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Messages - Carlitos

.....there seem to be more Apps like these...the thing is do they realy work... and how do they work...??

Iam realy intrested in the response, If you have the App Denzie lett us know how it is performing.....??

Is has an 5.0 score on PlayStore, not so much downloads yet.

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / New lay-out??
April 03, 2016, 03:59:08 PM
What happend to the new lay-out of the website, suddenly its all gone.... ???

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: New Logo??
March 20, 2016, 05:19:10 PM
....yes....and with an nice logo would be even better....lol.....  :thumbsup:

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: New Logo??
March 20, 2016, 07:44:32 AM
...not bad....but....could be an little bit better......give it another try..... if you want.....

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: New Logo??
March 19, 2016, 08:00:18 PM
...can be classy..... but does not fit the style of the website....

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / New Logo??
March 19, 2016, 01:33:49 PM
...Hi Victor, if you are renewing the site anyway.....why not renew the Logo also.....?? Were it says  " Betselection.cc ", it seems kinda old.....

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: This new forum look is so ugly!
March 16, 2016, 07:42:02 PM
Yah, looks much better now  :thumbsup:

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: This new forum look is so ugly!
March 14, 2016, 07:00:14 PM
Looks better now  :thumbsup:
But i would like to see the tab-page on top of the site  8)

Carlitos  8)
Off-topic / Re: This new forum look is so ugly!
March 10, 2016, 05:23:34 PM
Yah you are right Sputnik.
But i see that it is changes to the old one :-)
I like the tab-pages on the top of the site, makes it much more easier to navigate.

Carlitos  8)
I think i played such systen a few years back. What i remember is that one could have nice runs with it but also bad streaks came along. I think i even played in an live casino. When i set down at the roulette machine i had 16 winning spins, one after they other.

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2016
December 31, 2015, 03:14:20 PM
Thank you very much  :thumbsup:

I wish everyone here the same...some of them are already in 2016.....depens were you live or are  :)

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: Merry Christmas 2015 :)
December 23, 2015, 07:00:13 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone :-)

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: BetForum.cc is starting
December 23, 2015, 04:30:24 PM
Sounds nice..... exactly something like Facebook but then Gamblebook.....lol..... :-)

Carlitos  8)
Creativity Adventures / Re: Travelzork
December 12, 2015, 05:20:29 PM
Yes, and as it goes on more people will join and perhaps it becomes an International thing. One can have his own blog over there.

Carlitos  8)

Creativity Adventures / Travelzork
December 12, 2015, 12:22:23 PM
I do not know whether this is the right address to post this. However for those who want to be informed about Hotels etc when planning their gambling trips, this website "  travelzork.com "could be an nice add on.

It has reviews on Vegas, hotles etc...

Carlitos  8)