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Messages - Chrisbis

General Discussion / Re: A tribute
May 02, 2013, 11:46:01 AM
Great opening post GGrandpaps :thumbsup:

Looking forward to reading & learning.
Everyday a school day.......
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 08:31:25 PM

Its as tho there is almost a set 'program' to follow.
And it just reminds me of focusing a microscope or telescope in and out.
So........U start with a outside EC bet, follow by maybe another, before moving in for a Dozen cover bet,
then maybe a Line bet, and/or a Street, and your final serie is a Quad.
Then the whole vehicle is reversed into a neutral space.......
There is a definite pattern to your M.O. Mr GG........ O:-)

[Edit: before anyone asks...MO = modus operandi]
Louis G. Holloway in his book "Full Time Gambler" said betting all 3 ECs simultaneously was his favourite bet.

Its still my favourite bet, always has been.
I always start off this way, esp since U only need a two out of three (66%) hit rate to be in profit.
I think it's a beautiful bet, and follow a trend can be a lovely game to play.  :nod:

General Discussion / Re: A Serious Bot Question
April 27, 2013, 04:45:50 PM
@ Sam.

I didn't mean for the bot to Only read the last outcome.
I mean, the bot only reads ONE thing on the table/felt/wheel/GUI interface that the casino shows U in the game,
and that is the last number spun.
Its doesn't need to know anything else from the GUI, apart from where the table is to enable chip bet placement.
It remembers all other spins (past) and accordingly, begins to perform what ever 'trick', consideration, or 'thought' U have asked it to do.
Its really a list of commands, all started from the spin results.
General Discussion / Re: A Serious Bot Question
April 27, 2013, 04:01:19 PM
Most bots read and store the last spin result number, since that is the primary function
of any program to do with Roulette wheel.
(Building a data base of numbers, since it started to read them.)

Once the number has been read (red) and memorised, its then down to the program commands
set in the program software, as to what happens next.
It could read and store hundreds of numbers before actually doing anything with that information.

Its can be as easy as this:-

1. Find and read last result.
2. Remember that result.
3. Remember next spin result.
4. If lastspin result was Red....then bet Black
5. If lastspin result was High...then bet Low
6. If lastspin result was #13...then bet # 3, #13, #23, #33
7. and so on.........

U tell the program what to do with the info U have "put into your memory bank"

The bot only needs to read one image, the last spin result, the rest, as the saying goes.....is All History!! lol
(sorry for the pun!)

[reveal=Notes/Additional Info on Bots] Other info is stored in any bot too, like bank roll, stop loss, win stop position, and other various variables, but in essence, the only thing the bot needs,
to do its job, is to give it the spin result(s).
Bet placement, or "Clicking" is a function of remotely operating the mouse button,
in an ordered, programmed fashion........ according to the set program U have asked it to perform![/reveal]

I have edited this post.
Here is an offer U may be interested in.
I have not enquired about wagering tho, so send an email first before taking this offer up,
should U be interested.
Off-topic / Re: Automated Roulette gallery
April 26, 2013, 07:36:21 AM
Great pictures Walter. Thank you.
Off-topic / "Its £5.00 per inch........."
April 26, 2013, 06:58:30 AM
This chap, named Dave, calls up his local newspaper advertising department.
"Hello", he says....."Can you tell me how much you charge to place an advert in your paper?"
The salesman outlines his pricing:-" Its £5.00 per inch Sir".......
"Blood hell !!!.........that's terribly expensive!" explodes Dave......
"Why?" replies the sales assistant " What is it you want to sell?"
"A forty foot ladder!" Dave responds.....
Thanks for the info guys........even if there is confusion on copyright issue.
As they used to say.....any publicity is good publicity.
Esp in this internet revolutionary age.
Dozen/Column / Re: something from another forum
April 17, 2013, 01:34:55 PM
Thank you!  8)
Dozen/Column / Re: something from another forum
April 17, 2013, 10:20:55 AM
Hi Hans

what is the second item (attachment) meant to be, as I don't see anything once downloaded?
Off-topic / Re: Still snowing here!
April 14, 2013, 09:15:46 PM
It had nothing to do with being labelled a scammer, or anything of the sort.
It was more about your identity and not having it stolen for ill gotten gains. its sooooo easily done.

My girlfriend recently had hers stolen (partly), and someone used her address and name(s) to get an £1000 speedy loan from one of those CAsh companies.
First thing she knew was a demand for immediate repayment!
Soooo easy to do.
(we think who ever did it, took some papers out of the rubbish (trash) bin!)

[revealB]all sorted now [/revealB]  :nod:

[reveal]until U have been the victim of ID theft, or had cash stolen from  your bank account, cause someone cloned a credit/debit card U have, U think and feel invincible.......All I am saying, is just be careful out there[/reveal]
Excellent topic/threads chaps........... :thumbsup:
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Copied, word for word from an email I received. I have no vested interest in this tips program.
Quote from: Sputnik on April 13, 2013, 09:47:21 AM
It is not rocket science ...

which in fact, is quite an easy topic to understand.
1. take a 2 litre bottle of coke (cola)
2. remove cap.
3. drill or pierce a small hole (around 5-6mm or quarter of an inch diameter)  in the cap....set aside for a moment
4. grab hold of few soft mints or chewy mints
5. quickly drop the mints into the bottle of cola, and fasten the bottle cap back on
6. turn bottle upside-down, and and watch the trust explode from the hole in the cap, or,
   U can place the bottle on the floor/ground if U are outside, and watch it rotate, until the propulsion has ceased!
enjoy!  :P