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Messages - Chrisbis

Double-street / Re: In the 9 modified
June 01, 2013, 05:39:47 PM
Another version for U to thing about BW.....


Double-street / Re: In the 9 modified
June 01, 2013, 02:46:44 PM
Its "Danging" my bell also.............so continue Grampa.  8)
Off-topic / Nice for some eh!
June 01, 2013, 02:08:15 PM
Its nice here eh!!?!!

Watch out tho.................possible rain clouds on Wednesday next.

Double-street / Re: In the 9 modified
June 01, 2013, 01:25:01 PM
U missed the "s" off the closing sequence..........

table, comment, help!
1,why, when?
Double-street / Re: In the 9 modified
June 01, 2013, 01:05:09 PM
Pleasure..............as always.  ;)
Street / Re: Streets by zio_Ninni
June 01, 2013, 11:55:59 AM
Hey Walter...............good morning to U.

Little something for u............ a proper table function in forum.
Its called csv.
U separate out the data with whatever symbol U like. I have used "comma" as its able to be disguised, without losing the ability to use .(full stop):(colon);(semi colon)-(dash) or /(forward slash) like U did.

Here is your New table. The first line, is always the header.

Number spun,Amount bet,Amount won,Running total,Comments
25,,,, bet on 26 and 27
33,-2,,-2,add 31 and 32
14,-4,,-6,add 13 and 15
06,-6,,-12,add 4 and 5
28,-8,,-20,add 29 and 30
20,-10,,-30,add 19 and 21
22,-12,,-42,add 23 and 24
23,-14,36,-20,remove 23 and 24 and add 1 unit to the rest
20,-24,,-44,no numbers to add because 20 just repeated so we continue
32,-24,72,4,running total less than 10 unit so we continue& remove 31 and 32 and add 1 unit to all
5,-30,108,82,profit target exceeded& we reset

I took the liberty of re-doing your first post table contents, in the csv formate.

Cause I know your interested in coding, like myself, I have put the source code in the reveal below, so U can see how it works.

[reveal= csv table code source][csv=,]
Number Spun,Amount Bet,Amount Won,Running Total,Comments
25,,,, bet on 26 and 27
33,-2,,-2,add 31 and 32
14,-4,,-6,add 13 and 15
06,-6,,-12,add 4 and 5
28,-8,,-20,add 29 and 30
20,-10,,-30,add 19 and 21
22,-12,,-42,add 23 and 24
23,-14,36,-20,remove 23 and 24 and add 1 unit to the rest
20,-24,,-44,no numbers to add because 20 just repeated so we continue
32,-24,72,4,running total less than 10 unit so we continue& remove 31 and 32 and add 1 unit to all
5,-30,108,82,profit target exceeded& we reset

Note*...Vic has yet to fully implement this csv code, so if U copy and paste, the font may be odd!
(as U can no doubt see!

This is what it should look like
Table Number,Table shape,Table colour,No of People
June 01, 2013, 11:29:30 AM
Cheers Dane...

.....and it will be standard progression for Streets thereafter.
worth a shot, for a mechanical bet.
General Discussion / Re: RNG is not bad huh!
June 01, 2013, 04:00:07 AM
I will tell U what BisCending (BisCending9 actually), when I get to know that fabulous Doz/Col framework,
U are currently teasing the forum with ! lol

Meanwhile, have a look what my 40 Euro buy-in has now achieved!

My best guess of a Doz/Col Framework.

Begin................. after first free/low chip spin.

FTL.............for three spins.(FTL= FollowTheLast)
If Not ahead after three spins, then take next bet as DBL.(DecisionBeforeLast)
If ahead at any time using DBL, then reset to FTL
If not ahead using DBL, continue until 3 spins with DBL
If not ahead after 3 spins FTL, and then 3 spins DBL, then Find best winning Outcome, and bet it.
If no winning combo available, then find best winning Dozen Outcome, and bet it
If No best winning Dozen outcome, then find best Winning Column Outcome, and bet it.
Reset to FTL as soon as ahead.

Progress is +1 on a loss, and progress each Dozen and Column separately.

Starting bet is 1+1 =2

That's as far as I have got.

Non taken at all Sam.................tho there are clues in the cover email.
I will heed  your "savvy" words my friend.
I works as well as any EC method then...............how's that!

Need to full test on it, nut I'm testing out other stuff at the moment, like 1 in 9 from the other forum...very interesting too!

Can not beat having enough systems and ideas up  your "Sleeve" so2speak!
Actuals/Hands / Beautiful Marquee!
May 31, 2013, 11:28:54 PM
I could just tell that 18 was due any spin soon..................
something to do with #14 following #30, and a few other markers I have.  :whistle:

Anyway...............it hit!  :cheer:
(BTW, I was playing BisCending9 + extra mayo on the 18, and his friends!  ^-^  )

Well, with all respect to all your wishes Ego, I have been sent this IHG and been asked not to reveal the system...just post my findings.

I will talk about the framework of the bet, since it DOES fall into a framework style of BetSelection, again, I don't think I am giving away much there.
And....... since from what I have read at his site, and the ideas he has,
he is well known for having Framework type bets & systems.

One thing I will say, is I have read something very similar in the Old Sister forum, posted by George (GLC), and his plethora of EC type bets!  :o

What I will say is [revealB] more like a "responsive" bet that a direct "Pattern" bet[/revealB]
Very interesting EC's decision bet.

The presentation, is on Bacc, but the Bet Selection Style, will also suit Roulette EC, any one of them.

Reasonably simple to follow, and chart................no real depth of tracking required.
(I don't think I have revealed any method here, just general comments, some of which are in the intro email)

Report on casino progress to come. :)
Interesting developments............

After Izak had sent me that email, I returned a cheeky reply to him, asking if I could have a copy, for testing, of his HG, and that I had mentioned his email, in our forum.
I usually do, and most of time I never hear back from the sender...............but today is a new day...and guess what has just popped up into my Inbox?


Sure, Chris, why not.  I will do so as long as you do not reveal the contents of the system, but only your findings.  And please provide a link to my site:

Please find the system and its 500 Zumma shoes sample attached.

Thank you and best regards,


So, having complied with his wish for a link to his site, I will read, study, and report my findings here.
Stay tuned.