)
8-5 = (5,9,11)
8-6 = (1,6,10)
8-7 = (2,7,11)
8-8 = (8,12)
8-9 = (1,9,10)
8-10 = (2,8,10)
8-11 = (3,6,11)
8-12 = (4,12)

9-1 = (1,4,5)
9-2 = (2,5,7)
9-3 = (3,6,9)
9-4 = (4,7,11)
9-5 = (1,5,8)
9-6 = (3,6,9)
9-7 = (4,7,10)
9-8 = (2,8,11)
9-9 = (9,12)
9-10 = (1,10)
9-11 = (2,8,11)
9-12 = (3,6,12)

10-1 = (1,3,7)
10-2 = (2,4,9)
10-3 = (3,5,11)
10-4 = (1,4,6)
10-5 = (3,5,7)
10-6 = (5,6,8)
10-7 = (6,7,9)
10-8 = (4,8,10)
10-9 = (2,9,11)
10-10 = (10,12)
10-11 = (1,10,11)
10-12 = (2,8,12)

11-1 = (1,2,9)
11-2 = (2,3,11)
11-3 = (1,3,4)
11-4 = (3,4,5)
11-5 = (5,6)
11-6 = (6,7)
11-7 = (7,8)
11-8 = (6,8,9)
11-9 = (4,9,10)
11-10 = (2,10,11)
11-11 = (11,12)
11-12 = (1,10,12)

12-1 = (1,11)
12-2 = (1,2)
12-3 = (3)
12-4 = (4,5)
12-5 = (5,7)
12-6 = (6,9)
12-7 = (7,10)
12-8 = (8}
12-9 = (6,9)
12-10 = (4,10)
12-11 = (2,11)
12-12 =  (12)

Everything gets worked from this chart if you are playing system9.

I will start a separate thread revisiting system9 and also add 'system18' and 'system36'.

This thread is just concentrating on what I call the '3 6 9 phenomenon'.

I played a game yesterday and it happened pretty quickly. So I will just replicate the game and show you what I mean.

Now in system9, I always wrote 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 at the top of a piece of paper.

(for anyone that does not know, it is a streets based system)

The first number out was 20. This is obviously the 7 street.

20) 7.

The next number out was 18 which is street 6.

20) 7.
18) 6.

Now here is where I need to use the chart for the first time because the streets have changed from a 7 to a 6.

All I do is go to the chart where it shows 7-6. I see written next to that 6-11.

So I put in the 6-11 on my piece of paper like so...

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11.

Now I also cross out the 6 and 11 from the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 that I wrote out at the top of the piece of paper.

So my piece of paper now looks like this....

1 2 3 4 5 x 7 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11. (10) **I also put a (10) in brackets here just to signal that there are now 10 streets left. Remember I have wiped two of them out.

ok.. next number is 1.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. 6-11. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-7. (7)

You can see that there are now only seven streets still to come out in the 1-12 row at the top.

Next number is 20.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. 6-7-11. (7)*

So you can see the 6 7 and 11 have already appeared and so I can't cross out any more numbers from the 1-12 at the top. I have crossed out the 6 7 and 11 with some x's in the markings. The * next to the second (7) just represents a repeat of the 7.

*I have not got to the 3 6 9 bit yet. I am getting there.  :nod:

The next number out is 18.

My piece of paper now looks like this..

x x 3 4 5 x x 8 9 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. 6-11. (7)*

The next number out is the 7.

My piece of paper now looks like this.....

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. 3-6-9. (5) -here is where the 3-6-9 made it's appearance-

The last two streets to appear are the 6 and 3 and I also have the 3-6-9 marked down.
This is an indication that I am store for the '3 6 9 phenomenon'. What tends to happen here often is that you now get a cluster of either the 3 6 or 9 street appearing. What also tends to happen most of the time is that they alternate.

So if the 3 street appears... bet for the 6 and 9 street next.
If the 6 street appears... bet for the 3 and 9 street next.
If the 9 street appears... bet for the 3 and 6 street next.

The next number out was 26.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. 3-6-9. (5)*

So I am up and running and this can go on for a good few spins. The great thing about it is that it is only a 2 chip bet. You can afford to increase the wager a bit if it keeps hitting and get a nice payday.

The next number out was 17.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. x-x-x. (5)*
17) 6. 3-6-9. (5)*

The next number out was 26.

My piece of paper now looks like this...

x x x 4 5 x x 8 x 10 x 12.

20) 7.
18) 6. x-x. (10)
01) 1. 1-2-x. (7)
20) 7. x-7-x. (7)*
18) 6. x-11. (7)*
07) 3. x-x-x. (5)
26) 9. x-x-x. (5)*
17) 6. x-6-x. (5)*
26) 9. 3-9. (5)*  That was the end of the 3 6 9 for now.

This phenomenon started to stand out because of how the 3 6 9 kept repeating when I was marking my card and some of the runs I get with it are freaky like I said.

Then I read a few things Nikola Tesla said.

So I think there is more to this 3 6 9 than just pure luck.

It does run right through the game which I will show you all when I present some new ideas.

Anyway, as I always say, don't take my word for it. Test it and you can see for yourself.


Gambling Philosophy / The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 12:30:36 AM
 "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." -Nikola Tesla

I discovered something about the numbers 3 6 9 when I was working on system9 earlier this year. I will share it on this thread.

What I will say is that it is the most 'freaky' thing that I have ever witnessed when playing this game.

It will take a bit of explaining and I will start in the morning when I have a clear head. (It is about 1.00am here now)