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Messages - Dane

Thanks to Priyanka and Chrisbis for trying to explain. I´ll have to reread your posts.
I once found a "formula for sleepers" playing with my cheap electronic calculator. My procedure is rather simple. But please remember that I do not have a math degree. An example:
How many of the 37 numbers are probably missing after just 20 spins? First let your calculator calculate (36/37) ^20. THEN MULTIPLY THE RESULT BY 37!
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
August 02, 2013, 03:39:44 PM
Quote from: agesta1 on August 02, 2013, 03:24:27 PM
Thank`s a lot for the explanation, now i will study this and try it out!
I am really glad for this, thank`s again!!!
Agesta :nod: :nod:
Always glad to help. It goes without saying that much patience is needed  :zzz: :zzz: to climb all those steps.
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
August 02, 2013, 02:38:51 PM
Quote from: agesta1 on August 02, 2013, 11:18:43 AM
Hi Dane!
I will be a happy guy if  you could  show us how you play this for a session , because i Think if i should play this
like i understand it would demand a BR like very very big,you now see that i don`t  understand it right.
Thank`s a lot!!
Hi agesta!
Yes, we need much Money!  And climbing up and down takes much time too.  Each session ends, when I have won on the 20TH step. So you see, it would require many, many pages to explain every  step of the way.
In real life one session is too long for one visit or one night.  So  I have decided to make use of exactly 120 spins from each list (from Spielbank Wiesbaden, table 3), until I´ve reached my goal. The 120 spins always starts with the first spin of the day. I initiate the test with the first spin from 01.01.2011. Beginning with one chip per chosen number.
36 Start betting 36.
26 Add 26 to your betting.
28 Add 28 to your betting.
20 Add 20 to your betting.
25 One street (25-27) reappeared. Leave 26! And do not touch 25 or 27!
8  Add 8 to your betting.
22 Add 22 to your betting.
14 Add 14 to your betting.
18 Add 18 to your betting.
36  TWO STREETS have reappeared. IT IS TIME TO CLIMB! We just had a hit with one chip on 36, so we climb one step UP.
It means that we now place TWO chips on each chosen numbers to come:
33 place two chips on 33
10 place two chips on 10 too.
29 place two chips on 29 too.
32. Street 31-33 must be abandoned now. So leave 33. And do not touch 31 or 32.
30  Street 28-30 reappeared too. IT´S TIME TO CLIMB AGAIN. But we had no hit, so we must climb one step DOWN.
It means that we now place one chip per number to come:
3  start betting 3
28  add 28 to your betting
34  add 34 to your betting
9  add 9 to your betting
14 add 14 to your betting
8 Leave 9! And do not touch 8 or 7!
15 TWO STREETS HAVE REAPPEARED.  IT IS TIME TO DO SOMETHING. As we had no hit, we should go one step DOWN. But as we are playing on "square one", so to speak, we must just place one chip per chosen number next time around:
1  place one chip on 1
21 place one chip on 21 too
31 place one chip on 31 too
4  place one chip on 4 too
34 place one chip on 34 too
32 Street 31-33 reappeared. So leave 31! And do not touch 32 or 33.
13  add 13 to your betting
12 add 12 to your betting
8  add 8 to your betting
0  We ignore zero and rebet the chosen numbers
20 place two units on 20
12 place to chips on 12 too
17 place two chips on 17 too
24 place two chips on 24 too
24 WE HAD A HIT! It´s time to climb one step up:
13 start betting 13
19  add 19 to your betting
17  add 17 to your betting
35 add 35 to your betting
21 Go away from 19. And do not touch 21 or 20.
24 add 24 to your betting
24 HIT.
By now you must know what do to: GO ONE STEP UP.
[smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley] Dane

In my example I chose ONE street and ONE street only on beforehand. And I found the probability that this specific street did not turn up.
Someone (Bayes?) might help us.
Does math include guessing? And should I really relook my formula ???
I don´t have a math degree.
But I am sure that some educated math member can put things straight and enlighten us. Thanks!

Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
August 02, 2013, 07:44:26 AM
For some reason or other I did not have much luck on lines. So I continued my test series on single numbers.
  Right after 13 sessions with rouletteRUs: 2000 units.
Right after just 13 sessions with spins from SPIELBANK WIESBADEN: 200 units.
Each session ended right after winning on the 8TH step as explained earlier.
In my next test  I´ll stick to spins from Spielbank Wiesbaden.
And I´ll add more steps: I intend to end the session after winning with 20 units on one number.
Of course it takes many[smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley][smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]
Quote from: Turner on August 01, 2013, 03:07:46 PM
Dane.....there's no can't or can...just not seen it or seen it.
I have seen a street sleep 110 spins....so I know they can from observation. I can't say it's a limit but  i can say it could sleep 110.

In theory....if someone asked me if my mother can break dance....the answer is no. The real answer is I have never seen her break dance.
No one can say random has limits....unless they have seen every run ever produced. Even then...you haven't seen tomorrows.

So you are not going to produce a video with your  mother´s break dance?
Inspired by Prianka´s  "speedy" videos I can tell you that I am able to shoot faster than John Wayne.
The reason is simple: John Wayne is dead :nod: .
But now I grab my cheap electronic calculator to find the probability,  that one chosen street at one roulette table does not turn up in 111 spins:
(34/37)^111 = 0.00008390123. It is rather close to 1/33/360.  So if we observed 111 spins 360 nights a year, we should expect it to happen  approx. every 33Th year.
Quote from: Turner on August 01, 2013, 01:57:03 PM
You get a feel for these things.
The exact same can be done with streets.
It would make no difference.
A street can sleep for 80?....can't remember exactly

Hi Turner,
A professor of math one said, that one out of six can skive for at least 100 times.
If he was right, one out of twelve might refuse to turn up much longer.
There is no need to remember the exact number of spins, however.
There is no absolute limit here.
If anyone rules out that one number or any Group of numbers can only skive  X number of spins, he or she is wrong.

It is only a question of TIME, before Lady Luck or the Laws of probability proves it.
It may happen tonight or any other night. It is definitely inevitable [smiley]aes/devil.png[/smiley].
If it did not happen in one million spins, just take another look or look at one more million spins.
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
August 01, 2013, 10:44:55 AM
Hello Ray,
thanks for your suggestion.
too many streets come without a repeat. That´s why I don´t dare to use it.

Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
July 28, 2013, 07:56:59 AM
Quote from: AMK on July 27, 2013, 09:55:21 PM
Hello Dane,

I really like this method.

Sorry if I diverge but could we apply this concept to lines?

Now we have 2 sets of dozens instead of 12. each consisting of 3 lines

Thanks for your great contributions.

hello AMK,
hello AMK,
One dozen consists of three lines or double streets (DS). 1-12 consists of 1-6, 4-9 and 7-12.
It might be a bit confusing, however, to deal with all DS.

We could concentrate on these lines or double streets: 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-24, 25-30 and 31-36.
1-18 consists of three of these. And 19-36 consists of three too . It is easy to diverge and still play in accordance with the probability of 0.55555555557!
Bet the earliest of the three DS in area 1-18. And bet the earliest of the three lines in area 19-36.
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
July 28, 2013, 07:34:35 AM
Quote from: rayhd63 on July 27, 2013, 02:54:53 PM
Hello Dane,

just sitting here with my coffee and trying to figure your method  :thumbsup:

if #17 hits I bet #17

#21 hits I bet #21 , #17

#35 hits I bet 35,17 and 21

now #16 hits :

do I bet 16, 35 and 21 ??

or do I ignore the 16 and stay with the 17 ?!?

2nd :

stepping up....

After my first hit, do I clear all my numbers and start the same procedure just with 2 units?

then 3 units etc....

Thanks for clearing this up for me.


Hello Ray,
Right after #17, #21, #35, #16 we´ll neither bet #17 nor #16! Street 16-18 has come twice and must be abandoned. Bet only #21 and #35! And bet other numbers that may come from the remaining eleven streets. As soon as one more street comes for the second time, it´s time to clear alle numbers and start the same procedure. If we just won, the next step is with 2 units.
If we did not win inside the two repeated groups , however, we should go one step down. 
"There´s only one step down from here, baby. It´s called the land of permanent bliss" [smiley]aes/angel.png[/smiley](Bob Dylan).

It is a basic fact that we cannot go down from 1 unit. So the next time we´ll bet 1 unit again. I tried to show this in one of my first posts here [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]    Dane
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
July 27, 2013, 07:20:21 AM
After just six sessions with lists from Spielbank Wiesbaden: 825 units.
   -     -   11     -         -   rouletteRUs                          2427   -  .   

Moderator Note
For those interested:-

Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
July 23, 2013, 07:12:57 AM
Quote from: Bally6354 on July 22, 2013, 02:52:30 PM
Timing is the most important aspect for me when it comes to playing roulette.

Just next to that is awareness.

It is very easy to get caught up in the game. So the awareness needs to be 100% spot on for a player to be able to use good timing.
"The world is as you are. Develop unbounded awareness
and the Universe will be yours". These words from Maharishi indicates, that he was a bit utopian. But I am sure  that we can climb every mountain with my progression. In Time. And with timing.
Straight-up / Re: One more step? 0.55555555557.
July 22, 2013, 07:05:50 AM
TIME is still important! Clearly this system is not meant for impatient players who want to reach the goal tonight. Just remember that any [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley] break or [smiley]aes/sleep.png[/smiley] does not change the laws of probability in your absence. Take a rest and continue the climbing later. With the probability of 0.55555555557 the numbers of steps is up to you (within the rules of the casino).
In my test series I decided to stop the session after winning on level 8. Only four sessions with lists from Spielbank Wiesbaden resultet in
-68 -319 +140 +281 units. And seven sessions with rouletteRUs resulted in 1082 +131 -350 +847 +90 +130 +130 units.
Double-street / Re: 0.01543209876
July 20, 2013, 11:18:21 AM
Quote from: HarryJ on July 20, 2013, 09:45:16 AM
Hi Dane,
      sorry about the delay in replying I was very busy yesterday and didn't log on until late.
    I would be extremely inerested in your thought process as you developed this strategy. I have never been a flat bet player but this might convert me.
       Good punting.... Harry
Hi Harry,
Thought process? I don´t really know. I drink[smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley] And a long term meditator I ought to be familar with subtle thought levels. 
But as you might have guessed, I  also play with an Electronic calculator. And several years ago I read several German books on roulette. They were on "Favoriten"
(repeaters) and "Restanten" (unhit parts). One author (Ludwig von Graph I think he was called) suggested that we should try to find a kind of balance between those tendencies on the lines. But of course it is easer said than done.
I have almost always been a flat bet player[smiley]aes/nerd.png[/smiley]. But today I initiated a topic on straight up - with a kind of positive progression!