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Messages - Chauncy47

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 02:03:31 PM
JL,  here is a quick snapshot of October/November results:   
280 Games Played.
Lost 11 total games and 9 were due to zero(s).  Lost 1 on  H/L and 1 of E/O.  I have had a good run over the past 60 days with PB.  So the zero's usually get to me before anything esle. *LOL*  I never play when the last pattern is HHH, LLL, OOO oe EEE and I never play R/B.  Had I played R/B, I certainly would have more losses.   The  amount of my opening bet is also based on the number of spins it took to get to the trigger.  For example, if the last pattern to form falls between 40 and 50 spins, my opening bet is much more aggressive, which is not often.   If I breach the 80 spin count, I start over.  Also, if I get a pattern that has formed 3 times in under 45 spins (doesn't happen often for me)  I will bet against it forming a 4th time.  Those are just a few observations that have worked for me that I can share.  I will pull the results for the past 6 months so you can a better picture of the stats.  If you stay in the "moment" or in the "now" so-to-speak, when you are playing this game and really observe everything that is going on and not just focus in on the one trigger you are waiting to occur, the game offers a lot of opportuity to challenge randomness on many different levels, but you just have to be in the moment, open your mind and be aware of everything going on! 
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 01:13:52 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on November 24, 2012, 01:05:02 PM
Hi Chauncy47, can you start posting your stats for PB here please.

It will help to show others how you do against the toughest wheel of them all. And welcome. We now have just about all the best from the old forum.

Lets enjoy it while it lasts. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Absolutely ... and I will post stats from the other methods as well! 
Even chance / Re: ***Pattern Breaker-Tarantino style***
November 24, 2012, 01:11:52 PM
Great creative thought process Taratino  :thumbsup:  When you combine your kind of thinking, along with patience and discipline, winning will be the only outcome!  I can't tell you how many times patience and discpline has saved my BR in this journey for me.  I use to be one of those players who had an ego and thought he was smarter than Mr. Random.  A year and half a go I changed my approach, changed my thinking and opended my mind and started removing limitations to my thinking and since then, this game has rewarded me nicely.   My point, your amazing creative thought process will take you far ... thank you for sharing! 
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 12:52:15 PM
Quote from: subby on November 24, 2012, 12:41:01 PM
Hello and welcome Mr C  :cheer:

Thank you very much!  Looking forward to a great year of roulette with everyone!!
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 24, 2012, 12:33:19 PM
Hi JL ... finally made it!  Just finished with Thanksgiving and the hunting season is all done here....so now it's just the last two Holiday's and Roulette :)  As you know, I really enjoy all the methods and really enjoy PB.  I curently play PB, Code 4, P4 and Hybrid D&C, D&C and a few tweaked versions to better fit the wonderful world of 0/00.  I have played 1006 live games of PB and like you, I have never had all 3 EC lose and seldom encounter a double loss.  It makes the method is very powerful and I don't doubt fir a second that Pilot accomplished everything he posted.   Over this past year I have only seen a pattern repeat itself and actually breach the 8 mark only 7 times and 5 of those were on R/B.  As you know, I have tweaked Code 4 to play to the strength of this data.  Of course this is all live play for me.  I stumbled across another local casino that has a automaic live wheel which spins every 30 seconds and that has helped me play PB more frequently so I am thanksful on this Thanksgiving Day for that great find :thumbsup:   Look forward to being a part of this great forum and all the great players that contribute and sharing my observations!