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Messages - Chrisbis

Hello Ralph, and hello to everyone else here in this section.
I was pointed to this section by a friend (thanks Lady K)...
May I ask the obvious question please............
have you told us in this or other section, what the method is that your playing?
If anyone knows of me, you know I love a good bot!
Love to know more details Ralph.
2000 Euro/month would do me just fine!!

Regards Chris
Community Software / Re: Your operative system
March 04, 2013, 09:38:37 PM
Well, as Max says, the stats show low numbers voting, but you the programmer, need accuracy, to know u are devoting your time wisely.
My guess is, given the mass appeal of Windows, it will always come out on top, prob in the order of 85-90% magnitude (maybe even higher), but which comes second, maybe that's the question  your after answering?
Do the banner, it could be a useful tool for announcing the arrival of the 'Betting Tool'.......and all other manners of in-house adverts.
Community Software / Re: Your operative system
March 04, 2013, 09:25:18 PM
Maybe flag it up each time your members login, until they have voted?
Be a ickle bit more proactive about it, and u will get bigger & better results.

Could it be a revolving banner, scrolling across the page, until they have voted?