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Messages - Chrisbis

Todays stats

Stats from a Facebook user of the Linked software.

This is the result of using YouTubeTsunami Software.
I'm happy to remove the PM wording, and keep it to a discussion
only topic in line with Forum Rules and Guidelines.
I have posted the link, with the originators affiliate id removed.
Have a  look for yourselves.
it's a product re-launch.
Who is interested in Internet Marketing Techniques?

I have been interested in Internet Marketing for some time now, and wanted to open the debate about the whole subject.
I have just seen a very interesting and unique marketing software technique, which involves YouTube.

In fact, when U see it................and hear it.............the first thing U will think is:-

"Why didn't I think of [it first"

Here is the link

Anyways, any info, questions, then post here with your interest and the experiences U have encountered.


I will not sell anything directly via this forum.
I am not affiliated to any product.

Great, honest post Arthur.
Look forward to reading more of a fellow Brits Roulett Blog.
Off-topic / Re: "Its £5.00 per inch........."
June 10, 2013, 06:44:07 PM
Community Software / Re: Montanosz free stuff
June 10, 2013, 03:39:53 PM
Quote from: MontanosZ01 on June 10, 2013, 02:19:25 PM
..more attachment my friends *.dgt file

How do U open a dgt file?
There does not appear to be a program in the zipped file ?
Am I missing something Montanos?

Nice to to see new programs coming to the fore.........and a warm welcome too.  8)

Cheers Gorkin..............I see it now, they are all (well nearly all) RX files .
Thank u. :thumbsup:
Community Software / Re: Montanosz free stuff
June 10, 2013, 01:31:06 PM
One has links to advertising..................... :broken:

should be scrutinized by admin staff first.

There is a reason why there is a Newcomer Section for first post.  :o
Off-topic / Re: Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 10, 2013, 09:56:54 AM
Has Bailey turned a page on that book yet Sam? 8)
Busy on another project.  :broken:

Looks like others have it covered anyway.
Its not a "Win all the Time" HG..............
Something very similar has been coded previously too..........  ::)

Does D/C = Dozen/Column Geoff?
General Discussion / Re: Snakes!
June 05, 2013, 12:50:22 PM
Very hypnotising Drazen.  :o
Excellent stuff.....
Thanx for sharing.  :thumbsup:
Dozen/Column / Re: Double treble
June 04, 2013, 10:22:19 PM
Brilliant .
Dozen/Column / Re: Double treble
June 03, 2013, 06:13:08 PM
I will second that Great Gramp's!
Quite agree Sam.

I spent 20 years chasing perfection in my line of work, only to find out that NOTHING is perfect.

Now, we just manage the best that we can, and when I see an edge, I try and keep that edge.

How are the bots doing?

It would be good, if U could supply a Weekly/Monthly tally of how they are performing.
No need for the exact system to be described, just something like:-

Bot 1...........Plays an EC game................made $20 this week.........
Bot 2...........Plays an Inside game..........made bugger-all this week.
Bot 3.......................................................man made!

and so on.
When I get my bots running again, I will do the same.

Bis Rant over!