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Messages - Carlitos

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 12, 2013, 08:06:18 AM
Hello Graildigger,

You are right on that one. When looking in the long run columns will show not less or more then other columns, perhaps with an few small difference.

Anyone can see that in the permenanzen. However when looking at an few spins could be slight difference.

Anyone with enough roulette playing experience will see that sometime some columns combines with other have the upper hand, and it changes etc... no big deal or secret.

Sqzboz, good posts!!

But i do not think the CEH CWB is in the ABBABBBAA thing.
CEH said, it was through default situation that he found the bet.

So what's an default situation in roulette??

When all possible betts are clear to see?? Like number 25 come up, red high oneven, but the opposite is, black even low.

And what's this riddle has to do with it, some guy called Werdna, ( or in the opposite writting Andrew, believed to be CEH ), posted this also on the old VLS forum,

If friends have the answer how many by your side?         

If pages could be read would they be your guide?           

An occurrance it will happen maybe once or twice         

The balance on your side you'd think that would be nice   

Should there be a minus there may well be a plus             

Working on your own means there is no us                     
Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 07:30:10 PM
Not as an list, but spread around the pages of the website, like i said the list are all the clues from all the pages.

Well has it not appeared to you that some times coloumn 2 or 3 ( or for that matter any other column together with another column ) appears more times together, but you have to see which do appear more times, its like pattern, so it can be that column 1 and 2 appear more times mixed with the column 3, it goes around.... its almost the same when 3 or 5 reds come, column 1 and 2 can come 3 or 4 times mixed with column 3 etc....

I hope iam explaining myself good, do not want to give you false hope....

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 07:20:13 PM
Yes there was an clue list and i had one but lost it due to an pc crash..... lol...... ps, the clue list are the clues spread on the w3m website gathered together....

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 07:02:38 PM
Good guess Tomla, could it be that EC's show up in every dozen and colum within x-amount of spins?

Meaning, dozen 1 red, after an fews spins dozen 2 red, then again after an fews spins dozen 3 red, other EC"s etc.....

TwoCatSam, there is merrit to what you are saying, some dozens and or columns do show more times. But mostly gerneral speaking 2 dozens and columns at the same time...

Does anyone here has the " Old Clue list " from CEH website W3M?

I think it says that he placed no more then 2 chips at the same time.

Hahaha..... very nicely thought Bally, however be not surprised of you would to be right on that one, but then it would be " CEH, Column, even, high ".

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 10:59:15 AM
QuoteMeaning that has tested 30 sessions of 100 spins and almost all passed the test.(letting 1-2 sessions to end up with just a loss of less than 10 chips). 

" Almost passed the test ", thus, it did not pass the test as it lost. Not by much but CEH clearly said, it must passed the test and it will come out as an winner....

Then again, not bad performance i must admit. I do not think you have the CWB bet but if this one only loosses 1 or 2 perhaps the winning ones can make up for these 2 small losses.

Carlitos  8)

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 04:46:24 AM
Thanks Agesta :applause:

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 10, 2013, 02:31:23 PM
that's sounds great Nick and Normy  :applause:

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 09, 2013, 09:52:36 AM
..... its the same drill all over again.... but perhaps he is trying to give some clues... this one i found intresting
Quote[size=0px]The bet can not be found without the help of the RX software..this is because the RX flashes the doz-col-B-R-O-E-L-H of the last spin and is a huge help in finding the bet.[/size]

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:58:03 PM
Razor, you can stay if you want here on this forum, nobody is sending you away.....

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:55:34 PM
hikamaruPosted: 09-Jun-09 [color=aa0000]21:24[/color]
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yes an EC bet ALONE is better odds then a column bet ALONE. ALONE meaning not part of an engineered bet and ALONE meaning not part of an exactly planned session following an exact formula that you created.
However when a column bet is combined with other bets, 3 other bets to be exact, and when it is part of an exactly planned session following an exact formula you have created, then you now have created the dream odds and its definitely better than the EC bets.

When I said to try to CREATE a bet that includes a dozen or column or maybe both that is exactly what I wanted you to do. I did not say to include or exclude the even bets or to use the column and dozen combo. All I said was that you need to create a bet that INCLUDES a column, a dozen, or maybe even both. The word INCLUDES means that the column, dozen, or column dozen combo is not the whole bet, but just part of it.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:46:54 PM
..... one of the clues CEH had given was that he never placed more then 2 chips at the same time, maybe other forum members can correct me if iam wrong, and yes Shikamaru has given clues on the GG forum saying that the bet exist of 4 different betts....

I wish you all the best, i also spent 3 years searching this bet :thumbsup:

Carlitos 8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:29:41 PM
... " If the bet realy exist ", but you do not know whether the bet realy exist or whether your bet which appears to have passed the test which CEH mentioned is the same.

For that to know you must know the CEH CW bet.

To answer your question, yes he wanted to teach people an lesson, however that does not proof that the bet exist or not exist.

You belief by finding your CW bet that passed the CEH criteria therefor is also the CEH bet, your bet can be totaly different and pass the CEH criteria at the same time....

An simple question for you Razor, do you know or have the CEH CWB??

Carlitos  8)

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 06:12:48 PM
... so why are you asking us your question..... as you are going to find it out yourself..... by playing the bet....

I wish you succes with it..... but do not tease us here unless you have something for real to share....

Ps, its almost christmas time...... lol...  :)

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 05:15:35 PM
.... that's what i did amigo. however they way you put it is as if you really belief the bet exist...

I am on this and was on others forums from the past a long time.... i was around when the whole thing started with w3m and CEH.....

If he had the bet, If Santa Claus really exist..... its all an big " If "  :)

Carlitos  8)
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 03:00:45 PM
... perhaps it was hoax all along..... how do you know he has an "Real Consisting winning bet"??

Only when you know for sure that he has an consisting winning bet you can ask the question as you did, but do you know 100% he has it??

It seems that in your question you kinda belief or want to belief he has....

Carlitos  8)