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Messages - Chrisbis

I think I getting the idea of  your "Framework" concept.

The central idea, (as I see it) is knowing at any one time, what the Win/Loss registry is on the wheel  your playing at, and therefore changing  your betting strategy to suit that changing environment.

The Triple Shooter, was just an example of how to apply the Win/Loss notation?

Tell me if I'm getting somewhere along this long road?  :whistle:
My random search of the day:-

"viscosity test for Earlex air sprayers"
what's yours?

[reveal=Note of caution]I doubt rude, porn or smutty comments on searches will be tolerated by admin! Take heed.[/reveal]
Has anyone heard of this service, and thus gone onto buy it?

Its LOW price is £17
then, when U exit, it has the typical "I don't want to lose You" plea, and offers a 5 day free trial.
(But that could be just to gather email addresses, so be careful to use one of  your lesser used email add'ys.)
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 07, 2013, 09:27:34 AM
Please tell us more GG.

Release the parachute!
Pull cord!
Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
May 07, 2013, 08:09:38 AM
Would that include Vista?

I know................it was one Noah's favourite O/S's just after he landed the Ark, but its all I have at the moment!  :footinmouth:
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 06, 2013, 09:06:01 AM
The "Pattern" in question that I see, (or the "focusing" technique that it reminds me of) looks like this.....

  • Start with random single EC bet.....eg. Bet 1-18 Low
  • Then.....IF EC Hit, move bet forward to target the Dozen that the hit came from
  • Or.........IF EC Missed, repeat EC bet
  • Then.....IF Dozen Hit, move bet forward to target the Line (6 numbers or Double Steet) that the hit came from
  • Or.........IF Dozen Missed, move backwards to EC bet (EC bet to be chosen, maybe from the Trend shown in Marquee)
  • Then.....IF Line Hit, move forward to target Quad (4 corner bet) that the hit came from
  • Or.........IF Line Missed, move backwards to Dozen previously attacked.
  • Then.....IF Quad Hit, Reset to EC bet, and start attack again.
  • Or.........IF Quad Missed, move backwards to the previous Line bet.
How does this shape up GG?

[revealB]I tried it a little in Live play, and with the right MM it could work, esp as it takes in repeater sequences[/revealB]
pixel capture rate?
Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
May 05, 2013, 08:59:21 PM
For those that don't know (and I include myself in that) could someone
(Sam, yourself, Winkel himself if he looks in, or anyone who knows), give the 21st century fellows
an overview, as to what the GUT process is all about?
Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
May 05, 2013, 08:34:48 PM
What is it?
What is it meant to do?
Is it automatic?
What bet selection is involved?
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 04, 2013, 01:07:09 AM
Cheers Nick.  :thumbsup:
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 09:38:53 PM

Tell me please, how easy is it to move the next bet selections around, without ruining the formulas until they align with the layout on the Casino GUI that I am testing Triple Shooter on?

This is how the table is laid out:-
Low, Even, Red, Black, Odd, High

So, lets say the first betselection is Red, Low Even, I would want to read that, left to right, as L, E, R...its makes for less complication on the chip placement, but I realize that we would have to have a six lane wide Betselection to accomadate this option

L, E, R, B, O, H (all the EC's)
L, E, R
L, E,     B
L,     R,     O
L,         B, O
    E, R,         H
    E,     B,     H
        R,     O, H
            B, O, H
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 05:56:46 PM
I see clearly now the rains have gone............ :o

I think I get U now.........Its not the loss of any of the individual EC's that the comparison, but how the whole Triple shot performed as a group, compared to the spin before.

I will look into the Excel sheet, and watch the numbers dance their dance.
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 04:48:00 PM
I don't mind who u ARE, or who U WERE....your dam good at posting in forums......
but here's the rub of my lack of understanding here.....

(BTW-Thanx for the targeted reply GG....)

How do U equate this then:-
Of the last two numbers if 2 or 3 out of 3 even chances match its marked as a "W" in the LW register, else it is marked as a L

versus this imponderable?
14 - REL - L     - +3                         - We won all the 3 bets and got back 6. However as per LW register, this will be marked as "L" even though we won the bet. that's because none of the last even chance repeated. THIS IS KEY. Next bet will be against the chances as the register says L. It will be on BOH.

How come getting 3 outta 3 isn't a Win in anyone's book? lol
The repeat is obviously the issue!
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 01:08:16 PM
Interesting take on how to mark the W/L registry for the Next spin.....I had not thought about comparing the Last Spin result to the one that we were chasing. (and therefore not ness the spin before last!)

I will try this variant, and the cycles machine for the added bonus in game.
Excellent presentation GG.... :applause:


I have to say, this is the hardest part to get round my head

It would seem, that even when U win 2 out of three, the bet (the EC's ) stay the same
Quote27 - ROH - W   - +1                         - We bet 3 and got back 4. This is marked as W as per LW register. So we repeat the chances. Next bet will be ROH

In the above case, although 2 outta three ain't bad, I would normally change the EC bet that missed, and target accordingly.

And inversely, sometimes when we win all three EC's, we still note a loss, and change the bet to Opposite!
35 - BOH - L    - -1                          - We bet 3 and got back 2. This is marked as L as per register. So we bet against the chances. Next bet will be REL. Over all we are +1 now.
14 - REL - L     - +3                         - We won all the 3 bets and got back 6. However as per LW register, this will be marked as "L" even though we won the bet. that's because none of the last even chance repeated. THIS IS KEY. Next bet will be against the chances as the register says L. It will be on BOH. Overall we are +4 now.

That is a strange and novel one.....maybe practice will see us right!
136.37 Mhz.......I'm tuned in!  :nod: