Quote from: Dane on May 26, 2013, 06:43:52 AM
Maybe even I should read back my post? We start on corner 1-5.
A loss means that we add one corner to our betting. One more loss: One more group. And so forth. Within area 1-18. So - after a series of losses - we are betting these groups: 1-5 & 2-6 & 4-8 & 5-9 & 7-11 & 8-12 & 10-14 & 11-15 & 13-18 & 14-18.
More losses: I simply rebet. And I am perfectly aware that 1-18 can skive from the electronic reader board for a long time.
I also rebet (without progression) each time I am winning on just one corner.
If I am winning on TWO, THREE OR FOUR groups at the same time, I remove from EXACTLY TWO groups. I leave the highest of the ones I just occupied. In this case: 13-17 & 14-18.
Good luck!
Dane, in his example, you remove the chips from the corners 13-17 and 14-18, after a hit in 2, 3 or 4 corners?
PS: It's a simple strategy, but quite effective ... I did some tests, and the results were very good. Thanks for sharing!