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Messages - Buffster

General Discussion / Re: Back to business
November 12, 2013, 02:59:27 AM

Glad to see the sight back up. I'll try and keep an eye on your server eh!

Hope you don't mind, sent you a little donation for your hard work...hope other members follow suite.

Go and rest a bit and come back tomorrow.



BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R BB R  always betting on R and not hitting a bad streak longer than 2 ... I would come out ahead.. Interesting... would you care to prove it for us ?



I'm 58 yrs old and from Canada ( near Montreal ) ... and I honestly thought my generation and area were the only ones to use the term FUTZING around. Man I have'nt used that term in a LONG time.

Nice [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]

Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 03:09:55 AM

Great answer... I hope others will come forward also ....

Thanks Sam

Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 02:23:36 AM
OK ... I'm not getting the answers I'm looking for. Must have confused everyone.

How much $$$ do you RISK to make let's say 100$ ?

Do you RISK 10$ to try to make 100$ or do you RISK 1000$ to try and make 100$.

I don't care about Bet Selection or were to place the bets 1:1 2:1 35:1 ...

Just what  you are RISKING. And why do you feel it necessary to RISK that amount?


Gambling Philosophy / RISK !
November 03, 2013, 11:18:46 PM
Opinions wanted with a possible reason behind the opinion.

What is the risk one should take to make a buck ?

eg: Risk 1$ for 1$, or Risk  2$ for 1$, or Risk 5$ for 1$ .... you get the point.

What should the RATIO be ?

There's no WRONG answer, so don't be affraid of any comments from others.


My resolution was ok ... my screen was ser to 125% instead of 100% ( getting old )

Everything is ok now


Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
November 01, 2013, 07:07:38 PM

If your first three bets are Marty ... should it not be 1,2,4 and not 1,2,3

Are you betting EC or Dozens (2/1)

Welcome and thanks for the tracker.

I don't know if it's only me but I don't see the last 2 columns.

I see the 1st column in the last set (1-9-14) and only half of the middle column ( 2-7-15) and none of the third column.

Everyone else seeing the full tracker ?


You would bet the six numbers in dozen 1 that are sleepers.

Also bet the six opposite numbers in dozen 2 and also dozen 3.

For sake of clarity...don't look at your dozens as 1 to 36 look at each dozen as 1 to 12.

These 12 numbers are the positions.

Position 1 in the first dozen is #1 this would equate to #13 and also #25.

Now say your sleepers were in dozen 1 postions 1,2,3,4,5,6

You would bet these 6 positions in dozen 1

You would also bet positions 7,8,9,10,11,12, in the other 2 dozens.

Again ... clear as mud

The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 25, 2013, 10:14:37 PM

PDF1 came out ok but PDF2 hmmm....you know how hard it is to flip my screen. Kinda brings to mind the joke about the secretary ... uses liquid paper ( white out ) on her screen to correct her documents.

Hi Ken

I think what Ed is saying is if we overlap each dozen so that location one from dozen 1 equals location 13 and 25 from the other two dozen that would give us 12 unique locations instead of 36.

Now what are the odds that each dozens locations would fill in the same manner. So if dozen1 location 1 is due to hit ( sleeper ) what are the odds that dozen 2 location 1 and dozen 3 location 1 will also be sleepers.

So chart the sleepers for 37 spins. Which dozen has the most sleepers. Let's say dozen 1 has the most sleepers.

For the next 37 spins play the sleepers from dozen 1 and also play the opposite locations from dozen 2 and dozen 3 at the same time.

Example... sleepers are 1,6,7,9,10 ..... play these numbers and play the opposite locations from the other two dozens ... not the mirror locations. ... so play  14,15,16,17,20,23,24 from dozen 2 and play 26,27,28,29,32,35,36 from dozen 3.

Clear as mud if I do say so myself.

Hope this helps

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Welcome to the "TwoCat Cafe"
October 25, 2013, 03:59:35 PM

Well done on this ... here goes the first question.

If I put you in a predictament, then just answer with "no comment".

In your opinion which has the best bot ... Steph or Norm

If you answer please include: stability, cost ( just say which is cheaper ) and which has the best performing sheet.


Off-topic / Re: IMO
October 23, 2013, 03:18:05 PM

Here's a web site with all the internet abbreviations.



Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 23, 2013, 12:56:06 AM

I really like your novel idea for lines as ec's. One thing I've been having trouble with is with all the information that's handed to us. Trying to find which set will hit for whichever reason. They say to much info is just as bad as not enough info. Not saying your chart is bad ... it's just too much for our needs.

Now, if you've noticed, not all your sets are balanced. I'm not talking about r/b h/l e/o. I'm talking about balancing your left column and your right column. I've reduced your 10 sets to 3 balanced sets. These are the only sets that have 3 of each line.

Less info but just as potent and less intimidating than the original 10 lines.

Without going into too much detail, I'll let you look at them and play with only these sets and let me know what you think. I hope you see what I see.

Here are the sets:




Playing with only these sets you'll realize their all you need to get a good read of the table.

Enjoy  ;)


p.s.  sorry for the lousy presentation. My php skills are not great.