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Messages - Chauncy47

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 05, 2012, 06:52:56 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 05, 2012, 06:44:15 PM
Its how it all began 4 years ago. I am hoping you will start posting up your results soon. I want people to see how you tackle that double zero wheel with PATTERN BREAKER. It will be great to see on an ongoing basis.  :thumbsup:

I will post Novembers results tomorrow :)   
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 05, 2012, 06:41:35 PM
Great results JL ...  :)
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 05, 2012, 12:17:36 PM
Sam ... are you from the US?  ... I have got plenty of Casino's here in the midwest.
I would like to add to the thread;  For me, it's not about forming an opinion on anybody or the methods they play or the success claims they post.  It seems that a great deal of energy is being spent on whether JL's claims are valid or not.  And this is my opinion only, that when I see someone judging another person, regardless of the topic, they are not in any way defining that person, but rather they are defining themselves.  And that's just more of an observation from me. 

So when it comes to roulette, and all the claims by JL or anyone else, and the their methods,  it makes no sense for me to debate about things I have no control  over because there's nothing I can do about it anyways, and quite frankly, why should I even debate about things  I do control?  That activity of debating alone keeps my thinking immobilized and prevents me from reaching my ultimate goal of being a successful roulette player.   

There are so many great methods out there and I play many of them every day, live at a casino, and I also just happend to play them Hit & Run style.  It works for me, and it works within the framework of my current thinking. 

Just a last observation:  Everyone's post in this forum is valuable, -- not because anybody says so, or because they post successful results, not because they have been playing the game for 30 years, or because they are a math expert, and it's not because they claim they made a lot of money using their method or disclaiming another -- but it's because they decide to believe in a method that works for them and for no other reason than to believe in it!   That in itself is the value for me and I take something away from it everytime.  I enjoy JL's passion for the game as much as I enjoy observing the people who challenge him.  So thank you to everyone for your contribution.  You all have made me a better and much more successful roulette player :thumbsup:   

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
December 04, 2012, 01:07:33 PM
At least you get to enjoy the "option" of playing online  :)  Perhaps someday here in the USA ::)
 Just to add some more to the conversation about randomness and looking at it from the casino side of the fence and then a little bit from mine. It doesn't appear as if the casino's fully understand randomness either. If they did, they wouldn't need to apply "house edge" rules such as table limits or the single or double zero. In some respect, that actually offers some comfort to me as a player.

What a great game this is ... it allows us to challenge ourselves, our thinking, and work on discipline, strategize, along with the power of observation ...and then we get to come here and share ideas about it.  The best part of all, we get to have fun doing it!  Every time I walk into the casino, I am captivated by the people, the environment and I always see something new. This game offers so many little tiny opportunities that can be taken advantage while waiting for a trigger and if you are one those people who learn to see those opporutnites and jump on them, it can really add to the success of your game.
The reality of PB or any other system that produces more wins than losses, based on this discussion of randomness, is that "we" may not be able to explain why it works.  We believe we know why it works.  I believe I know why it works.   It's my opinion that the answer is simple:  This method is not for everyone.

I over hear this old saying time and time again while I am down at the casiono each night:  "The ball has no memory."  Really? No kidding!  The ball also doesn't understand math such as 7/1, ...and it doesn't understand probability and it doesn't understand black or red or even or odd or high or low.  Quite frankly, the ball doesn't care or understand Pattern Breaker either. 

Players like JL, me and some others, simply believe that randomness has limitations at very specific moments in time.  And so we believe that we can take advantage of those moments and win most of the time -regardless of the system.   And because we believe in that concept combined with believing in patience, good smart money management, discipline, creativity, open mindedness, etc.... It works very well for us.  Nothing more, nothing less.

I am not here to debate with anyone about PB, Code 4, P4 or any of the other great methods ... I am simply offering some insight to why we think the way we do and why we are comfortable playing these methods.   
I would like to add to the randomness conversation again regarding any system or PB in this case.  I am stating this from a place of pure observation, nothing more, nothing less:

I don't think JL is here to compare systems as much as he is sharing his methods that simply work well for him.  When he finds something that works, he shares it ... nothing more, nothing less.  He is not selling it or pushing it in a book, he is simply sharing his data with the forum.

I am not sure "we" will ever be able to fully understand randomness within the roulette world.  We all are trying, that's for sure ...and good constructive conversation like this may finally get us some further understanding :thumbsup:   It is my opinion that randomness struggles to repeat certain events, especially at very specific "moments in time.  If players like JL and myself simply believe that we will win (playing PB) by betting against the last pattern forming and it works for us and we are successful at it, then players like JL and I are catagorically 100% correct.  However, if there are players the don't believe that PB is any better than another system or produces the results claimed, then they are also catagorically 100% correct.  It simply doesn't matter what side of the fence you are on, it simply matters what you believe and what works for you.  Again, just sharing .... 
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 29, 2012, 01:23:37 PM
I can only add my 2 cents in on the randomness conversation.  Here are some things that I have observed: 

Randomness struggles to repeat "a sequence of events"  and the longer the sequence, the harder it is for it to duplicate at some point in the future.   Will it? Absolutely! But will it do it at "that" specific moment in time?  "That" = the moment you chose to play.  Those times are far and few between, atleast for me!  When it does, it simply has little impact on my BR at this point.  Randomness might strike back to back and even back to back, to back, to back, etc...and it has for me.

However, if I understand JL ... He isn't just pushing H&R ... What I believe he is saying is that when you combine H&R, with a solid money managment approach, discpline, confidence and vision, this game is very beatable.  What do I mean by vision?  Its not about what I won that day or even week, it's about what I have gained at the end of the month or months and having the vision and confidence that the methods being played will continue to perform for you. 

I started out my very first game of November playing CODE 4 and lost the first 3 spins.  So for me it's 10 units, 15 units and 30 units.  I started the month down 55 units.  I could have thrown in the towel on CODE 4 and jumped off the deep edge or tried something new, but I didn't.  Since November 3rd, I have only lost 1 game in CODE 4.    It works for me and that way of thinking may not be for everyone, but I am hoping to offer some insight to what I belive JL is trying to say.   

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 28, 2012, 07:14:39 PM
Hi JL ... I have an amazing run of PB going right now and will post stats for you to see, hopefully tomorrow.  I always like to mention that I don't just play PB.  I mix it up and play PB, P4, Code 4, D&C and even a bit or warrior's Hybrid D&C and a few others ... I hit randomness from so many different sides that is plays really well to the H&R strategy.  It's just my opinion and it's working for me :)
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 08:28:15 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 06:38:24 PM
Ralph, you know the only reason in my opinion that this game is thought of as unbeatable longterm by the masses. Is humans inherent lack of PATIENCE and STAYING POWER.

You just gave the EXACT reason the majority will never know any different. This works longterm because of the discipline to wait for random to create your bet for you. Instead of Going straight to the table and betting on say red or whatever gives you a quick fix. But when it goes wrong you lose it all.

I can't tell you how many times I saw the fool who thought for example random couldnt show him 12 reds or blacks 12 odds or evens, A dozen sleep for 20 spins. Or a dozen get hit 8 times in a row.That gambler that waits for 3 or 4 reds. Then starts his martingale.

He wins again and again and again. Maybe a 100--200 times in a row. Then it happens staring him in the face is 13--14--15-16 or more of his nightmare. it's a stiff drink at the bar time. The total wipeout came saw and conquered.

Why I wait Ralph is simple. IT WORKS. I will happily take a consistent 10/1 month in month out over quick wins and then a total wipeout. In my experience you have to WAIT TO WIN.

All three of the methods that have given me the best results I have yet seen have one thing in common. They WAIT for RANDOM. And there's something re-assuring about doing so. It would appear to me to be the true key to beating this game.

And the reason the 1% will win. While the 99% scratch their head and leave the casino with a face like a pug dog chewing a hornets nest.  :stress:

I agree with everything you said JL.  Today was a classic example of "most" players I observe down at the casino.  I sat down next to a gentleman and he is aggresively and nervously puffing away on cig betting inside on as many numbers as he feels will hit.  I sat next to him for almost 20 minutes before I placed my first bet, which was on HIGH...and it lost.   

Placed my second bet on HIGH again and won.

During this whole event, this guy pealed out ...I have no idea how many twenties and kept playing, so I thought I would hang out and observe either this guys breaking point or a great comeback.  It wasn't another 7 minutes and he lost that too, he stood up, spoke the f-word to himself and left the table. 

I see that so many times week in and week out.  That guy is still scratching his head ...

Patience, Confidence, Staying Power, Discipline, Creativity .... are all ingredients in the Hit & Run recipie. 
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 03:12:55 PM
Quote from: shogun on November 24, 2012, 03:08:21 PM
Nice to see you here Chauncy47.
When you have time could you tell us about your tweaked version of CODE 4 ?
Looking forward to your results.

I will definitely do that but I am off to casino for the day.  Keep a good thought everyone  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 03:03:17 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 02:16:51 PM
Great stuff Chauncy47, red black are definately not as strong as the other two.

I realized this a long time ago. And yes betting against 3 of a kind the weakest of all the 8 patterns.

Chauncy47 the moderator Esoito has suggeested we space our posts out like I have 8) done here.

It makes for easier reading. Great to have you onboard.

Will do on spacing :)  Good to connect with you here JL :)
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 03:02:03 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:46:13 PM
The grind is the key, grind out 10 units a month playing safe and when those units are worth £20 each then you don't have to worry about slow play.
I would completely agree with Subby ... and it doesn't make me right by the way.  I can only share that when I first started playing these methods (and I have 5
unit min table here)  my goal to start was 5 units a day.
Since that initial goal, I have grown my BR which allowed me to start with 10 units over the past several months.  I was just telling JL that I just reached a point
where I now start with 15 units.
Patience, patience, patience ... is so very important and it's worth every unit.  I see lack of control over emotion, lack of confidence and lack of patience get the
best from almost every play I observe on a daily basis.    Again, this isn't for everyone and it doesn't mean I am right.  I am just sharing my observations on what I
see working today.   
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 02:35:34 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 02:23:47 PM
we have an experiment going on here and in the 4 unit bet we also cover green zero....do you not cover it?
I never cover the zero's on any of the methods I play.