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Messages - Chrisbis

An example perhaps Dane?
Straight-up / Re: Dane's "XOXOX" system.
May 31, 2013, 01:02:23 PM
In this country we call it "OXO" after a famous brand of Gravy make.

Used to have the adverts on the back of buses, and the phrase was always:-

"Well, its says OXO on the back of buses, but they don't sell any!".............(one for your parents I think, UK only!)

The child game of the same ilk is also called OXO.

For those who wondered, this is what this "Game" looks like as discribed:-

Has anyone else had this HG email sent them today?

Yes, its another HG to pick from.........
So many to choose ............................ :o

IHG - Izak's Holy Grail
Dear Let's Talk Winning subscribers, customers, friends,
People often ask me if there was only one system I would use to make consistent profits, which one would it be?  I have developed so far 56 systems and I usually use multiple systems of mine, but if there is one system that I keep coming back to it year after year, I can tell confidently that this is the one:   It is my own Holy Grail.
Some players say, the Holy Grail is not the system, but the player.  He/she must know how to act when a bad run/shoe is encountered, how to take advantage of winning runs, how to quit with profits, to know when to enter the game and when to exit and how to keep the profits permanently.   
The player needs to decide how to behave at different circumstances. That's true, but this behavior must meet certain conditions. One has to act one way or another based on certain criteria. If this criteria is different every time, then this holy grail becomes just one's gut feeling. If the criteria is the same every time and every time one achieves good results doing so, then this holy grail becomes systematic and it can be defined with a certain set of rules.
IHG does exactly that. Every system will have its weak points, its nemesis, either in the bet selection or within the bet method. One needs to act upon those weaknesses properly.   If the losses then can be minimized by applying those principles, then the profits take over, thus we have a consistently profitable system.
IHG is based on existing principles.  The idea is to use the right combinations.  Like in nutrition, one must consume the correct food combinations.   It is not good, for instance, to combine carbs and proteins within the same dinner, as this causes undesired extra fat.  You may be surprised, but eating a tiny hamburger, containing bread (carbohydrate) and a piece of meat (protein) will cause more fat than a huge steak, green vegetables and a large salad.  Just this simple formula alone, including not adding sugar to your proteins, could resolve the obesity problem in North America.   
In IHG also, the right combination of the bet selection and the bet method is very important.  Since every bet selection and bet method have their nemesis, one has to apply the proper parameters in order not to get caught in those nemesis.  This will strip off the system's weaknesses.   The remaining portion of the system will be sturdy and rock solid.  Those are the constituents of my Holy Grail.
The nemesis are not failing points.  They are the parameters, which let us take the proper decisions when they occur.  Since we always apply the same parameters, those decisions are taken systematically.  We can see below a performance chart of IHG.  When the graph goes slightly lower during the consistently increasing profit chart, those are the instances of the nemesis.  As one can see in the chart below, the graph portion going down is considerably smaller than the portion of the graph going upwards, meaning that the nemesis are properly contained and controlled:

IHG has been generating over 3000 units in average on a yearly basis, playing about 500 shoes a year, year after year, for the past 12 years.   This live performance is the best evidence for long term testing, much better than testing over Zumma tester books.
In any event, I still took Zumma's first half (500 shoes) of the 1K tester book, just as a sample, to see if the performance of Zumma will be similar to live.  And there it was.  Over 500 shoes, it indeed generates 3616.45 units in Baccarat, commissions taken into account.  This simulation will be given to you upon your purchase of the system document.
IHG applies to all even bets and has been used for Roulette (Reds/Blacks, Evens/Odds, Highs/Lows), for Craps (Pass Line/Don't Pass Line), for Baccarat (Player/Banker), for Sic-Bo (Small/Big), etc.
One of the nemesis handling parameters is the setting of the highest bet limit and it is 45 for IHG.  The above performance is achieved with this parameter requiring a lifetime bankroll not larger than 171 units.
The high bet limit is a trigger to take a certain action.  If it hasn't been reached yet, one still places the next bet, which determines if the run closes.  The highest bet ever placed in this sample of 500 shoes was 88 units, which matches my live play very closely.
You can experiment with the high bet limit value and you will be amazed that even with a lower high bet limit, such as 23, the 500 shoes will generate an end profit of more than 1100 units, which is suitable for lower budgets.
One places bets on every decision using IHG.  There is absolutely no tracking required.  The only time bets are interrupted are within the nemesis control region and this interruption is usually quite short.   So the system is very dynamic.  It's excellent for casinos requiring the placing of the bets at all times when one is seated at a table.
The system is only 14 pages of easy reading.  IHG is a combination of a few formulae, the best ones.
IHG goes only for $95.  If it's the Holy Grail, you will wonder how come it's so inexpensive.  Well, that's because I'd like to share it with all of you.  At a high price, the secret would remain mine only.  If you win a lot with it (I know you will), you may want to send me a bonus, which I would gladly accept.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  If not, you can have a full refund totally unconditionally within 30 days of your purchase, no strings attached, no questions asked.
Click here to order.
Thank you,
Izak Matatya

Wishing you all the best.

email: webmaster@letstalkwinning.com

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Lol.....................  :applause:
I'm now thinking, there are a few of these at play here..............

DB2L (DecisionBefore2ndLast)
or as my new abbrev would make it..

RB2L (ResultBefore2ndLast)

Then things make sense!
I hope Atlantis/TCS/Others, will agree, DBL should really be labelled..............

OBL (OutcomeBeforeLast) or even

RBL (ResultBeforeLast) to be an accurately reflective abbreviation.

My preference would be RBL since its the Results we are basing our next Decision on!
(So U can see, why those new to the game can get easily confused, with results, and decisions)

I think from now on, those two abbrev's, should be referred to as FTL, which says it all,
(& would be like saying "Follow that Result")
and RBL, which infers, U want to bet on the same Result that came out before the last result.
Are you doing a Loss/Win registry for each Dozen . Column to the degree that you end up making  your own Doz/Col up to suit the results....and hence end up with that 6units on Column only bet?
It doesn't because there IS NOT a previous* Double winning combo........

*in the results/spins so far.


So, is it (first set of spins)

FTL.......L-L  Double Loss, so go to DBL
DBL......L-L  2nd Double Lose, so go to FTL
FLT.......L-L  3rd Double Lose, Swap the FTL
FTLs.....L-L  4th Double Lose, Swap the DBL
Looks good.
I had something like it, tho I had separated the Dozen and Column out into individual Lw registry......
So on a L:L, L:L, L:L, I was looking back for the last winning combo for each BS....which, if it was a W:W is the same bet!

Well done.  :applause:

The only other thing I dreamt up this morning, was to add another Rule/Bet to the two we already have......

We have FTL (FollowTheLast)
........and DBL (DecisionBeforeLast)

and then I thought of another BetSelection.........Opposite/Swap

Which would be to Swap the bet, only if it was either of these:-
working on the safe cracking................

"Charlie !!......pass me the dynamite "
General Discussion / Re: RNG is not bad huh!
May 30, 2013, 10:17:13 AM
I'm at 70 Euro BR from 40 Euro deposited.
Playing on European Roulette (with zero)

Mostly using BisCending (on 5step progession)
.....and Three EC's combo (similar to Triple Shooter +Green Goblin Insurance)
Split / Re: Live Split Repeater
May 30, 2013, 01:16:54 AM
Excellent Telemetry Great Grampa...............  :thumbsup:

and wonderful little tracking system in use.
General Discussion / Re: RNG is not bad huh!
May 30, 2013, 12:10:14 AM
Yes............its always like that.  :applause:

Tho, because of the 10% commission payable at end of every session, I have moved over to the European Roulette version, with the Green Goblin (Zero)

BV is one of the best RNG that there is.  :nod:

I have previously played the NZ version, when the 10%, used to only be on the withdrawals U made, and on the profit made playing on the NoZero.
But the change to charging U after each session, made me re-think!  :o
Not sure if that is it 'exactly'..............

I think its something to do with the number of loses in a row, because, as you may notice, he never goes above 6+6 progression.
That is only 6levels (5 losses max).........
So possible rule is "After two losses on same bet.....do this....."
"After two wins on same be......do this......."
There is a definitive movement calculation going on that seems to even beat a RNG casino.
(or at least Bet Voyage)
I still think the puzzle is not solved .