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Topics - Chrisbis

My random search of the day:-

"viscosity test for Earlex air sprayers"
what's yours?

[reveal=Note of caution]I doubt rude, porn or smutty comments on searches will be tolerated by admin! Take heed.[/reveal]
Has anyone heard of this service, and thus gone onto buy it?

Its LOW price is £17
then, when U exit, it has the typical "I don't want to lose You" plea, and offers a 5 day free trial.
(But that could be just to gather email addresses, so be careful to use one of  your lesser used email add'ys.)
Here is an offer U may be interested in.
I have not enquired about wagering tho, so send an email first before taking this offer up,
should U be interested.
Off-topic / "Its £5.00 per inch........."
April 26, 2013, 06:58:30 AM
This chap, named Dave, calls up his local newspaper advertising department.
"Hello", he says....."Can you tell me how much you charge to place an advert in your paper?"
The salesman outlines his pricing:-" Its £5.00 per inch Sir".......
"Blood hell !!!.........that's terribly expensive!" explodes Dave......
"Why?" replies the sales assistant " What is it you want to sell?"
"A forty foot ladder!" Dave responds.....
QuoteHi Chris,

Win BIG at AYR next week!!!

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Those of you who took Brian H's last FREE 'AINTREE' offer WON big with the 06/04/2013 - 14:15 at Aintree SPECIAL TIARA - WON @ 41.24 BSP

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All the best, Daily Tipping Point

Copied, word for word from an email I received. I have no vested interest in this tips program.
Before I start out playing again, could someone bring me up-to speed on the table limits for each section of the felt, and the chips min/max for the same.
On the Fun/Demo game, (No Zero wheel) I can see the min chip placement is now 0.05 per felt section, but from what I can see on the stats reports Ralph and Sam are currently posting up, they are both placing bets of 0.01
Is the penny chip still allowed in the Real game at BV?

Maybe someone can help this old codger! Tar  :glasses: