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Messages - Denzie

Yeah, I know the rules. Play whatever ec is most far behind.
RNG isn't that bad though. I've been playing with it the last couple of weeks. It gives the same results as a live session. (Only if your going for some dealer signature then it's a no go).

I made a thread simular to your method. But the progression was different. No idea why I stopped playing it. It did won . Anyway I clicked till an ec was around 44% and then I go in. Deepest I saw was 26%. And then it shoots up like a rocket.
Quote from: Blue_Angel on March 01, 2016, 12:29:14 AM
For 0.1 a bankroll of 60 will be sufficient, it's like building up a pyramid, you begin from the lower levels and gradually you'll reach the top.

A small compounding interest can go a long way.

I'd wish you luck but you won't need it.

Thx Blue_Angel. ... I will share my results good or bad. And with 0,10 it's fun testing. No pressure.

On RNG I could do it pretty fast. Of course I would click till one ec is faaaar behind and then start. (Takes max 10-15minutes). Or the airball that spits out a number every 30 seconds.

Or live only ?
I've got no problem playing for hours if I'm winning. Anyway I'm gonna test it on small stakes. 0,10 -100 . Make it or break it  :nod:

Millions of spins...would be unbelievable if it tanks in my hands. Testing start tomorrow
Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 29, 2016, 08:20:07 PMthus it hit me suddenly to use a very old and well known progression in a different way, in different scale actually!:-)
That's how the whole concept came into existence and Fallacious Holy Grail was born.

Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 29, 2016, 07:57:35 PM

So better to speak in terms of results and I'm talking about millions of simulated results, including also the WHOLE archive of Wiesbaden casino.

WTF !!!!! Are you kidding me ?  :o
So we need 10-20 sessions to recover from a bust.
Can I ask how many sessions you've done already? 
This reminds on a thread I made on cc. "Embrace the edge"
I played it on RNG . I waited bit longer then our 37 spins. But who cares coz on those fast spins we can start pretty fast. The only difference is the progression.

I'm gonna try it . Will see what happens.

@the law....15$ base bet?  15x128  :scared:
Hey Blue_Angel. ...

Impressive your progression. It scares me though.
Did it ever busted ? 600 br ?
General Discussion / Re: P.A :PREACHING about HG!
February 28, 2016, 08:50:01 PM
Quote from: Blue_Angel on February 28, 2016, 08:40:49 PM

My approach is different because I don't wait at all, I just start to bet immediately and without interruptions till my session ends.

This 30/111 ratio is already low, you might make it look like 20/111 and still makes no significant difference for my progression.

You got our attention buddy. Shoot...
General Discussion / Re: Every 12-18 months (imo)
February 26, 2016, 12:39:14 PM
Quote from: greenguy on February 26, 2016, 11:29:16 AM
I agree with keeping accurate records for all your real play.

I don't believe I could wait 12-18 months to check though. I prefer to reconcile the ledger after every casino visit.

Good bookkeeping can be a blessing.

Same here
Your getting slow. ...common Kenny boy ....keep up
So as I said earlier. ...me and my mates playing soccer for about 20 years now. We not to bad . But we sure aren't gonna be pro  ::)
You get the hint
Roulette Forum / Re: KTF (keep the faith)
February 25, 2016, 10:09:20 PM
Yeah it's good stuff. Playing it on spin 11 does work. But it makes me nervous. On cc Notto get around 60 sessions now with 1 bust. Not bad at all.

I just wait some more spins...I like to see the unhit or repeaters get far behind on each other. Didn't lost once. :thumbsup:
Roulette Forum / KTF (keep the faith)
February 25, 2016, 09:04:06 PM
Hey I thought you might wanna try this one. It's on roulette.cc at the moment. Been playing it with great success. (I know Mr J it's more then 4 nrs so stay out of it. Thx)

We track 10 spins.
After that our ktf starts.
In our next 30 spins we get on average 15 unhit numbers and 15 repeaters. The method bets on the unhit with the +1/-1 progression. Win goal 30-60 units. Stop loss 400 units.

Personally I did more then 200 sessions. Yes on RNG. And the average of 15/15 is correct. It didn't steal his name. As sometimes you really need to keep the faith. But it wins. It does.

What I personally do is not start betting on spin 11. I wait and look what's going on first. So we track 10 spins. Then I look and if for example I see the first 5 spins are 5 unhits. ...then I go in for the repeaters. Or the other way around. Watch what is going on and then go in. If you have doubt then don't bet. Start a new session.