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Messages - Billion loudspeaker

General Discussion / Re: all for one not one for all
February 14, 2013, 07:15:42 AM
I'm not talking about checking this and testing that or looking at this or that 10000 spins for comparison.

I'm talking about putting chips on the table X amount of times and copping the numbers on the chin, win or lose.

When the money's down can you beat your personal permanence? That's the alpha/omega of it.
General Discussion / Re: all for one not one for all
February 14, 2013, 06:35:25 AM
Thanks for your opinion Sam.

Yes apparently that is one of his specialties – contradictions.

The main point of my rant is to say that we need to accept roulette is one long uninterrupted stream of numbers whether you interrupt it or not.

There is no short term. There is only long term with interruptions that eventually become nothing more than background noise.
Quote from: RouletteKEY on February 14, 2013, 04:25:45 AM
An argument can be made that your "luck" is linked to your level of preparedness at any given point in time. 

An argument can be made for exactly the opposite.

But you make a good point.

I remember a famous golfer being asked about hitting a hole in one and was it luck.

He answered that pro golfers spend hour after hour day after day year after year practising their shots and when they hit a hole in one you say it's luck but that's exactly what they were trying to d.
General Discussion / all for one not one for all
February 14, 2013, 04:20:21 AM
There is one element of roulette that transcends all other conditions.

It is the only thing you can completely rely upon to continue unabated for your entire roulette playing career.

It is the thing that should be given utmost attention and consideration when making any system or method of play.

It roots run deep in the soil of infinity and so can never be toppled.

It is the first thing we need to deal with in roulette, and when you strip away all the layers of this game it will be the last thing left to deal with.

You can play real wheels or RNG, live dealer or airball, online or b&m.

You can play short term or long term, hit & run or grind it out. You can stand and fight or run and hide.

You can play with skill or you can play for luck.

You can do whatever you like but you will never ever escape it

There is a fellow in this forum named Spike. He says he plays for the short term wins but he also says you're always in the long run. These are very true words.

Even if you are playing for short burst wins of as little as 10 or 15 spins, never forget you are always in the long run

So what is it that transcends all other conditions within the game of roulette?

The personal permanence

It is your wife and your mistress, your enslaver and your emancipator, your carer and your torturer.

Pay it due respect and never argue with it because it is your only life long roulette companion.

Luck is a window with a very narrow view. Eventually something worth looking at will come along but the guy next door with the big window probably saw it ages ago.


If one system won and one system lost then you would be lucky that both systems didn't lose -- unless you lost money overall.

Then you would be unlucky that both systems didn't win.