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Messages - Chrisbis

ChrisBis / Forum Monkeys!!
July 10, 2013, 10:03:52 AM
Some crazy Monkeys in the Forum Post-Editor now folks.....check them out!

This is me trying to learn coding! ha ha!
Creativity Adventures / Re: Chasing The 3rd Col_
July 09, 2013, 05:05:35 PM
I like black! lol (I look slimmer in Black)

Can do Red + too.....shall we try it? [smiley]aes/confused.png[/smiley]

Actually, joking aside, I did "Male-Chicken-up" there didn't eye, as I identified the advantage-
(that were not many blacks in the 3rd Column), but then in error, bet on the wrong colour to cover the abundance of reds in that Col_3

I will change the original post to reflect the need to bet on RED, not Black.
Thanks Yanks for pointing that obvious error.
Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 09, 2013, 03:10:23 PM
With a Wooden Mallet? [smiley]aes/pirate.png[/smiley]

I am liking  your thinking here A....lets hope this Matrix idea doesn't go the way of all the other one's
and divide a community!

Maybe Priyanka or other coder, could knock us up a quick tracker, that show us just when and where to bet.
At least the betting opportunities will come a lot quicker.
It could work i suppose! [smiley]aes/pizza.png[/smiley]
Creativity Adventures / Chasing The 3rd Col_
July 09, 2013, 02:15:00 PM
Chasing the 3rd Col_

I invite all to come and comment.

Today, I spotted Priyank's Roulette Assist Tracker, and duly downloaded it.

When I saw the small, neat GUI of the Felt/Table layout, I was immediately struck by something......
that, when viewed above like that, and in the Vertical plane as seen,
there are noticeably more Blacks in Col_1 and Col_2  .......than Blacks in Col_3

Now I my guess is this has been talked about for years, in the various portals of Roulette chatter,
and where players congregate, but I never noticed it so blatantly before.

I wonder what work has been done on it, with a view to tracking until say you have 3 or 4 landings in the Col_3
and then bet RED+ Col_1 +Col_2 in a concerted pattern to say win three in a row. [smiley]aes/money.png[/smiley]
Then re-track.
Obviously, Zero is a 'bummer' outcome. [smiley]aes/erm.png[/smiley]

I just played a small 52 spin game at Bet Voyager European Roulette, and quickly made it to +50 Euros,
playing with 1.00 unit value when betting, and 0.01 when tracking.
I was in fun money, so there was no pressure.....!

I played a little "Out-Of-Balance" game, with more units on the EC (RED) and equal bets on the two Col_(s)

Just wondered what anyone thought.
Yes, I know its mechanical......again, but looks like there is a very small advantage to be had, if there are a few
previous spins landing in Col_3, and therefore reduce the drawdown.
(Especially, if those previous spins were on 6/15/24/33 ......only four Black Numbers in Col_3)

I also, had a staking plan with a reverse gear, after 3 wins, so I could still play the advantage bet,
but not give away my BR net gain so quickly.

Start bet was :- 4 RED+ 2 Col_1 + 2 Col_2 = 8 units total = my base level (lets call it +1)

then + 2 level was a Marty on all 8 RED+ 4+ 4Col_(s)= 16

The lower bets were:- 2 RED      +1      +1 Col_(s) = 4      (called that level -1)
and.......                       1 RED   +0.5 +  0.5 Col_(s) = 2      (level -2)
and.......                    0.5 RED +0.25+ 0.25 Col_(s) = 1      (level -3)
and......                   0.25 RED +0.13+ 0.13 Col_(s) = 0.51 (level -4)

All those lower values are like a reverse gear, even when winning, to slow down any potential give away.

I used 0.01 on RED to track all other bets with, looking for Col_3 spins.
I will leave this with U, until next time!
[attachimg=1]   .........          [attachimg=2]


BTW, I have since concluded, the Imbalance across the EC/Col_(s), is not required.
It need balance!)
General Discussion / New GUI screen layout at BV
July 09, 2013, 01:10:46 PM
A new Screen layout at BV with archive comparison of the SHA256 delivered numbers/spins.

U can now check/compare much easier/quicker.
Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 09, 2013, 11:57:25 AM
He is still around.

I see his name appear on the "Who's On Line" stats at the bottom of the home page.
He is looking in now and again.

I'm sure he will post again, even if he isn't answering his PM's just at the moment. [smiley]afb/wait.gif[/smiley]
Community Software / Re: Roulette Assist
July 09, 2013, 11:53:07 AM
Very nice offer Yanks
It works fine on my Windows Vista m/c

General Discussion / Re: Peculiar statistics
July 08, 2013, 10:43:56 AM
Queer as....................and more memorable for the Historians of the future!  :nod:
Street / Matrix Quad Cycle
July 08, 2013, 03:01:37 AM
Is it me, or did anyone else see what I saw, when I first viewed Atlantis's post in Quad Cycle topic proper?

Is there a Matrix in the house?
No..........Oh............is there a Doctor in the house then, instead!!?
Arr well, never there when U need one.

If we re-draft this collection of numbers, into other form, like say
12 x 12, I wonder what we get?

What, or more precisely, could we exploit in this Matrix?

Well, how about the repeat of a Diagonal Array on the fourth Line?
Or fifth if fourth failed?

Can U see the diagonal line here:-?


Is this an illusion, or just JL all over again, and superman comes along and says
[revealB]Won't work, can't work..............[/revealB]
Off-topic / Busy
July 08, 2013, 02:36:00 AM
"knock- Knock"
"Who's there?"

"Its the Invisible Man!"
"I'm sorry mate, I can't see you today, I'm busy!!"
Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 09:26:35 PM
Do your snails do a "turn" at the weekends?

Or shall we put them down for the next "Turner" prize??  :whistle:
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 07, 2013, 09:02:58 PM
Ok...for sure, tho if U re-read his small example, he does re-track until there are 4 in a row, non repeats and then plays again.
I guess, U could as U say, take up the next level, as U will be potentially down by 5 units, on a complete 5 series loss,
(which, if U think about it, is a Cycle in itself!!) lol

I see what U mean!  ::)
Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 08:54:35 PM
Reminds me of this news story recently:-

Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 07, 2013, 08:51:17 PM
i think he means to bet "blind" that after 4 tracker, non repeat numbers,
U then bet that the next number will repeat, and so on for the next 5 series numbers.

I think so!  :-X
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 07, 2013, 06:01:43 PM

if 15 is the largest space between repeats, less your four tracker, u still need a Nine Point progression list.
Any suggestions?

Sorry I did not at first see your bet limited to 5 suggestion.:thumbsup: