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Messages - Chrisbis

Straight-up / Re: Lucky Nine *FINAL*
May 26, 2013, 09:58:54 PM
Coherent set of instructions, and a practical example, with spins.....even better.  :nod:
General Discussion / Re: Stetsons method
May 26, 2013, 09:54:05 PM
This is what post author dave_guy said.

Quote from: dave_guy

It looked like this...mmmpmppmmpppp 7/13  pmmmpmpmpppmp 6/13 mmpmmppppmmmp 6/13
mpmpmmppmmpmmm 4/13 mpppmpppppmmm 8/13 ppmppmppmpmmm 7/13 pppppmpmmmpmp 8/13
mmmmmppmmmppm 4/13 ppmmmmpmppmmm 5/13 mppmmmpppppmp 8/13 pmppm (end at 5pm)


I just added up the decisions it is 132/132 if my addition is correct, a 50/50 game based on approx 30 decisions per hour.  It does not always work out like this but close all of the time based on about 4 hours of play or more in my 4 years of charting experience.

appears to be a problem with sizing of text here.

Hope that helps anyone reading.
I see the editing problem with posts is still with us!  :o
Morning Great Grampa...... :)

Ok, lets see "like a blind man looking for his black cat, in a blackened basement, wearing nothing but his shades"...if we can shed some light here.

I'm thinking U are seeing a streak of one colour, and a heavy domination of one dozen/column at the beginning of your session.

This leads U to play the "Follow-Me" game of DBL (Decision Before Last)

If U have a streak on the Marquee, but the Dozen is alternating every other spin, then that would make sense, to play for it continuing.

U therefore chose, a Trending Dozen, and a Trending Column, to play the "CrossFire" Doz/Col game, and Use DBL as your Bet Selection.

There is NO Zero, because U tell us so, so that is not a deciding factor here.
So, lets look a these typical Bet Selections.........


For guests mainly, (most must know these positions by now), here are ALL the possible combinations of Doz/Col bet U can make on a NoZero Roulette Game.

For the slow down to occur, U must see, from the outset, a dominant Dozen occurring, or, if not a Dominant one, then one that has slept for quite a while, maybe, at the end, Spins 50 thro to 53, are played as a +1 progression, on this Sleeping Dozen only, to give U your final Out of session win.

[revealB]Maybe it slept for the 48 spins!![/revealB]
At spin 41 U produce a New High Balance of 151.15 (is a 2+2 bet selection on BOTH Doz/Col I think, which wins a Net of +12)

At Spin 44 U produce a New Balance of 148.15, this is not a New High, but U do not progress the Doz/Col which has not won, instead U reset both to 1+1

I think U are still betting on both Doz and Col upto at least Spin 48

Spin 48 starts with a Bal of 146.15, and U bet 6 units leaving 140.15
I think its still a bet of 3+3 units on Doz/Col equally, because it produces a Win of +9, which U can only get from a Win on a Doz or Col only, not a win on a Bet of 6 units on one or the other, that would net 18 units.

If U change your bet onto only a Dozen, or Only a Column, then It must have happened after Spin 48

There are 53 Spin/Bets.

It must be, I think, because U got with 10% of your win target, and could see thro-out your session, that a Dozen, or Column was producing a good result, consistently too, so U chose to run into the end zone, with just one of the bet selections.
And this change in direction, and reduction in risk, occurred around Spin 48, when U did not progress the Doz/Col that did not hit.
U reset them both, even tho U had not quite achieved your New High position.
U were close, but decided to slow down the bets, and almost do a +1, +2 run in towards the end.

(Perhaps, because of what was showing on the Marquee, U chose Dozen 3, to finalise  your game session)
Think I have got it now  :nod:

Post the method up later this afternoon. shopping is calling! lol

My Guess.......

Start Balance=  103.15

1st Spin.
Bet 1 + 1 on each Doz/Col......... Balance is 101.15
Bet wins on ONE of the Bet Selections +3net gain
New High Bal is 104.15 (New High Balance, stay at base level chips)

2nd Spin
Bet 1 + 1 on each Doz/Col..........Balance is 102.15
Bet loses on BOTH Bet Selections
New Bal is 102.15 (Lower than starting Bal, so progression to Step 1, on BOTH Bet Selections)

3rd Spin.
Bet 2 + 2 on each Doz/Col..........Balance is 98.15
Bet Wins on BOTH Bet Selections +6net gain
New High Bal is 104.15 (Same as previous High, so reset progression step)

4th Spin.
Bet 1+1 on each Doz/Col............Balance is 102.15
Bet Wins on ONE bet selection only +3
New High Bal is 105.15 (New High, so stay at base level chips)

5th Spin.
Bet 1+1 on each Doz/Col...........Balance is 103.15
Bet Loses on BOTH Bet Selections
New Bal is 103.15 (Lower than New High, so Progression to Step 1, on BOTH Bet Selections)

6th Spin.
Bet 2 +2 on each Doz/Col..........Balance is 99.15
Bet Loses on BOTH Bet Selections
New Bal is 99.15 (Lower than New High, so Progression to Step 2, on BOTH Bet Selections)

7th Spin.
Bet 3+3 on each Doz/Col...........Balance is 93.15
Bet Wins on ONE Bet Selection only +9
New Bal is 102.15 (Lower than New High, so Progression of the Losing Bet Selection to Step 3, reset Winning Bet Select)

8th Spin.
Bet 4+1 on the Doz/Col (Split amounts).......Balance is 97.15
Bet Loses on BOTH Bet Selections
New Bal is 97.15 (Lower than New High, So Progression to Step 4, and Step 2 on the Bet Selections)

9th Spin.
Bet 5+2 on the Dol/Col (Split amounts)........Balance is 90.15
Bet Wins on BOTH Bet Selections (+15 +6= +21)
New High Bal is 111.15 (New High, so reset BOTH Bet Selections to base level chips)

10th Spin.
Bet 1+1 on each Doz/Col ...........Balance is 109.15
Bet Wins on ONE Bet Selection only +3
New High Bal is 112.15 (New High, so reset Progression to base level chips)

11th Spin.
Bet 1+1 on each Doz/Col............Balance is 110.15
Bet Loses on BOTH Bet Selections
New Bal is 110.15 (Lower than  New High, so progression to Step 1, on BOTH Bet Selections)

12th Spin.
Bet 2+2 on each Doz/Col............Balance is 106.15
Bet Wins on BOTH Bet Selections (+6+6=+12)
New High Bal is 118.15 (New High, so reset to base level chips.)

Need any more Great Grampa?

Ok........here is my guess for 100% of prize money

your playing One Dozen, and One Column \Crossfire game.
U bet 1.00 on a Dozen (Say 3rd Dozen), and 1.00 on a Column (say Column A)
If U win on just one of the bets, U net 1.00
If U win on BOTH bets (so both Dozne, & Column hit) U net 4.00

U may also be betting a corner in the same Dozn/Column cross way.

That's the guess from the UK judging panel.  :whistle:
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 23, 2013, 11:33:30 PM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 23, 2013, 10:09:17 PM
Continue on dozens

That's an additional rule eh!

I will add it to my play...............and its going very well thank u.  :applause:
Actuals/Hands / Colourful Marquee!
May 23, 2013, 04:17:21 PM
Needs some colour throwing  into this Marquee!

What is it about Walter?
Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
May 23, 2013, 04:10:11 PM
Love a good rum and Coke. Yummmm!
Bet Voyager..RNG casino. European Wheel  (With Zero)

It has gone since to 4th level, but I followed it with a 4 unit bet on the Lines, and thus virtually recovered.  :sing:
General Discussion / 1 2 3 ...BOOM!!!!! it works!
May 23, 2013, 01:45:46 PM
1 2 3 Framework.................love it...it works well.

BR...........20 Euro
Time........4 mins+

(I played one spin (17th),with a Lines bet, cause I felt lucky!)

More testing to come :nod:[attach=1]

Well done Drazen.

Patience is definitely key  :nod:
General Discussion / Re: BV random
May 22, 2013, 11:18:22 PM
At BV (BetVoyager), the numbers are sent out in streams of 10 number batches from their SHA-256 number generator. (to your computer)

By changing a index number on their playing GUI, U can shift the sequence of numbers by a measured amount.
So, if there was going to be a number 1 or 11 within the data stream of 10 numbers sent out, by changing the Index number to say 5, the base line of the numbers sent out on those original numbers, will be shifted out by 5, and will now include at least a 6 or 16, or 26.

So all numbers (within the 10 sent out) will be shifted by the index number.
The default setting on the GUI is "0" zero

At the end of a game, if U have not used the 10 numbers up, U can see the data stream sent to u, by a selection switch with the GUI of the BV Roulette game.