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Topics - Chrisbis

Off-topic / MOVED: Wimbledon 2013
July 20, 2013, 07:42:19 PM
General Discussion / MOVED: Handicaps
July 20, 2013, 04:10:27 PM
ChrisBis / Progression Tables.....
July 19, 2013, 05:31:03 PM
Bis101 Progression table

Number(s), Total Bet, Loses, Pay, Gain/Loss, Notes
0.01 on 1,0.01,0.01,0.36,+0.35,
0.01 on 2,0.02,0.03,0.36,+0.33,
0.01 on 3,0.03,0.06,0.36,+0.30,
0.01 on 4,0.04,0.10,0.36,+0.26,
0.01 on 5,0.05,0.15,0.36,+0.21,
0.01 on 6,0.06,0.21,0.36,+0.15,
0.01 on 7,0.07,0.28,0.36,+0.08,
0.03 on 8,0.24,0.52,1.08,+0.56, My Average Point maybe?
0.03 on 9,0.27,0.79,1.08,+0.29,
0.05 on 10,0.50,1.29,1.80,+0.51,Or this one?
0.07 on 11,0.77,2.06,2.52,+0.46,
0.11 on 12,1.32,3.38,3.96,+0.58,
0.17 on 13,2.21,5.59,6.12,+0.53,
0.30 on 14,4.20,9.79,10.80,+1.01,
0.50 on 15,7.50,17.29,18.00,+0.71,
1.00 on 16,16.00,33.29,36.00,+2.71,
2.00 on 17,34.00,67.29,72.00,+4.71,
4.00 on 18,72.00,139.29,144.00,+4.71,
9.00 on 19,171.00,310.29,324.00,+13.71,

Greetings Galaxy Zoo Fans,

We're excited to announce the launch of a new 'mini' project called Galaxy Zoo Quench, involving new images of 6,004 galaxies drawn from the original Galaxy Zoo. You're welcome to just classify as always, but this project is special. We hope to take citizen science to the next level by providing the opportunity to take part in the entire scientific process – everything from classifying galaxies to analyzing results to collaborating with astronomers to writing a scientific article!

Galaxy Zoo Quench will examine a sample of galaxies that have recently and abruptly quenched their star formation. These galaxies are aptly named Post-Quenched Galaxies. They provide an ideal laboratory for studying galaxy evolution.

The entire process of classifying, analyzing, discussing, and writing the article will take place over an ~8-12 week period, beginning today! After classifying the galaxies, Quench volunteers can use tools.zooniverse.org to plot the data and look for trends. We'll also have a special Quench Talk (http://quenchtalk.galaxyzoo.org) forum to discuss and identify key results to include in the paper. (The regular Galaxy Zoo will continue as normal.)

We hope you'll join us as we try out a new kind of citizen science project. To learn more visit http://quench.galaxyzoo.org. Have questions about the project? Ask us on Twitter (@galaxyzoo) or Facebook (facebook.com/thegalaxyzoo).


Laura and the Galaxy Zoo Team

PS We're holding a poll on our favourite Galaxy Zoo objects for the Autumn cover of 'Astronomy and Geophysics' - cast your vote on the blog athttp://blog.galaxyzoo.org/2013/07/17/vote-for-the-cover-image-of-october-astronomy-and-geophysics/
ChrisBis / My Quotes B0An00k
July 18, 2013, 08:44:36 AM
Just building up a bank/book (b0an00k) of roulette related quotes.
I don't know if this helps but on the 00 wheel, columns 1&2  and  1&3 cover large sectors on each side of the wheel.  So for example, if there was some kind of dealer signature  ie.  spinning to alternate sides, you could easily exploit this without clambering allover the table.   note each side includes either 0 or 00 in other words the line of symmetry is not thru the zeros.
Spot the beautiful sets of finales here anyone?

Spins from DB Feb 02 2013 (See here for details.)
Especially the "Quatre"
ChrisBis / Forum Monkeys!!
July 10, 2013, 10:03:52 AM
Some crazy Monkeys in the Forum Post-Editor now folks.....check them out!

This is me trying to learn coding! ha ha!
Creativity Adventures / Chasing The 3rd Col_
July 09, 2013, 02:15:00 PM
Chasing the 3rd Col_

I invite all to come and comment.

Today, I spotted Priyank's Roulette Assist Tracker, and duly downloaded it.

When I saw the small, neat GUI of the Felt/Table layout, I was immediately struck by something......
that, when viewed above like that, and in the Vertical plane as seen,
there are noticeably more Blacks in Col_1 and Col_2  .......than Blacks in Col_3

Now I my guess is this has been talked about for years, in the various portals of Roulette chatter,
and where players congregate, but I never noticed it so blatantly before.

I wonder what work has been done on it, with a view to tracking until say you have 3 or 4 landings in the Col_3
and then bet RED+ Col_1 +Col_2 in a concerted pattern to say win three in a row. [smiley]aes/money.png[/smiley]
Then re-track.
Obviously, Zero is a 'bummer' outcome. [smiley]aes/erm.png[/smiley]

I just played a small 52 spin game at Bet Voyager European Roulette, and quickly made it to +50 Euros,
playing with 1.00 unit value when betting, and 0.01 when tracking.
I was in fun money, so there was no pressure.....!

I played a little "Out-Of-Balance" game, with more units on the EC (RED) and equal bets on the two Col_(s)

Just wondered what anyone thought.
Yes, I know its mechanical......again, but looks like there is a very small advantage to be had, if there are a few
previous spins landing in Col_3, and therefore reduce the drawdown.
(Especially, if those previous spins were on 6/15/24/33 ......only four Black Numbers in Col_3)

I also, had a staking plan with a reverse gear, after 3 wins, so I could still play the advantage bet,
but not give away my BR net gain so quickly.

Start bet was :- 4 RED+ 2 Col_1 + 2 Col_2 = 8 units total = my base level (lets call it +1)

then + 2 level was a Marty on all 8 RED+ 4+ 4Col_(s)= 16

The lower bets were:- 2 RED      +1      +1 Col_(s) = 4      (called that level -1)
and.......                       1 RED   +0.5 +  0.5 Col_(s) = 2      (level -2)
and.......                    0.5 RED +0.25+ 0.25 Col_(s) = 1      (level -3)
and......                   0.25 RED +0.13+ 0.13 Col_(s) = 0.51 (level -4)

All those lower values are like a reverse gear, even when winning, to slow down any potential give away.

I used 0.01 on RED to track all other bets with, looking for Col_3 spins.
I will leave this with U, until next time!
[attachimg=1]   .........          [attachimg=2]


BTW, I have since concluded, the Imbalance across the EC/Col_(s), is not required.
It need balance!)
General Discussion / New GUI screen layout at BV
July 09, 2013, 01:10:46 PM
A new Screen layout at BV with archive comparison of the SHA256 delivered numbers/spins.

U can now check/compare much easier/quicker.
Street / Matrix Quad Cycle
July 08, 2013, 03:01:37 AM
Is it me, or did anyone else see what I saw, when I first viewed Atlantis's post in Quad Cycle topic proper?

Is there a Matrix in the house?
No..........Oh............is there a Doctor in the house then, instead!!?
Arr well, never there when U need one.

If we re-draft this collection of numbers, into other form, like say
12 x 12, I wonder what we get?

What, or more precisely, could we exploit in this Matrix?

Well, how about the repeat of a Diagonal Array on the fourth Line?
Or fifth if fourth failed?

Can U see the diagonal line here:-?


Is this an illusion, or just JL all over again, and superman comes along and says
[revealB]Won't work, can't work..............[/revealB]
Off-topic / Busy
July 08, 2013, 02:36:00 AM
"knock- Knock"
"Who's there?"

"Its the Invisible Man!"
"I'm sorry mate, I can't see you today, I'm busy!!"
Its probably happened to all of us by now, and yes, even the staff
suffer this basic problem with writing and posting Topic/Threads into forum.  :(

You spend minutes writing your prose, explaining your point thro the medium of text, and just because
you backspace once, the whole thing goes up the swanny, and you can see tiny
scribble occupying the space you just finished typing!!

I know, its very frustrating, but whilst we wait for a major upgrade of the Simple Machine Code,
or for Vic to come up with a New editor, I just thought I would share with forum, a little tip,
in how to simply correct your work, before it goes 'out to print'!

If you need to edit/modify your post, including back-spacing (which is where the problem manly lies),
then as soon as you see the small scale font appear on the editor, just hit this[attachimg=1]Toggle View, button,
(can be found on the editor, to the right, and just above the 'Drunk' smiley, which is apt!)
and the modified post will then show in your editor format, and you can take out the offending
text/size/font/colour codes, before you hit the "Post" or "Save" button.

I noticed it has saved me a little time, in generating new posts, or when I see the need to edit
obvious mistakes!  :nod:

Remember, [attachimg=1], is the little fella you need in your life........for now at least!
(You can toggle as many times as you need, until what you want to 'Post', is there.)

Enjoy your weekend.
Chris (bis) :cheer:

(P.S. experienced posters, and computer chaps, will already be aware of this little button,
(Toggle View), or as I like to call it, Revert!)
[revealB]No reveal function was harmed during the making of this movie! [/revealB]
General Discussion / MOVED: The Fever
July 06, 2013, 03:48:29 PM
This topic has been moved to [Off-topic].

Gizmotron / Welcome return to Gizmotron/Mark
July 06, 2013, 08:26:18 AM
Ready for the return of Gizmotron/Mark.

Looking forward to seeing the work you have been up to recently.  :thumbsup:
Or have U been taken over by A.I. machine?
ChrisBis / Playing Daily for +1% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 05:43:50 PM
For those of lighter dispersion...............like my goodself, I thought I would run a parallel
thread with just +1% per day too.

Especially if your method might not stand up to the rigour of making +1% per day.

Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +1% net gain on theirBank Roll, each and every day?"The power of compound interest." (at 1%)Make just +1% of your bank roll per day.Lets say U start with BR =£100.00In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-£100x 1.015= £105.10Like that?How about a working month, with weekend off?£100x 1.0122= £124.47(22 working days average in a calendar month)Or, what about a full month of 30 days?£100x 1.0130= £134.78              That's a tasty +£34+ profit in just 30 days!How about 6 months "work"?£100x 1.01182= £611.63                      That's £600+ !!...not bad for 6 months little work!(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off, still!!)So, what we need now, is a team of people, who would like to join me, with their £$E100and we will find ways of just making that magic +1% per day, that then we stop!(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!
ChrisBis / Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 05:33:13 PM
Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +5% net gain on their
Bank Roll, each and every day?

"The power of compound interest."

Make just +5% of your bank roll per day.

Lets say U start with BR =£100.00

In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-

£100x 1.055= £127.63

Like that?
How about a working month, with weekend off?

£100x 1.0522=292.52
(22 working days average in a calendar month)

Or, what about a full month of 30 days?

£100x 1.0530= £432.19               That's a whopping +£332 profit in just 30 days!

How about 6 months "work"?

£100x 1.05182= £718542.45                       That's £700k+ folks!!...nice work if we get it eh.

(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off!)

So, what we need now, is a team of ppl, who would like to join me, with their £$E100
and we will find ways of just making that magic +5% per day, that then we stop!

(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)

Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!

Lets throw some mud at a little idea, a "friend", just suggested.

Triple Mud Winging.

Take spin number. Say #5
Throw as much mud at it as possible, until something sticks,
for three following spins.
How I hear U ask................?

Like this.
Number#5,= 1st Dozen, 2nd Column, Low, Red, Odd.

Mud 1.
Cover his means of traveling out of the table.
That is #2, #5, #8, #11...............now he can not get out either towards Zero, nor out thro rest of 2nd Col.
Mud 2.
In case this number, 'beams its-self up" into a shape changer number, we cover its Finales/Exits
That is #15, #25, #35..............got ya now.
Mud 3.
In case its thinking of escaping in the EC group bus, lets cover that too....
That is #1, #3, #7, #9

So, total bet is:- 11 numbers

Spin for three events only....flat bet.
On a win, play same number again.
On a loss, add additional numbers based on next spin.
Repeat for three loses.
After the third loss, re-track.
Off-topic / Worlds Most Sanitary Restaurant
July 01, 2013, 02:10:52 AM

A couple of Tourists, who were nervous about eating in a foreign country,
were relieved when they came across an establishment that advertised itself as:-
"The Worlds Most Sanitary Restaurant".

When they entered, a waiter unsealed a sterilised envelope and handed them each,
a brand new menu, with a pair of surgical tongs.
Then he bought them a steaming container of freshly boiled water,
and proceeded to lay their place setting with surgically clean cutlery - again using the tongs.

As the meal progressed, it was easy to understand why the restaurant was billed as
"The Worlds Most Sanitary"
- the waiter used the tongs to perform every part of their service.

However, they couldn't avoid noticing that the waiter also had a piece of string hanging out of his fly,
and when the bill presented, the husband asked him, about this.
The waiter was happy to explain, that the piece of string was tied to his penis,
so that whenever he needed to relieve himself, he could extract it without the need
for manual contact........ which was all part of the restaurant's sanitary policy.

They settled the bill, and when the waiter returned with the husbands bank card,
presented in the same scrupulously clean way, as everything else, the husband took it and asked.
"By the way, There's one thing that puzzles me.
If U use the string in order to relieve yourself,
how do u put your penis back when you've finished?"

"I use the Tongs Sir" the waiter replied.
General Discussion / Roulette Bot Pro
July 01, 2013, 01:26:29 AM
Matt Reams must be pulling his hair out by now, (if he has any left), after posting yet another delay
on his updated version 4, RouletteBotPro software.

I have been checking in every month for over 8 months now, to see the same message over, and over.
Delay, delay.
I wonder when eh!
[reveal]some of U will remember that Tiago was Matts original programmer on this one[/reveal]
