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Messages - Bally6354

ok albalaha, I will try something. It will be an interesting experiment.
Give me a few days and I will come back with the results and tell you how I played it.

Quote from: gizmotron on November 15, 2012, 05:02:53 PM
In Pattern Breaker the point is to avoid back to back loses.

Would it be an idea only to bet after you saw a win for PB.

I think that would make it extremely hard to get caught out.
Dozen/Column / Re: dozens/columns with a twist
November 15, 2012, 10:37:00 AM
This is s good example from this morning. It shows a few different things that I will explain.
28) 3
03) 1 = 7
18) 2      = 2
04) 1 = 4
12) 1      = 1
28) 3 = 3
19) 2      = 8
11) 1 = 4
22) 2      = 2
14) 2 = 5
08) 1      = 4
14) 2 = 2
29) 3      = 6
14) 2 = 8
05) 1      = 4
Those were the dozens.
And now for the columns.
28) A
03) C = 3
18) C      = 9
04) A = 7
12) C      = 3
28) A = 7
19) A      = 1
11) B = 2
22) A      = 4
14) B = 2
08) B      = 5
14) B = 5
29) B      = 5
14) B = 5
05) B      = 5
The 2,4,7,8 was performing well in the dozens.
The first stream went 7, 4, 3, 4, 5, 2, 8 giving five out of seven.
The second stream went 2, 1, 8, 2, 4, 6, 4 also giving five out of seven.
The columns produced nothing of note. But this is what often happens.
You will get one or two good streams most of the time.
You can see C column never appeared again after the number 12.
So here is where you could play 4 splits (8 numbers) instead of the actual dozens themselves.
Another thing I want to show is what happened when the number 11 appeared.
You can see that you would have had a hit with group 4 in the first stream of the dozens.
You would have also had a hit with group 2 in the first stream of the columns.
This is a situation which can also happen frequently and allows you just to bet 4 numbers.
You would be backing for the first dozen to appear and also the second column to appear.
All you need to do is bet the intersection which would be 2,5,8,11. The hit came on 11.
I have had runs of 4/5 hits on the bounce with this and it can work really well at times.
I said at the very top of the thread that you need to wing it a bit with this.
What I mean is you just need to patient and wait for one of these 4 streams to start delivering.
I have seen a stream deliver 13 group numbers in a row.
There are other times when it will hit 3/4 of them, miss one, hit another 3/4 of them etc..
Stay with the strongest stream and be disciplined.
I can't remember ever losing money playing this way in a casino.
It is something I use sparingly admittedly but it has always worked out for me.
My opinion would be that 'holy grails' come and go throughout the ages.

Card counting in the 70's and early 80's was A holy grail for some people.

Biased wheels were A holy grail in the early 90's for Pelayos and his family.

THE holy grail however sounds like the sort of thing that even I could use.

Dozen/Column / Re: dozens/columns with a twist
November 14, 2012, 08:42:51 PM
Another example.
26) 3
17) 2 = 8
30) 3      = 6
35) 3 = 9
13) 2      = 8
30) 3 = 6
11) 1      = 7
35) 3 = 3
20) 2      = 8
29) 3 = 6
21) 2      = 8
06) 1 = 4
14) 2      = 2
15) 2 = 5
22) 2      = 5
24) 2 = 5
17) 2      = 5
06) 1 = 4
Those were the dozens.
Here are the columns.
26) B
17) B = 5
30) C      = 6
35) B = 8
13) A      = 4
30) C = 3
11) B      = 8
35) B = 5
20) B      = 5
29) B = 5
21) C      = 6
06) C = 9
14) B      = 8
15) C = 6
22) A      = 7
24) C = 3
17) B      = 8
06) C = 6
These streams produced 5 consecutive wins for the 2,4,7,8 in the second stream of the dozens.
Here is where things can get interesting however.
Look at the columns.
You will notice column A is hardly appearing at all.
So some of those wins on the second stream of the dozens could be reduced further to betting just a few splits.
Let me show you how it's done.
Look at the dozens and you can see where the first 6 appeared.
You are in the middle of a nice run in the second stream. It's produced groups 8,7,8,8 for 4 wins in a row.
Now following the rules would see you play the second dozen because you are looking for group 2 to appear.
No A column is in sight. You can just play the 14/15 split, 17/18 split, 20/21 split and 23/24 split.
This still covers the second dozen but you are leaving out the 13,16,19,22.
These 4 numbers all belong to column A in the second dozen. 14 appeared bringing with it group 2.
Some of the winning runs I have had just betting 4 splits with this is unbelievable.
There is nearly always 1 stream out of the 4 producing the goods.

Dozen/Column / Dozens/Columns with a twist
November 14, 2012, 07:54:47 PM
This is something that I was working on a few months ago.
It is not 100% mechanical and you have to wing it a bit. The results can be pretty good.
It is based on Dozens/Columns.
You need to record the results in pairs.
I will start with the dozens first.
1,1 = 1.
1,2 = 2.
1,3 = 3.
2,1 = 4.
2,2 = 5.
2,3 = 6.
3,1 = 7.
3,2 = 8.
3,3 = 9.
Now the columns.
A,A = 1.
A,B = 2.
A,C = 3.
B,A = 4.
B,B = 5.
B,C = 6.
C,A = 7.
C,B = 8.
C,C = 9.
I just downloaded some numbers from random.org and will give a quick example.
I will show what I mean with a single stream using dozens.
27) 3
28) 3 = 9
04) 1
21) 2 = 2
31) 3
19) 2 = 8
14) 2
33) 3 = 6
33) 3
03) 1 = 7
34) 3
29) 3 = 9
26) 3
12) 1 = 7
01) 1
22) 2 = 2
33) 3
22) 2 = 8
So you are probably scratching your head and wondering what's so good about that.
You need to pay particular attention to groups 2,4,7,8.
The 2 means the 1st dozen has went to the 2nd dozen.
The 4 means the 2nd dozen has went to the 1st dozen.
The 7 means the 3rd dozen has went to the 1st dozen.
The 8 means the 3rd dozen has went to the 2nd dozen.
These groups of 2,4,7,8 work excactly the same with the columns.
The 2 means the 1st column has went to the 2nd column.
The 4 means the 2nd column has went to the 1st column.
The 7 means the 3rd column has went to the 1st column.
The 8 means the 3rd column has went to the 2nd column.
What I have found is these groups of 2,4,7,8 can really clump together.
What I do is run 4 streams of data with the dozens and columns.
Let me show you how I would now turn the dozens above into 2 streams.
27) 3
28) 3 = 9
04) 1      = 7
21) 2 = 2
31) 3      = 6
19) 2 = 8
14) 2      = 5
33) 3 = 6
33) 3      = 9
03) 1 = 7
34) 3      = 3
29) 3 = 9
26) 3      = 9
12) 1 = 7
01) 1      = 1
22) 2 = 2
33) 3      = 6
22) 2 = 8
You can see how the 2,4,7,8 groups clumped nicely in the first stream.(6 hits in 8 groups)
They hardly said boo in the second stream.
I do excactly the same for the columns and that's what gives me 4 separate streams.
27) C
28) A = 7
04) A      = 1
21) C = 3
31) A      = 7
19) A = 1
14) B      = 2
33) C = 6
33) C      = 9
03) C = 9
34) A      = 7
29) B = 2
26) B      = 5
12) C = 6
01) A      = 7
22) A = 1
33) C      = 3
22) A = 7
The first stream did not produce much.
The second stream produced 4 hits in 6 groups.
There is nearly always one of these streams firing away with a nice steady run of 2,4,7,8.
The 2 and 4 are the best for actual betting because you are only placing one chip.
The 2 means you would be betting for the second result of the group to be either the 2nd dozen or 2nd column.
This obviously depends which one you are playing at the time.
The 4 means you would be betting for the second result of the group to be either the 1st dozen or 1st column.
The 7 means you would be betting for the second result of the group to be either the 1st dozen or 1st column.
The 8 means you would be betting for the second result of the group to be either the 2nd dozen or 2nd column.
Now obviously you would know what to bet for the second result because of what comes out in the first result of a group.
Let's say the 2,4,7,8 groups are clumping in the dozens and you want to bet.
The first result of the next group is the 1st dozen. Well you can only win on a 2. So you would back the 2nd dozen.
Let's say the first result of the next group is the 2nd dozen. You can only win on a 4. So you would back the 1st dozen.
Let's say the first result of the next group is the 3rd dozen. This is slightly different because you can now win on the 7 or 8.
So you would back the first dozen and the 2nd dozen.
Needless to say it works excactly the same way for the columns.
I will let you digest that and feel free to ask any questions.
I will post up more examples and go into more details as well.
There are ways to narrow things down further which I can go into later once the basics are understood.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 06:49:43 PM
Quote from: Twisteruk on November 14, 2012, 06:37:50 PM

Appreciate your honesty. To me your always be Sherminator lol   ;)

I think my 9 lives must be just about up  ;)

This place is like a class reunion tonight. It is good to see so many old faces and a lot of really good contributors joining up.

The casino executives are cancelling this years christmas bash as we speak.  >:D
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:49:11 PM
Well it is great that we can all join forces and move forward. I am certainly looking forward to contributing here.

General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
November 14, 2012, 04:20:51 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on November 14, 2012, 03:56:43 PM

I feel inclined to agree that Jl was a threat to Steve.  I also think flukey luke was.  That guy was nothing but nice and offered a system he said worked. 

Well I registered here a few weeks ago and I will say straight out that I was flukey luke on that particular forum. (I am saying that because I would rather be upfront and let people know who I am.)

I think I was pretty harshly treated by Steve calling me a troll. I don't consider myself a troll and spent a lot of time posting what I thought were some original concepts. I don't even use bots and still contributed to get my system botted just so it would make it easier for the other guys.

Now I will also admit that I did say some particularly nasty words on another forum as a general swipe at other members on another forum previous to that. But that was around 6 months before I posted system 9 and I was having a lot of personal problems at the time. That is still no excuse for what I said and I can only say sorry for that.

I am no saint, I admit that. But I do have my good points and do have a passion for the game very much along the same lines as someone like JL.

Regarding System 9. I still use a variant of it to this day and I remember my very last post was me saying to the members that I was going to show them a easier way to play my system which also improved it significantly. I then found out I was banned. Now I am not sure if that was what got me banned or an incident which happened a few months earlier.

Victor set up that other forum for a while and I remember Steve going mental about it. I stuck up for Victor and basically said what I thought of Steve. Maybe the guy was just acting petty and getting his revenge.

I would like to continue posting here but will also understand if some of you would rather I didn't.

Mate -- keep posting. You are COMPLETELY welcome here. [Esoito, Moderator]

p.s. JL, I can't say I have studied your methods at great length because I play my own stuff and I have also disagreed with you at times however my respect goes to you because you put your stuff out there and are a positive minded person. Kudos to you. By the way, I think we all know you have nothing to do with CEH. The term 'clutching at straws' springs to mind.

Have you read through all the pages?

Have you conducted any tests to prove what you say?

Your comment will likely create negativity over what could be an interesting development.
