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Messages - Buffster

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 17, 2013, 01:12:12 PM
Here's an updated version with the results sorted.

Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 08:17:31 PM
Hi Gizmotron

I know there is always that sequence from hell. There is no going around it.

But I'm glad to see this IDEA sparked something in you that may change the way we play roulette.

Just to clarify things a bit more... I'm not necessarily playing repeats...the 4 sets of 9 also contain numbers that haven't hit yet. So the set that is hitting more than others could be due to only 2 or 3 numbers from that set having hit repeatedly. Making this set stand out. So we play these numbers hoping that the set keeps on hitting. ( I play two sets of nine ... the two sets that have the best stats. )

Also the 7 3 1 1 scenario is not a magic numbers stat... but only an example ... the stats could also be higher 9 2 1 0 lets say.

If you can apply this to other locations on the board ... wonderful

Keep the juices flowing


Even chance / Re: Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 08:02:22 PM
Hi Bayes

Yes, I'm Buffster from GG with TG and Ken and all then rest. I've always been around but wasn't participating very much.

As for overall advantage .... I'm not a MATH guy but I'm assuming ( oh oh ) that if I find 4 sets of 9 numbers that one set is hitting way out of order compared to the other. There must be some advantage to this. Please correct me if I'm wrong. What I'm saying is if we're playing with only 4 original sets of 9 and there all hitting without any noticeable difference than what's stopping us from finding 4 other sets that will fit our situation better. That will be conforming to the hit numbers.

That's the only way I can explain it Bayes.

Thanks for the interest.

Even chance / Turning the tables around
March 14, 2013, 06:49:19 PM
 Hi Guys & Gals

Well I've been lurking around the site for a while, and have yet contributed to the cause.
So to get things rolling, I've created an " IDEA " and not a system per say.
However you use it...is up to you.
I created an excel sheet ( Libreoffice calc ) which I will NOT be sharing cause my excel programming SUXS big time.
So as to not embarrass myself, I leave it up to the forum gurus to program a BEAUTIFUL sheet that can be shared.
I must say that this IDEA is for RNG only.
I'm pitting Random vs Random. ( I think )

Step one is to create a 6X6 grid.
Step two is to create a button so we can put 36 numbers in that grid and change them at will.
Now having done that, we can see in our grid that we have 4  sets of 3X3 grids. So 4 sets of 9 numbers.
Step 3 is to setup the stats for those 4 sets of 9 to see how many hits we have per set.
Then we logon to our favourite online casino and start introducing numbers into our excel sheet.
We will see the stats start to change as per those numbers.
Now usually we will see on let's say our first 12 numbers, stats like 4 4 3 1 ( meaning set 1 hit 4 times, set 2 hit 4 times, set 3 ... 3 times and set 4 ... 1 hit only. )
Now the fun begins.
Press your SORT button that you created so we can rearrange the 36 numbers into new positions  in the grid. This will create 4 new sets of 9 numbers.
The STATS will change for these new sets.
I keep pressing till I get STATS like 7 3 1 1 where there is a set with an overall advantage to the other sets.
My strategy is to play 18 numbers ( two sets ) from the new sets which is like playing an EC game.
I chose the two highest sets 7 and 3 and play these two sets with a marty or whatever progression you prefer for your EC game.
As you can see by looking for sets that have unfair stats ( not evenly distributed ), we are bringing random to the table and not the other way around.
We are finding sets of 9 numbers that are tailored to the numbers that hit.
I hope everyone gets the jist of this IDEA. And also that some NICE forum member with excel skills will create a sheet and share it for the forum
I think this is a NEW idea cause from all my years in the Forums I've never seen this.

Good luck to all and enjoy.