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Messages - Chrisbis

Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 01:16:36 PM
Nice picture.
Yep........hot here too.

40*C on centre court-Wimbledon.
Its probably happened to all of us by now, and yes, even the staff
suffer this basic problem with writing and posting Topic/Threads into forum.  :(

You spend minutes writing your prose, explaining your point thro the medium of text, and just because
you backspace once, the whole thing goes up the swanny, and you can see tiny
scribble occupying the space you just finished typing!!

I know, its very frustrating, but whilst we wait for a major upgrade of the Simple Machine Code,
or for Vic to come up with a New editor, I just thought I would share with forum, a little tip,
in how to simply correct your work, before it goes 'out to print'!

If you need to edit/modify your post, including back-spacing (which is where the problem manly lies),
then as soon as you see the small scale font appear on the editor, just hit this[attachimg=1]Toggle View, button,
(can be found on the editor, to the right, and just above the 'Drunk' smiley, which is apt!)
and the modified post will then show in your editor format, and you can take out the offending
text/size/font/colour codes, before you hit the "Post" or "Save" button.

I noticed it has saved me a little time, in generating new posts, or when I see the need to edit
obvious mistakes!  :nod:

Remember, [attachimg=1], is the little fella you need in your life........for now at least!
(You can toggle as many times as you need, until what you want to 'Post', is there.)

Enjoy your weekend.
Chris (bis) :cheer:

(P.S. experienced posters, and computer chaps, will already be aware of this little button,
(Toggle View), or as I like to call it, Revert!)
[revealB]No reveal function was harmed during the making of this movie! [/revealB]
General Discussion / MOVED: The Fever
July 06, 2013, 03:48:29 PM
This topic has been moved to [Off-topic].

Off-topic / Re: The Fever
July 06, 2013, 03:47:30 PM
Seems it can only be streamed in the US.  :-X

Off-topic / Re: pretty funny scary excorcism video
July 06, 2013, 02:58:28 PM
Funny the first time............tho I like the woman who has a go back, with her big handbag!! lol

[revealB]And the other one keeps hold of her drink!! lol[/revealB]
Gizmotron / Welcome return to Gizmotron/Mark
July 06, 2013, 08:26:18 AM
Ready for the return of Gizmotron/Mark.

Looking forward to seeing the work you have been up to recently.  :thumbsup:
Or have U been taken over by A.I. machine?
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +1% of Bank Roll
July 06, 2013, 07:28:25 AM
I will be using standard "Trailing Stop Loss" techniques to assist with the protection of

And Jarabo is right............no guarantee of absolute success in  the game we know as Roulette.

The premise, (+5% daily), is the subject, I think, money back, cast-iron clad guarantees, went out
when the dinosaurs disappeared!


Do U have one of your many famous techniques we could throw into the
melting pot for this endeavour Sumit?

It would be good to see you post a method down, its been awhile!  :nod:
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 09:46:18 PM
@maestro.............got ya!  :thumbsup:


yep.............sounds like a good place to start.
Top three play methods listed is a way to start off each persons findings.

Of course, the top three will be very different from each member!  ;)
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 08:40:32 PM
Quote from: maestro on July 05, 2013, 07:41:53 PM
how about this way ..deposit 100 at any point you are over withdraw what you won plus 10 of BR..WNEN  you come to point you have last 10 of your  BR  then deposit everything and do it again..

Did U mean to say "WHEN you come to point you have last....or lost 10 of your BR"?

Anyways..................I wouldn't do that, cause U will not be able to play every day,
whilst U wait for withdrawal of cash to occur.  :whistle:
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 07:40:37 PM
Well......................err.........................sort of........

What I said was that risk grows!............but really its the amount to risk that grows.....
I think our minds are on a common collective Sam, thanx for the correction! lol

At 100, the risk will be to win 1 for 1% or 5 for 5% per day.
at 1000 it's a dif ball game, I still would not like to lose £10 on that basis, nor 50 for that matter at 5%!!
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 07:22:10 PM

Thank you for the question.
Its more about the journey, and dedication to ONE specific cause.

The cause being, to make, and only make a certain % per play session.
To max it up a little, I am suggesting to play each and every day (personal time permitting), and
make that target.

If others want, (and prob do), make larger profits or percentages, then that is wonderful, and I applaud them.  :applause:

My focus, is a public following of how just 5% (or lower) can compound into something meaningful.

But............(there's always a but), we all know, that as the BR grows, so does the risk, and the possible level
our progression (if using one), will sink to in order to make the grade.

Of course, everyone would love to make 10% each time they play, the problem for me, is, they hit that target, but then give it back to the casino, all to easily, in an effort to chase more session profit.

So I want to see, given a range of play methods, if we can between now and Christmas 2013, just make +5% on a small BR of say £100...............and see what it gives us.

I am looking for lots of new methods to test tho, and then be used in the daily play.
Strategy will be key, good close use of the MM, and make the play when at most advantageous moment.
So, not necessarily bet every spin!!  ;)

Please continue your thoughts.
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 05:58:08 PM
Be nice if someone could knock up an quick Excel sheet,
with +5% targets each day, and the numbers for this pls!  :-[

(and one for the +1% too if not too much trouble!)

(note.............I did not use reveal in the making of this post!)
ChrisBis / Playing Daily for +1% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 05:43:50 PM
For those of lighter dispersion...............like my goodself, I thought I would run a parallel
thread with just +1% per day too.

Especially if your method might not stand up to the rigour of making +1% per day.

Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +1% net gain on theirBank Roll, each and every day?"The power of compound interest." (at 1%)Make just +1% of your bank roll per day.Lets say U start with BR =£100.00In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-£100x 1.015= £105.10Like that?How about a working month, with weekend off?£100x 1.0122= £124.47(22 working days average in a calendar month)Or, what about a full month of 30 days?£100x 1.0130= £134.78              That's a tasty +£34+ profit in just 30 days!How about 6 months "work"?£100x 1.01182= £611.63                      That's £600+ !!...not bad for 6 months little work!(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off, still!!)So, what we need now, is a team of people, who would like to join me, with their £$E100and we will find ways of just making that magic +1% per day, that then we stop!(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!
ChrisBis / Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 05:33:13 PM
Who would like to join me in New Topic based on making +5% net gain on their
Bank Roll, each and every day?

"The power of compound interest."

Make just +5% of your bank roll per day.

Lets say U start with BR =£100.00

In 5 days your BR would have risen to :-

£100x 1.055= £127.63

Like that?
How about a working month, with weekend off?

£100x 1.0522=292.52
(22 working days average in a calendar month)

Or, what about a full month of 30 days?

£100x 1.0530= £432.19               That's a whopping +£332 profit in just 30 days!

How about 6 months "work"?

£100x 1.05182= £718542.45                       That's £700k+ folks!!...nice work if we get it eh.

(182= 6 months, giving U Christmas day off!)

So, what we need now, is a team of ppl, who would like to join me, with their £$E100
and we will find ways of just making that magic +5% per day, that then we stop!

(Bet U can not get these rates in the bank at the moment! lol)

Will someone please check out my "Compound Interest" figures please...........I don't believe them myself!
Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 05, 2013, 03:57:36 PM
I quite like Ignatus's signature...................very "Free Minded thoughts"

It caught me eye the moment he adopted it.

Nice one Ignatus.  :thumbsup:

BTW..............I am to become a Grampa in November this year.
My daughter just had her second scan today, and its looks like she is expecting a girl.
My Mum & Dad, become Great-Grand parents at the same time! (and for the first time)

I think GreatGrampa means himself...................!(my opinion.)