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Messages - Dane

Split / Re: SPLIT EMPIRE 2017
October 07, 2017, 09:39:02 AM
Thanks! I hope to have clarified it. Once again: The lowest possible bet is the basic bet. First and foremost 0-1.
Any expansion requires exactly two apperances of 25-36 in a row.
At any given time SPLIT EMPIRE 2017 consists of 0-1 (one split)/0-4 (two splits)/ 0-7 (three splits) AND SO FORTH AN SO ON. BUT 19-22 is the highest one.
After winning on TWO SPLITS AT THE SAME TIME, I´ll remove myself from only the highest split beeing bet at that time.

Once you have understood the procedure, it should not require any notes.

I have tested it at "Roulette simulator - SIMPLE". Right after 1400 spins (flat bet) I have won (for fun) 320 units. I might have just been Lucky. Try it for yourself.
I  myself need a break! ::)
Split / Re: SPLIT EMPIRE 2017
October 06, 2017, 01:42:42 PM
Hello Chef!
1)  25, 7, 27, 13, 35, 34. I suppose we are now seeing two consecutive spins from the 3rd dozen. Two in a row. SO NOW IT IS TIME TO ADD A NEW SPLIT! We now bet both 0-1 and 1-4.

2) ABSOLUTE NOT!! In one spin it is now possible to win both. Say if 1 comes, we´ll win both 0-1 and 1-4. ONLY AFTER WINNING ON CHEVEAUX (TWO SPLITS AT THE SAME TIME) WE´LL TAKE OUT ONLY THE HIGHEST BET. REBET THE OTHER!
The 8 splits are: 0-1, 1-4, 4-7, 7-10, 10-13, 13-16, 16-19, and 19-22. I have chosen to operate in this area only. As you can see, I like to keep my Empire connected and United!

3)  The mentioned splits are all occupied, and then the 3rd dozen hits twice in a row. I SIMPLY REBET.
NO MORE EXPANSION! I tried to occupy many more, but it grew out of hand!

I hope that you are able to practice it now.
Split / SPLIT EMPIRE 2017
October 06, 2017, 08:27:20 AM

It might be used in 2049 too, you Blade Runners!

I have tried it (flat bet) for fun with some success. It does not require too many notes.
I discovered that (12/37)^2 is almost equal to 1-(35/37)^2. So in two spins the probability of hitting the 3rd Dozen twice is just as probably as hitting split (cheval) 0-1
at least once! This inspired me to SPLIT EMPIRE 2017. At random I chose the lowest split to begin with; and I decided to expand "my empire" right after seeing 25-36 twice in a row. Randomly chosen!.

Say the 3rd Dozen comes twice at first. Then I´ll expand my Empire by adding split 1-4 to betting. Now 0-1 & 1-4 are occupied.
If the two NEXT SPINS both are from the 3rd Dozen, 0-1, 1-4, and 4-7 should be wagered.
And so forth and so on. THE HIGHEST SPLIT I bet, however, is 19-22. I prefer to keep my SPLIT EMPIRE COLLECTED.
In this way I never bet more than eight splits!

Right after winning on two SPLITS (CHEVEAUX) at the same time, I´ll leave only the highest occupied one. Have fun!
Quote from: TheMagician on September 24, 2017, 03:13:08 PM
Ha,ha,ha...nice one Dane.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?  You mean this muppet? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-512747/Lennon-right-The-Giggling-Guru-shameless-old-fraud.html


How many Rolls-Royces and Rolex clocks did he own now?

How many followers did he screw over (financially and bodily) at his TM ashrams?

In any case, the post was meant as some nice Sunday reading. Greetings from a rainy Sweden.

Have a better one.

So you don´t like rain in Sweden? You like sun? If so you are probably not dominated by PITTA (one of the main doshas according to the ancient  Indian health system called Ayur-veda). As a matter of fact I visited Stockholm together with Maharishi & Co. in 1983.  Like the surviving members of the fab four and David Lynch I still practice the scientifically validated technique.

Of course SCIENCE  AND FIRST HAND EXPERIENCES can´t compete with old rumors from the acid days and  and  certain papers.
(Irony might be typically Danish and Pitta-like  :-[).

Initiation into the scientifically validated technique of Transcendental Meditation once was inexpensive. This is not the case today. Shame on the movement!
And Maharishi himself did not limit himself to limited thinking, but came up with statements that to critical Westeners must be perceived as be raving Utopia. Rena rama sanningen!
Nice sunday reading it was.      "Monday, monday, can´t trust that day".

THANKS TO BLUE ANGEL! AGEING is not completely dependent on DNA. Using certain techniques you might slow Down the process. Of course growing old should not be a goal in itself. Experiencing SAT-CHIT-ANANDA must be good!

"Einstein disguised as Robin Hood with his memories in a trunk
passed this way an hour ago with his friend, a jealous monk" (Bob Dylan).
The jealous monk must be Niels Bohr! An old cartoon drawing showing Einstein & Bohr might have inspired Dylan.
As you might know, Einstein in a heated debate said that God does not play dice.
The Danish Niels Bohr answered that we should not interfere with what God might do or not do.

The Young Einstein did not exclude a field beyond the subatomic level. Some called it the unified field; I remember that Maharishi (the founder of Transcendental Meditation) told us to be in accordance with all the Laws of Nature.
"Utopian hermit marks. side saddle of the golden calf" - oh, it was Bob Dylan Again, I am afraid, my viking neighbour!
Nice car, by the way. Most people are more interested in their car than in discovering the deepest level of themselves and the Whole wide universe beyond clocks and cars. And gamblers do not grow into Heaven. Greed and selfish stuff are superficial values.

Roulette Forum / Re: Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat
September 24, 2017, 01:07:34 PM
Quote from: TheMagician on September 23, 2017, 10:05:40 AM
Hi, Dane.

Hows the weather in dear ol´ Denmark? Any luck at the tables of Casino Aalborg or Odense?  Don´t tell me, you did a John Cusack (Oceans Eleven) took the money and ran for the exit ;)

Thanks for asking. As you might know, the weather in Denmark keeps changing, but compared to other parts of the World we are lucky. I stopped visiting the tables of Casino Aalborg. Casino Odense has become my favourite Casino in Denmark. I had some luck there - but NEXT TIME I got greedy. The same old story.
At home with my Permanenzen I am working hard on a street method. And I plan to test it in Odense in November.
Roulette Forum / Re: Use Math to beat Roulette/Baccarat
September 23, 2017, 07:56:11 AM
Thanks Nick! I agree that "each SINGLE spin is independent".
And typing errors might be rather entertaining: "A GROUP of 9 sins are DEPENDENT".
Independent GROUPS of sinners may be hard to find  >:D
July 19, 2017, 07:35:50 AM
Looking at dozen spins or column spins you´ll soon discover than balance might be far away. Only one part may hit the average - and the other two may come MORE AND LESS. From time to time you´ll see Permanenzen in which the less frequent dozen or column appears closer to 1/4 than 1/3 of the spins.

I have had some luck with a method on single numbers. I set a certain goal, say a certain pattern inside each column. After a hit I leave the column. After leaving TWO of the three columns I´ll write the notes from the remaining column in a new piece of paper and start anew with blank spaces in the other columns.  I´ll reach my goal in two of the three columns and reuse the notes from the left column in the following session.
With pleasure, Nicksmi:

If #2 has come only once and #3 has come only once, I see "two oners" in street 1-3. No single number repeated there. Then I simply bet  #1.
I hope to see a full street with no single number appearing more than once.  The NEXT spin from within this street  makes me leave it.
The situation there has been clarified. In the same way I LEAVE eight other streets in area 1-12. AFTER HAVING RULED OUT AND LEFT EXACTLY NINE OF THE TWELVE STREETS, I END THE SESSION.
Probably I won twice! My cheap calculator told me so. And many tests convinced me that it is true in most sessions.
I have no degree in math. I believe, however, that it is possible to come a long way with a cheap calculator. It it good to know what to expect at the roulette table.
2/3 X 1/3 = 0.22222222222.   This could be the probability for three "oners" (no repeat) within three spins inside one street.
2/3 X 1/3 X 9 = 2.  So if we wait for clarification  in exactly NINE of the twelve streets in area 1-36, such a pattern should typically come in TWO of the nine streets.
Hello Atlantis.
Your method reminds me of a method described in "Spielmethoden, die durch Gewinne Schlagzeile machten".
As far as I remember,
only the latest SIX spins (not seven) had to be analyzed. And when exactly TWO  of the six DS each appeared exactly twice, they should be wagered.
Street / Re: Street pairs
February 21, 2017, 07:49:56 AM
Quote from: wannawin on February 20, 2017, 04:06:17 PM
Thank you for sharing this system friend . one simple question: has this method been tested with a moderate progression already? many flat betting methods can be improved handsomely with a limited progression in my opinion.

No, so far I have only tested it with flat betting.
But by reading your kind reply an idea struck me:
How about letting the number of chips per street
be equal to the number of streets wagered at  any time?

Street / Street pairs
February 20, 2017, 10:15:06 AM
The head line almost says it all. Simply register the streets ( in area 1-36) as they come. In accordance with the table layout.
I bet that exactly two adjacent streets come. Three is a crowd, you know C:-) So if 1-3 has come (but not 7-9) simply bet 4-6. If 31-33 has come, I accordingly bet 34-46 and 28-30 (25-27 must be sleeping in this case). Before long the patterns exclude more pairs. This may be the best part: A rather limited bet selection.
More pairs may turn up. My  deadline is at 20 spins, and I prefer to bet flat.
Split / Re: Devils Splits
December 17, 2014, 12:46:43 PM
Quote from: RouletteDevil on November 21, 2014, 12:24:42 PM
Well i don't know where everyone is on this forum but anyway
see my attached file to show how much my splits made over 60 spins!
again anyone send me some actuals and ill post the results and how,  i only need 30/40/50 spins , every spin will be bet on too!


Well, everyone  might be reading HOW TO PLAY in other threads!
Quote from: alrelax on December 15, 2014, 04:34:30 PM
I heard that song a million times I think.  I looked it up in WIKI under "Highway 61 Revisited" and the explanation is downright awesome/scary.  BTW----as I feared Highway 61 runs through my state!!!!!  Well don't know whether to thank you are smash my computer screen.  I am pondering my next move as I type.  Adding LED's to the florescent green or plastering the bulls eye on my back????

Old "DYLANANIACS" can´t help it: We always come out with som text from his Bobness.
After hearing the songs a million times we were deeply influenced. I did not mean to offend you.
You are right: Some of the texts are rather scary.