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Messages - Chrisbis

Well done Altantis!  Hats off to U.

Been racking my brains on it.

So according to your reply, it's a combination of BOTH FTL & DBL...........wonder how that works as a Framework!

I did not see an error where U stated..........
it's a Double lose on Doz/Col

Spin #  Doz/Col     Result                           BR           +/-           BET WAS             MY GUESS AT THE BET SELECTION
22.........D2,C1.....LOSE ON BOTH...............-5............-6..............3+3=6...............D1,C3 is my guess of what he bet
  5.........D1,C2.....LOSE ON BOTH.............-13............-8..............4+4=8...............D2,C2
13.........D2,C1.....WIN ON BOTH................+7.........+30.............5+5=10.............D3,C3  RESET PROGRESSION
18.........D2,C3.....WIN ON ONE.................+8...........+1..............1+1=2...............D3,C3

It all looked good to me from a data point of view, tho he threw me in the other results, when he didn't progress even tho the result was not a New High, nor equivalent to former High.

Well done A.

I could not get FTL, or BDL to fit exactly for a ONE-OFF fixed condition, but maybe that's where GreatGrampa meant:-
Quote from: GreatGrampa
The nature of this framework is very dynamic yet static becaus it's all decided at the start.

I had a dream last night................

A Dozen beautiful ladies were standing against 12 Marble Columns, (one on each) and all I had to do was pick one!

Then I woke up in a Zero daze!!

Just a thought!....................maybe not a Static inner wheel, but a revolving one! lol
Free Releases / Re: Cascading Sectors Tracker
May 28, 2013, 11:30:57 PM
Very interesting RTB..................  :thumbsup:
My update so far.

I can state, that the method is NOT DBL *(DecisionBeforeLast)
I have charted over half the spins, and the split analysis between the Dozen and the Column, and after carefully examining
can say, that the method DBL, only fits your play results 56% of the time.

(56% as a measure if the results for the two outcomes matching the DBL)

I can also state, that its much more likely to be a form of FTL* (FollowTheLast)

In charting this play method, the two outcomes, (both Dozen and Column matching, whether a Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Win, or Lose/Lose), match 68% of the time, of my half sample, and if I classically double my analysis, and mark a results for each Half decision, that would rise to 78% correct.

But in reality, neither of these get me to get a 100% fit of method to match this play technique of Urs.

It must be a set process at work, in the same genre as the 1 2 3 Framework works for the EC/Dozen/Lines bet U have shown us.

In the 1 2 3 Framework, U take 3 steps per Bet Selection.......Starting at the EC base bet, where the coverage of the wheel/table = 50% (of a NoZero wheel)

Then, on a loss, U move the bet Forward, and target the LAST Dozen to hit, which now focuses in on 33.33% of the wheel/table

Then, after the Dozen has lost 3 times, U focus yet again on the narrower Bet Selection of 1 Line (1 Double Street), which, since it covers 6 numbers of a possible 36 outcomes, reduces the Bet Selection down into 16% coverage of the Felt.

Though U early said, that this Doz/Col Bet was NOT in the same "district" as the 1 2 3 Framework Bet Selection,
I think there is an element of it, inasmuch as the Dozen/Column Cross Fire Bet Selected must have a narrowing facet to it, within the method.

Why U move a Doz/Col bet, I'm not quite sure of..................yet!
Something to do with the trend of the past results I feel...................!

One thing I am thinking in TRUE, is that if U get TWO loses within the same Bet Selected Dozen, then U move the Dozen Bet.
Very interesting stuff Great G ..........  :whistle:
Thanks jarabo....

Would be sorry to see you leave, but I for one understand to need to take a break from all things Roulette!

In your presented example, what are U typical session lengths, and for the that time spent, how much do U make in profit?
Enough to always cover the 10% exit fee? :nod:

I am now only playing on the European Roulette at BetVoyager, because of the exit fee levied on every session ending.
it's a lot to always cover, and now that I am playing with 0.10 units chips as my base level, I am no longer afraid of the Little Green Goblin fellow at the head of the felt table!!!!! :o

Regards Chris...........returning player !! lol'  :whistle:
It certainly is a good "Game" lol

I am having great difficulty in reverse engineering the method, esp that with Doz/Col combo play, so this always two options for where to place the bet, esp on a Double loss!

I have however, formulated a couple of Rules that I can see within the Framework structure.

  • If U Win on Both Doz and Column................I think U stay on the same Bet Selection
  • The progression steps never go beyond 6+6=12 (an amount on each Bet Selection)
  • On a loss, U don't always move the Bet Selection to a New position(s)
  • As U get to, or very near to +40 (within 20% of Target Profit, U switch to playing Dozens only, and U cover Two Dozens
I'm still trying to see the Bet Selection made after each play, and the reason for it.
There are some patterns, and I can see some MM too, tho at one point (in Spin 20) U did confuse me, in that, U had just recovered partially from a drawdown of -17 to a plus of +7, with a Bet Selection on Doz/Col or 6+6=12, but U did not continue on with the progression, even tho U were not at your original New High. Instead U reset to base level of 1+1=2

I'm still figuring out the framework!
The MM I think I have, as I had described before.

I think it's a cyclic Bet Selection, but not sure if U are measuring the Bet Selection against some form of Lw registry, or more likely I think, it is how the results are trending during the session.

I will be back! lol

My charting endeavours!! lol
Just wanted to publicly thank GreatGrampa for his very kind prize money of Euro25  :thumbsup:

I have just received his payment via my PayPal

Thank you very much Great G for this generous award.  :-[

Excellent post Jules.  :applause:
I think Watford will edge this one.......
I give you.............Perpetual "Motion"

Experiments with Self-Flowing Flask

(Note.............speed thro to Time 1:52 for the real evidence!)
Off-topic / Re: Music thread
May 27, 2013, 02:41:56 PM

Great choice my internet friend.............what a woman!


Its that U in  your "Seconds Out" Genesis tour T shirt!
Great photo!
Sorry my friend, thought that RF.cc link was an original question!!
unintelligent ain't eye!

Mild dough eh.................mmmm!

great extension of the English language there! lol

I hear U are now one of three reported- winning consistently.....!
Well done, are U available for weddings, birthdays, bar vitzmass, christenings?

I hopefully have two christenings to attend next year!

Yes, I am going to be a grand-daddy too! (two even!)

Anyways.......................what are U playing to win consistently?

I'm varying my play a lot these days, but BV RNG only....!
Morning All

Doesn't look like there are many takers for this challenge.

Its an excellent way of getting players to learn new (New to them), techniques and playing methods, without it just being sent to one in a PDF.

I for one am very grateful to the originator (GreatGrampa) for his thread.

Right, back to business.

Can we have the spins then now GreatG, and see if I can see what U saw in the starting set up please?

Also..................did u get my PM re-PayPal account.
Did U make those wins, with a Neg Progression, or Flat betting?

and.............if I may ask, are U betting 3 EC's at once on this game?
I can see the 0.10cents chip is raised, so is that  your base level or bet?

Thanks for the screen shot.
Interesting tracker U have.........is it widely available or one U made/had made for Urself?

Off-topic / Re: Music thread
May 26, 2013, 10:00:45 PM
Good break dancing Kat.......... :glasses: