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Messages - Chrisbis


Go on.........................>>!
Spit it out.

Off-topic / A question about Excel 2010
August 02, 2013, 01:31:08 PM
This question is a copy of a post I have made today, over at:- http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/forum.php

it's a great place to get Windows Excel/Word/Powerpoint questions and queries answered, and usually very quick.
Some very clever people look in there, and take the task to heart!

""Hi all.
Why is it not possible to hide a Column/Columns that contain only percentages in them, if the % are used to draw a graph?I have such a sheet, with % in two columns, and if I use the "Hide" format, they stop the graph from performing.

The best I have been able to do, is to re-size the column down to a very small width, but still the column can be seen, and if I copy/paste data into my sheet, for analysis, and graph plotting, a small dot (the cells filling up) can be seen where the two columns are, as they are not completely hidden!
Any answers anyone?
(Other than moving the columns to another part of the sheet, or....maybe onto another sheet?)

I'm stumped!Chris...............(stumped!!)""
General Discussion / Re: Roulette Bot Pro
August 02, 2013, 12:55:29 PM
1st Aug 2013 came...................and went!


There are 12 streets to choose from, + Zero as a landing place.
The ball can only land on one street, and that one street does have three numbers in it, I agree, but the
question U asked was the probability of a Street sleeping, not the probability of three numbers sleeping.

If you take away the 36/37 numbers, and just say we have a game with only 12 Streets in it + Zero, that is 13 opportunities
for the ball to land.
That gives us 1 to sleep, which is 13-1=12/13
In other words, One street less than the Total Streets divided by ALL the possible landing places (12 streets + Zero)

Do you see it now?

12/13 = 0.9230769
34/37 = 0.9189189

Its only slightly different. (then put it to the Power of your chosen spins)
I always was taught in maths, to make a educated guess first, then 'prove' the guess right or wrong with analysis.

Maybe Bayes can swing an eye over here!
I am right here, in saying, a street is 3 numbers out of 37, the only difference, is a street result* has to land in
1 of 13 possible locations, if including the Zero.

So, i guess its 13-1(sleeper)=12/13

*result meaning where the ball will land relative to the carpet/felt/table layout.
Multiple locations / Re: Son of a Gun
August 01, 2013, 03:15:01 PM
We all have our 'thick' and 'thin' moments BW, I wasn't accusing your of being so, its just that I have been doing a lot of work on carpet finales, and wheel neighbours recently, so I'm quite honed onto them at the mo.

Info on all my work very soon.
Keep up the good work!
As the Young Mr Grace would say:- "You've all done very well."

Mrs. Slocombe's Pussy
Gambling news / News from Ladbrokes
August 01, 2013, 02:54:44 PM
News just in from Ladbrokes.


Multiple locations / Re: Son of a Gun
August 01, 2013, 02:23:18 PM
Hmmmm......Good day to you too sir! [smiley]aes/cool.png[/smiley]

Thing about finales, is that they are not a finales set, until another number 10 bus of the same colour and style shows up!
So, in your short list example, its difficult to really label the first number '#35' as a finales, unless another '5' finales shows itself.
Which I don't see yet!

Its just an "ODD" number #35

the full analysis of your example is:-

35 - Odd
13 - Odd (Bet all Even finales, which is 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36 (18 numbers))
12 - Win!!!!!! (its always nice when we Win!)
23 - Odd
2   - Even
36 - Even, bet all odds! (there will be 18 of them again!)

Am I reading this right BW, or am I speaking from the rear compartment so2speak?

(just not sure what it has to do with Finales)

ChrisBis / Re: Data for analysis
August 01, 2013, 12:49:34 PM
@Roulette Fan

This is not my data.......I found it over at VLS forum, and thought it worthy of analysis.

MID01 has stated that he(well, could be a she, cause U just never know these days! [smiley]aes/wink.png[/smiley])
is giving us a Golden Nugget.

So, I thought I would post up the data, in my blog, and hopefully get round to analysis very soon.
It is obviously EC groups, and I see Bally has really gone to town with it.

Will get back here soon, just busy on another project at the mo!
Straight-up / Re: Straights and trends
July 31, 2013, 06:59:03 PM
Dublin spins from a friend!

Street / Re: Speedy González
July 31, 2013, 09:09:46 AM
Well the game is played with "chips" ............. so makes sense to add a battered cod now and again! lol
Street / Re: Speedy González
July 31, 2013, 08:58:39 AM
Here is the speediest gonzales of all!
Nice video, not seen that scene before. Thanx for sharin'
Street / Re: Speedy González
July 30, 2013, 10:47:04 PM
Nice production! [smiley]aes/martini.png[/smiley]

[smiley]aes/devil.png[/smiley] In disguise eh!!!!!!!

Elvis is ok in my book.
Though, I think the music to a "Fist Full of Dollars" would be very suitable!

Watch this
Get three coffins ready - A Fistful of Dollars 1964 (full scene)

"My mistake...........4 coffins!"