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Messages - Dane

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
July 16, 2014, 06:25:21 AM
Quote from: VLS on July 16, 2014, 02:28:30 AM
[smiley]skype/yes.gif[/smiley] Thanks for sharing this one Dane.

Always glad to share!
And I am on vacation [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]
so I´m taking my time to test.
Right after 140 sessions: 1581 units.
  -       -    155     -       : 1183   -    .

A small math challenge:
How many spins (from area 1-36) should we expect per session?
Remember to stop when just seven blank spaces are left.

((35/36)^58) X 36 = 7.0259.
So one session ought to take approx. 58 spins.
Some of my longest sessions so far required approx. 80 spins.
Straight-up / Re: Four phases
July 15, 2014, 03:13:29 PM
In Greek Mythology SISYPHUS was condemned to an eternity
of rolling a rock uphill then watching it roull back again.
From time to time in test series we might similarly be going nowhere fast.
And in the end we might lose it all.
But it is interesting to see how far we can go [smiley]aes/smile.png[/smiley]

My test series continues.

Right after 119 sessions: 1017 units.
  -       -     129     -      : 1236    -   .
  -       -     133     -      : 1239    -   .
  -       -     139     -      : 1579    -   .
Straight-up / Re: Four phases
July 14, 2014, 11:35:40 AM

As promised I´ll present one short session
(from table 3,
24.04.2011, Spielbank Wiesbaden)
25..Phase A has begun. See DIAGONAL 25-32. Start betting 32
18..See diagonal 4-11-18 and add 4 to betting.
30..See diagonal 30-35 and add 35 to betting.
5...See diagonal 5-12 and add 12 to betting.
12..Hit! Leave 12.
26..Leave all wagered numbers and prepare yourself for a new phase.
      At first  you might think that it´s phase B, as at least five NEXT to each other might come with the NEXT spin.
      But 2X4 Spaces might be filled with the NEXT spin too. So PHASE C has begun. We start betting 22.
22..Hit! See 19-22 and 25-28. After ONE hit in phase C we leave 22. We  are prepared for phase D.
      Aiming for 3x3 filled Spaces.
13..Start betting 15.
33..Add 31 and 34 to betting.
34..Final hit! End of session.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
July 14, 2014, 07:57:47 AM
Flat betting, yes!
Our unit size ought to be in accordance with
what we can afford to lose. We should be prepared to lose more than just a few hundred units.
Later I present one short session. [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]
Straight-up / Re: Four phases
July 13, 2014, 08:29:39 AM

Right after 90 sessions at home
with Spielbank Wiesbaden Permanenzen: 1022 units.
General Discussion / Re: Ancient: Gambler´s Hymn
July 12, 2014, 07:44:17 AM
Quote from: VLS on July 08, 2014, 12:24:30 PM
Thanks for posting this Dane [smiley]skype/yes.gif[/smiley]

"most beautiful among the non–religious poems of the Rig Veda"

"Considering that it is the oldest composition of the kind in existence, we cannot but regard this poem as the most remarkable literary product"

As seen in quotes at the wiki page, which is also filled with curious facts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler's_Lament

(Dice seemed to be the top game at the time [smiley]skype/blush.gif[/smiley])

I  had read a Danish translation of the text in a book on compulsive gambling.
So I guessed that in the age of Google this text must be available in English too.
And now you have found more! Thanks!
The Vedas might be almost impossible to date and to understand completely.
And we might not have learned much in the last few milleniums!
This poetic piece in particular deserves attention from more than a few dice players!
I could not find a section on COMPULSIVE GAMBLING
and no section on GAMBLING IN LITERATURE  :'(
General Discussion / Ancient: Gambler´s Hymn
July 08, 2014, 09:00:26 AM
The thirty-fourth hymn of the tenth mandala of the Rig Veda,
a Collection of religious hymns dating back to 4000 BCE,
is known as the gambler´s hymn.
General Discussion / Re: This caught my attention
July 07, 2014, 09:08:18 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on July 07, 2014, 03:54:23 AM
I often play a multi side attack method on 1-2 numbers. This way, it will be impossible. The table limits should be for every bet not cumulative.

In European roulette  2
can be attacked more
than most numbers!
See street 1-3,  0-1-2 and 0-2-3!
Straight-up / Re: Tanagra´s first repeat
June 29, 2014, 07:26:52 AM
Quote from: warrior on June 22, 2014, 06:19:57 PM
Flat bet for how long?
                                                               BE HAPPY! :whistle:
                                                              Or read the first post!
Quote from: VLS on June 27, 2014, 12:30:06 PM

Thanks for the anecdote Dane, kids are certainly a creative bunch :thumbsup:

...I do believe as much as we can "learn to learn", we can learn to think different; either by our own personal initiative or directly learning by matching our thinking to that of a 3rd-party.

There are different "schools of thought" named after their founders, or labeled "old" and "new"; we can have our own "outside the box" school of thought too. So -if you ask me- it could definitely be taught :nod:  (IMHO)

Thanks for your reply! Recently someone stole my digital piano,
so I have been a bit out of balance. Even after decades with a scientifically validated meditation technique.
I do know that this is not a flower power competition [smiley]aes/girl.png[/smiley]
but I  really love your growing flower!
In my youth I read  something like this in a book on American poetry:

                                                                         Galileo Galilei has come to knock
                                                                                  and knock again
                                                                            on a small secluded doorway
                                                                                 in the ordinary brain
Interesting question! Some of the children in "my Kindergarten" are able to paint better than me. But none of them are able to play the piano like me. Certain CREATIVE skills in different areas might be developed very early in life. There are numerous methods to develop our consciousness. I myself have practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM) almost as long as David Lynch.
Stuart Heritage (cool name!) wrote on this method in the Guardian on the 1ST of March this year [smiley]aes/rose.png[/smiley] (just do a Google search).
He compared it to BLINDFOLDNESS (or something like that  :))
In this article Stuart Heritage did not mention Money. Nowadays it is rather expensive [smiley]aes/rose_wilted.png[/smiley]to learn TM. Of course there are other methods. Try to find one that suits you!
General Discussion / Re: 14 RED x 5
June 26, 2014, 10:08:56 AM
Quote from: BetJack on June 26, 2014, 08:53:24 AM
Yesterday I played for fun
and this is what happened
First time I've seen such a thing

""14 RED  x 5 ""


* posted here because I do not know where else to put it... Noob  user

Jack, still trying to win

HAPPENED at the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas.
Source: "What are the odds of that? Roulette Wheel hits SEVEN straight 19s". Mail Online, 20 June 2012.

Straight-up / Re: Tanagra´s first repeat
June 22, 2014, 04:31:33 PM
Quote from: warrior on June 22, 2014, 02:13:43 PM
Can't speak German what's the stratagie?

War is on, as you state by your avatar.
"Make love - nicht wahr"  :)
No, seriously: The first posts here might give you a clue. [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]
Straight-up / Re: Tanagra´s first repeat
June 22, 2014, 08:09:26 AM
Quote from: onlineroulettefan on June 19, 2014, 09:02:49 PM
I can speak German and the trick is nice.
If you can read German, you should visit www.roulette-forum.de
In "Roulette Strategien" ("Einsteiger Forum") Tanagra  initiated the topic I chose to call her first repeat:
"Kurt von Haller".
No more than 182 replies there!
Kurt von Haller used to be a great "guru" in German roulette literature and research.
As far as I remember he abandoned missing numbers and concentrated on "Favoriten" (repeats).
June 11, 2014, 10:38:38 AM
Quote from: Mick on June 11, 2014, 08:19:37 AM
Hi Dane
No worries.  Had some wins and loses too. But the things you can see when watching this system opens up a lot of new doors to the game  like repeating elements etc so all good.
Regards Mick.


Hi Mick
I like the door part! You see, I have just read something about "Nudging". Remembering Bob Dylan´s "Knocking On Heaven´s Door" I began to sing "Nodge nodge nodging on Heaven´s Door"[smiley]aes/angel.png[/smiley]
My new system "four phases" opens even more "doors".
                                                                             [smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley] Dane[smiley]aes/coffee.png[/smiley]