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Messages - Biagle

Sports Betting Forum / Re: NHL
October 18, 2013, 12:04:24 PM
Quote from: Tomla on October 18, 2013, 03:04:49 AM
Blet, sudas atsitiko,,,,,

lol lol lol you made my day happy
Sports Betting Forum / Re: NHL
October 17, 2013, 11:28:04 PM
 :cheer: :applause:
Sports Betting Forum / Re: NHL
October 17, 2013, 10:27:28 PM
Quote from: Tomla on October 17, 2013, 03:14:04 PM

viso gerio

it should be viso gero:)
can i ask what's is the point to repost all this stuff when we all can go to google and find it self?[smiley]aes/imac.png[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: rare event at dublin
October 10, 2013, 10:30:46 AM
another just now, dublin

bet 26
bet6 26
General Discussion / Re: rare event at dublin
October 10, 2013, 01:38:00 AM
Quote from: Mr J on October 09, 2013, 03:12:41 AM
(lol)....You guys see four 22's. I see a complete street.....22, 23, 24.

As soon as the 23 hit, the 24 would be a bet and BAM........one spin later.


bet 34
thanks for support.

superman, I'm not crying, and I'm not feeling cheated.
Just if anyone would ask where i would play with my next xxx euro, i would say live wheel. Just it.

99.9 it is not a method
0.01 bv cheats:[smiley]aes/devil.png[/smiley]

I played on BV one of flat's method and was wining up to 200euro with 0.1 stakes. when lost all

OK, after few months played one of Ralph methods, also was up to 200-300 euro with low stakes.
After some time lost all.

Before few days I was playing flat's method with lines, from 30 euro got 150 and then lost all.

When i was playing Ralph method where i was fallowing last line and wanted to parlay a win, I never got repeat.
Few days ago i had ~15 repeats of 2 lines. as Sam says maybe it is just good luck/bad luck.
But i don't believe anymore in BV.

Sorry for my language
Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
October 02, 2013, 08:00:50 PM
something wrong in your code, or im unintelligent.

23            L              3            L             5              0 0             L              4            H              1             0 16            L              5            L             -4             0 11            W              6            H              0             0 21            W              1            L             11             0

br after 23 is 5u next bet 4
0 L, br 1u, next bet 5
16 L, br -4u, next bet 6
11 W, br 2u, next bet 5
21 w br 7u
Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
October 02, 2013, 07:38:52 PM
after first 10 spins?

i was going +1 after l, and -1 after w
Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
October 02, 2013, 07:30:03 PM
hi, thank you for share.

I did it right?

7            1      L            
24      L      2      H      1-      
36      W      1      L      0+      
7      W      1      H      1+      
7      W      1      L      2+      
16      W      1      H      3+      
22      W      1      L      4+      
34      L      2      H      3+      
23      W      1      L      5+      
12      W      1      H      6+   W 7   
16      L      2      L      5+      
27      L      3      H      3+      
29      W      2      L      6+      
21      L      3      H      3+      
27      W      2      L      6+   W 5   
12      W      1      H      8+      
32      W      1      L      9+      
25      L      2      H      8+      
22      W      1      L      10+      
19      L      2      H      9+   W 5   
8      L      3      L      6+      
22      L      4      H      3+      
31      W      3      L      7+      
22      L      4      H      4+      
20      W      3      H      7+   W 4   CHANGE
28      W      2      L      10+      
36      L      3      H      8+      
35      W      2      L      11+      
10      W      1      H      13+      
10      L      2      L      12+   W 5   
23      L      3      H      10+      
0      L      4      H      7+      
16      L      5      L      3+      
11      W      4      H      8+      
21      W      3      H      12+   W 4   CHANGE
10      L      4      L      9+      
23      L      5      H      5+      
35      W      4      L      10+      
8      W      3      H      13+      
13      L      4      H      10+   W 4   CHANGE
25      W      3      L      14+      
36      L      4      H      11+      
10      L      5      L      7+      
8      W      4      H      12+      
1      L      5      H      8+   W 4    CHANGE
32      W      4      L      13+      
4      W      3      H      17+      
9      L      4      L      14+      
25      L      5      H      10+      
15      L      6      H      5+   W3   CHANGE
34      W      5      L      11+      
14      W      4      H      16+      
28      W      3      L      20+      
7      W      2      H      23+      
32      W      1      L      25+      
Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 01, 2013, 02:19:46 PM
Quote from: Sputnik on October 01, 2013, 01:39:12 PM
I also test variations of this and come up with a killer method ...


maybe you can share your ideas? because i like it, but zero stops me.
Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 01, 2013, 12:08:47 PM
here is the session with many zeros, total -85u
Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 01, 2013, 11:18:47 AM
ok, lets try to test it with zero