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Messages - Chrisbis


Lets throw some mud at a little idea, a "friend", just suggested.

Triple Mud Winging.

Take spin number. Say #5
Throw as much mud at it as possible, until something sticks,
for three following spins.
How I hear U ask................?

Like this.
Number#5,= 1st Dozen, 2nd Column, Low, Red, Odd.

Mud 1.
Cover his means of traveling out of the table.
That is #2, #5, #8, #11...............now he can not get out either towards Zero, nor out thro rest of 2nd Col.
Mud 2.
In case this number, 'beams its-self up" into a shape changer number, we cover its Finales/Exits
That is #15, #25, #35..............got ya now.
Mud 3.
In case its thinking of escaping in the EC group bus, lets cover that too....
That is #1, #3, #7, #9

So, total bet is:- 11 numbers

Spin for three events only....flat bet.
On a win, play same number again.
On a loss, add additional numbers based on next spin.
Repeat for three loses.
After the third loss, re-track.
Community Software / Re: 0.01543209876 tracker
July 01, 2013, 02:26:31 PM

I like the graph background  :thumbsup:

(I was just messing to see what happens!)
Off-topic / Re: Worlds Most Sanitary Restaurant
July 01, 2013, 02:12:16 PM
I know.............it made me chuckle loudly too.
can't wait tell my dad this one, when I see him next.  ;D
General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
July 01, 2013, 08:44:15 AM
I wonder if anything is real these days!
Thanx for update :thumbsup:.
Off-topic / Worlds Most Sanitary Restaurant
July 01, 2013, 02:10:52 AM

A couple of Tourists, who were nervous about eating in a foreign country,
were relieved when they came across an establishment that advertised itself as:-
"The Worlds Most Sanitary Restaurant".

When they entered, a waiter unsealed a sterilised envelope and handed them each,
a brand new menu, with a pair of surgical tongs.
Then he bought them a steaming container of freshly boiled water,
and proceeded to lay their place setting with surgically clean cutlery - again using the tongs.

As the meal progressed, it was easy to understand why the restaurant was billed as
"The Worlds Most Sanitary"
- the waiter used the tongs to perform every part of their service.

However, they couldn't avoid noticing that the waiter also had a piece of string hanging out of his fly,
and when the bill presented, the husband asked him, about this.
The waiter was happy to explain, that the piece of string was tied to his penis,
so that whenever he needed to relieve himself, he could extract it without the need
for manual contact........ which was all part of the restaurant's sanitary policy.

They settled the bill, and when the waiter returned with the husbands bank card,
presented in the same scrupulously clean way, as everything else, the husband took it and asked.
"By the way, There's one thing that puzzles me.
If U use the string in order to relieve yourself,
how do u put your penis back when you've finished?"

"I use the Tongs Sir" the waiter replied.
General Discussion / Roulette Bot Pro
July 01, 2013, 01:26:29 AM
Matt Reams must be pulling his hair out by now, (if he has any left), after posting yet another delay
on his updated version 4, RouletteBotPro software.

I have been checking in every month for over 8 months now, to see the same message over, and over.
Delay, delay.
I wonder when eh!
[reveal]some of U will remember that Tiago was Matts original programmer on this one[/reveal]

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
July 01, 2013, 01:06:14 AM
I did?  :broken:
Oh...........i will check! Thanks for the heads up on that one..........  :footinmouth:
and "Yanks"..................your quite right.  :applause:
Very practical, tho I am also learning basic coding, so maybe U can help me out with that one too!

"So, maybe U can help me out with that one too!"
There................I said that twice also!  :nod:

I checked.................
One ask was to Sam (TwoCatSam), our knowledgeable friend from the USA,
and the second ask, was to Turner, my Co-UK friend, from Manchester.
I, BTW, am from Staffordshire, in the Midlands (UK).

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
June 30, 2013, 11:13:20 PM

What method did U use to win at 21Nova ?
General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
June 30, 2013, 09:16:24 PM
Can we ask what is the basis of the idea of  your 'friend' at SmartLive?
Method wise.

I know U won't say precisely what it is, but just rough draft would be 'interesting'

Street / Re: Quad Cycle
June 28, 2013, 07:55:12 AM
Morning All.
A little birdie tells me to look out for this one, and possibly blend it with Fine Grindings of
EC coffee, with Line Whitener.

Will come back with questions if I may, if I don't understand any trigger conditions!
Cheers  ;)
Now I'll just do some private works and give silently. Thread's already gone, hope we can go on, always better

it's a difficult tightrope U walk my friend. :scared: :stress:
Shoes/Coding fingers I would not like to be in just now.........

But I'm learning the craft, and hope to help U one day.  :glasses:
Could we back to having a discussion about advertising again then?
I am happy to at least have the conversation about it, long term.
Hi Vic.

U told us the cost of the El Cheapo Eh Gringo, but U neglected to tell us what the cost of dedicated hosting
would be on a month by month basis.
Come on now, be straight with us, and also say what those messages were U had today.
Street / Re: 3 street Dreamin'
June 26, 2013, 08:02:20 PM

Was there a forerunner post to this Topic that I have missed?
(with U opener being:- "Correct"..........and very little in the way of method explanation?)
General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
June 26, 2013, 05:02:36 PM
U have a way with words Ignatus .........