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Messages - Chrisbis

DNHG...... :glasses: ............ ;D ............. 8) ............................£0.01 on its way Samster! lol :upsidedown:
My 4 x 4 was next Sam......!  :o
Creativity Adventures / Noahs Crossword Ark 3 x 3
May 20, 2013, 02:34:32 PM
Here's a little game for you to play.

Crossword 3 x 3

The beauty here, is each game will be different, and the first 9 spins entered (no bet unless U want to),
are placed haphazard into a Grid Matrix(One)

it's a little 3 x 3 matrix of entered spins, and then, using the Second Grid Matrix (Two),
U will bet against the formed EC colours, that were placed into Grid Matrix One.

Start at Cell A7, (almost top left), and input, using the keyboard, your Marquee spins.
The data will be 'scatter entered' into the First Grid (One), and its opposite colour will appear in Second Grid (Two)

Then, once U have entered 9 spins (3 x 3), U can begin betting with Grid Two, and bet the colour/R/B shown.
Bet from left to right, starting at *

Continue entering the next number spun, and your score, colour & number will appear in Grid Two.

Session score shows too.

Here's a screen shot, so U know what to expect.
Spins entered can be reset using the reset button as indicated.
Its only my second Excel sheet.......so its still a little amateurish!...... (Excel download at the bottom of the post)

Double-street / Re: The F&S on double-streets
May 20, 2013, 12:22:27 PM
Nice idea Vic. :thumbsup:
Online Casinos / Re: Rigged / Rogue Software!
May 19, 2013, 09:43:20 PM
Doesn't look rigged!

3000 Watt Generator Powers Itself, Grinder & Drill Press.

Also, through same source......

[www.witts.ws] Self-Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (1 of 3)
then watch.....
[www.witts.ws] Self-Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (2 of 3)
then.... see 3 of 3

(But why U would wanna talk over that sort of noise without a special microphone.....lord only knows!)
General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
May 19, 2013, 07:52:58 PM
Nice win Sam!

I sped through till U started to say..............."we have a winner"!!!!!!!

Total bet = 24 units (that correct?)

With no cover on:-
3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 22, 24, 28, 29, 30

Is that correct?
Here is your bet in a visual format......

Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 19, 2013, 06:46:15 PM
I think "Flat-in-O" is a little more flattering!! lol
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 19, 2013, 06:25:24 PM
I total agree.......

Cycle progressions are the way forward, and could now feature in lots of previously articulated methods.
We will now have to go back over all methods, to see which ones suit cyclic progressions.

You could also play............

RRBBR                          EOEOE                       HLLHH ..................Now take the best average score of the 5 series results

Av=R                               E                                H

So, now play R, E, H for one spin..........(then take note of result as part of a 5 step progression maybe!)

If win ....reset any progression. Take and note next 5 spins (no bet), & begin again to get your average.
If lose....take one step into a negative progression. Take next 5 spins (no bet), & begin again to get your average.

(Note, because your always looking to win 2 out of 3 (or better), progressions could be quite complex....I like complex!)  :drunk: 
When I have cured the Zero problem, I will post up a New version.

I also intended to make an Excel sheet of the same design for High/Low, and Odd/Even.

Its just a variation on the game!

Also, I want to make smaller versions of the same game, say 3 x 3, 4 x 4 & 5  x 5 matrix grids.
Plus, options to vary where the scattered inputted numbers go on the first grid.

Its just an idea, and obviously still a very mechanical bet selection.
With Flat betting, the 6 x 6 grid, the worst case scenario is -36 units
The best outcome is +36 units.

cheers all. :D
...And here is a completed session for the Betting Pallet.
(I just threw numbers in at random, without looking at the screen, so the result is just as it is!)

Just so U know what to expect.
U will have now completed 72 spins in total, and if U like, U carry on by hitting the Reset Button, and begin again ti input your new 36 base spins into Grid One, and set up a completely new Betting Pallet in Grid Two.


Flat Betting Only for now!
Hi Rob.....Thanx for asking.... good Q.

I know Zero is a problem for me, and this is a TEST only concept.
I'm still trying to figure out how to stop my Excel sheet to place Zero as a Win, since is falls as a "0"
and is counted as Not equal to the colour in Grid One, and hence is a "Win".
I'm for now suggesting we ignore it, and reduce the session total by the number of Zeros shown in Grid Two.
I will work out a solution, I'm just not quite clever enough to find one yet!

Test only Folks.........No real dosh !
Here is the second Grid (the Betting Pallet) after the second Row of bets has been completed.
(and our score is shown at the side, and as a session Total so far)

Flat Betting Only for now!