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Messages - Chrisbis

Man who pick nose.......has irresistible itch.......on the underside of his flat cap!!
That only shows in YOUR time zone Andy!!

It says 05.34:53 AM in my set time zone!! lol
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 06, 2013, 10:09:38 AM

First of all..............may I welcome you to the forum, [smiley]welcome/smiley-welcome.gif[/smiley],  and I hope you able to enjoy your stay here.

You have obviously been keeping tabs on the forum prior, and I can see you know some of the players involved in the whole W3M scam.

All we ask, (and I say this as a Roulette interested person, not just as a Mod), is you present what you have in a subjective and honest manner.

Any and all of your words/threads will understandably be subject to intense scrutiny, as well as some ridicule.
Its the nature of the beast............or the Monster, as Sam rightly points out.

What would be wonderful, is for there to be an understanding of what the supposed CEH bet was, how it has morphed
and what its become.

So.........Jon V, do your best at showing something of substance, and worthy of further discussion.

The process should be relatively painless, and I know the Mods will adhere to our side of the deal,
and remove/edit anything that turns out to be unsavoury.
I look forward to your forthcoming posts.

Chris [smiley]welcome/handshake.gif[/smiley]
Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 31, 2013, 09:25:18 PM

I have restored the Topic you mentioned........but I didn't delete that one!
Its halloween, must be the Ghosts and Ghoulies........ we all have to be aware tonight eh.

And, here it is again, in case it gets 'guised' again tonight!!:-
Thanks for the reply Turner -- I've just done a quick 250 live spin analysis of Dublin bet and looked for an even chance of 3 x series of 2 or more hits e.g using red as an example,RR B RRRR BB RRR B
so here we have 3 series of 2 or more reds ( 2,4,3 ) and then bet for a single red to appear ( so we would wait for the next red to appear and then bet black )
Results for the 20 even chances were + 13 units , however , + 11 units came from betting on the " cold " partner alone and only + 2 units from the " hot " partner of the even chances.

This makes sense as the hot partner will have more hits of 3 and above and vice versa.
This is 18 wins and 7 losses , a 72% strike rate for an even chance, of course its only a small sample and the problem lies in determining which is the hot and which is the cold partner of the even chance, maybe someone with more experience could assist in helping identifying this , maybe a checkmark at 10 , 20 spins to determine hot or cold partner ?
Maybe this filter will help with your profitability Turner. Cheers. Klw

A warm Halloween  >:D [smiley]cxp/666.gif[/smiley]Welcome to you Alien Z.

have fun in your new found home.  :cheer:

Thanks for the free gift to forum Roulette members.  :applause:
Even chance / Re: lines as ECs
October 31, 2013, 06:18:34 PM
I have removed some threads that were not in line with the original Topic, and taking a tangent.

No one needs to be banned/muted Klw

Lets all keep to the Topic shall we.

(Noted in Moderator Lounge....)
Online Casinos / Re: Betvoyager Live Casino
October 25, 2013, 12:07:07 AM
Always play Live OnLine tables with the sound muted....off....
You don't need the distraction.
Online Casinos / Re: BITCOIN www.satoshidice.com
October 22, 2013, 09:23:25 AM
@All Topic Readers

After review in the Moderation Lounge, the advice to members using this
over issued link....(think like the emails you get everyday, telling you to get this and that,
and always parade the Link twice within the email!!), is to use with caution.
Check out the terms and conditions of use.

BetSelection.cc does not have any association with this link.

Be careful out there........ [smiley]aes/beer.png[/smiley]
Topic locked now...........I think it's served its purpose.

Thanx guys.
Off-topic / A CAT
October 21, 2013, 10:59:25 AM
@ Mike

I seriously think you mistaken if you don't see systems being criticized here.

There are some of biggest critics in the gaming world in here, (and our sister station).

There is a difference between asserting your in the right about any given system,
and showing that you correct in the analysis.

Show and tell has always been the most effective method of imparting knowledge,
(since that is what your mission seems to be)......and therefore we would welcome that approach.

Maybe, because your forum-wise, you just got off the wrong foot so2speak.

One of the best forms of show&tell, is being undertaken by the member Proofreaders2000,
with his fantastic cataloguing and archiving of every system & method he comes across,
or is sent to him, through the forum.
Maybe you could help in this regard, but be aware....as he charts the system, he also plays it,
and strangely enough, almost each time he puts a bet on the system under test....he wins!!

Its amazing results so far!

But we all know why that is ....don't we Mike!??!!

(I'd be interested in your analysis of that scenario.!)

Interesting writing going on there/here.

Who IS 'Mike' I wonder?

Seems that either he has been here before, or certainly he has obtained experience in some
other forum establishment before.

Its always strange when a relative Newbie, comes along and begins laying down the LAW, and having a go at a very well respected member of the Roulette Community.

It take style and some organisation, to be as concise as 'Mike' is when posting on a forum like this.
A sense of "Let me tell you straight"...in the approach.

I have to be curious as to why he has come here, (assuming it's a he)....and what the underlying motive is.
I know Esoito has had a word with the new member.

Maybe we ALL need to watch out for the message!
I would prefer it if Albalaha (spelt correctly one believes), would desist from posting at all.
(in here)

Could be a good outcome.

(Said in my capacity as an Independent mind!)
Double-street / Re: EC too Easy!
October 14, 2013, 12:14:42 PM
You will get burnt !!
With regard to your reporting of Post Albalaha......I don't see anything wrong with it, and you're not the Topic author this time.
Move along now.
Thanks for reading.