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Messages - FLAT_IN_O

Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 10, 2013, 08:24:33 PM
As promised,just short introduction of my way of playing all 3 EC,
especially if you could find lapartage table.
--I would just suggest Alba that you check all last year Wiesbaden sessions around 300 spins/and
aprox.there are about 3 each night/--and on the bottom of each sessions there are records of each number hit--and when you find a session without any of 37 numbers unhit ....please let us know.
3x300x30x12=about 324.000 spins....all this;we know that number don't hit even 600 spins....it is
all one great b....t......are you ppl.playing roulette at all......it is played session by session....not some
silly zuma,RNG,and all that kind of stuff,trillion spins........that is not roulette and thatway you will never
be a winner.324000 spins/sessoin per session/are my winning test of your challenge.Again I'm talking
about live game of roulette.
Quote from: Superman on May 07, 2013, 06:32:33 AM
For the life of me I cannot understand why any of you are entertaining Alababa, he has the grail already and just wants someone else to do his work for him. Everyone who replies here gets the same thrown at them from him, why bother?

----Even thought rarely agree with you,/RNG/but this time...RIGHT ON THE NAIL.
Quote from: VLS on May 08, 2013, 03:04:01 PM
I wish prompt recovery to those economies.

--We all do,but personally I can't see it in the near future.Few years back at this time bookings
  were full for 3 months in advance....While this year,I'm afraid,maybe only july and half of august.
  EU and euro can't subsist.
-Incredible...casinos like Di venezia,Oracle,Dragonara,and few others.....without table players.
Mostly/those small pesented/playing screen autom.games with 00,1 cents...real table players
just wanished.Everywhere they told us come in july or august,when tourists arrive,as here financial crisis as everywhere in EU.Don't think of going there again,as in one of the casinos we detected
rigged table/the only one in function of 4 presented/---few English ppl.played there and we only watch how they throwing theirs money in-no come back road-Sad but true.
Did we play.Yes but not any large stakes,just recreationally,with some small losses at the end of
our trip.Bye Malta.
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 03:40:42 PM
Quote from: ll l lll ll l lll on May 03, 2013, 03:17:35 PM

  Is it neccessary to do the cyclic progression to come out on top long term?


For months am preaching the same story.....it is the only way.....but there is more to be said,
but some other time...as am of to Malta this evening.
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 03, 2013, 10:38:07 AM
Quote from: GreatGrampa on May 03, 2013, 10:20:09 AM
Lets do the same thing with cyclic progression now. For this example I treat cycles of 5 with +1 for next cycle evenly across all chances on a cycle loss and -1 on a cycle win or stay at base unit if you are in base unit. When am in a real life scenario, I do variations to create some excitement for me personally like cycles of 8, cycles of 10 etc and also depending on the situation I vary the cyclic progression like +1 on a win cycle and stay there on a loss cycle or +1 on a loss cycle and stay level after a win cycle etc. So the concept that suits this method is cyclic bet. How you implement it, is entirely upto you. I will not repeat the REH, BOL etc notation as we are going to use the same numbers in last example.

Spin     LW        Bet          Outcome          Cycle outcome         
30          w                                       
27          w        3          4      +1         
30          w        3          4      +2         
35          l          3          2        +1         
14          l          3          6        +4         
22          l          3          4        +5          - Cycle win. Remain at base bet. Overall +5
16          l          3          4        +1         
34          w        3          2        0         
17          l          3                    -3         
14          l          3          4         -2         
16          w        3                    -5          - Cycle loss. Increment unit by 1. Overall 0
12          w        6          12       +6         
7          w          6          8        +8         
33          l          6          4         +6         
14          l          6          12      +12         
21          l          6          8        +14          - Cycle win. Decrement by 1. Overall +14
3          w          3          2        -1         
10          l          3          2        -2         
28          w        3          2        -3         
34          w        3          4        -2         
29          l          3          4        -1          - Cycle loss. Overall +13

So by the end of 20 spins, we are at a overall of +13, with a max draw down of -6 in one instance. So lets say your base unit is 5$, you get a 65$ return at the end of 20 spins.

---And that is how it should be done...in cycles/any from 3 to 12/depends on present bet.Wouldn't wish to interfere with
this great thread.......but at the end I will also help GG to show you how to bet on all EC /my version in cycles????/and how
to come as a constant winner/it is queer that nobody ever even mentioned this sort of betting,even thought even newbies
are avare of those facts....Bayes studies;7,8,9 spin with most repeats.Further story you should explore easily.So much for now.
Quote from: Albalaha on May 02, 2013, 04:58:56 PM
How much bankroll and table limits you want?

--It is normal casino B&M 2 min.200 max.......and btw ALBA,I could take a challenge and easy win it,but
unfortunately haven't enough wasting time......after all what would I get to prove my point...it is only
you and others that would profit out from that.But will give you a hint anyhow......required BR 4080...
CYCLES OF 34 SPINS........TO LOSE NUMBER 3 SHOULDN'T HIT FOR 544 SPINS.......And now take any 50
real casino numbers sessions in the row and you will find out.......RNG are not casino numbers.
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on April 22, 2013, 11:27:53 AM
EC's are tricky so you need a tricky bet selection.
You could try using up to 4 methods. Select a bet with the 1st method then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet. If there is an opposing selection then select a bet with the 2nd method then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet. If there is an opposing selection then select a bet with the 3rd method then quickly run through the other 3 methods to see if there is an opposite selection. If there's no opposing selection then place your bet, etc. If there are opposing selections through all the methods then skip the spin.
Also you can add extra EC's of your own creation. I wouldn't add too many because you will throw up too many opposing bets. Just adding one extra pair of EC's can really open up the game.

OK said,

----as I play/on airball morning sessions thisway/and just glance this morning last 8 spins11,13,33,31,15,17,15,17......where I continued to play on 3 different  methods D'Alembert,cycle of 9 spins...and after 9 spins was up on all 3 methods,as next 9 spins where;34,29,22,18,20,27,30,12,28.......well,some would probably follow the trend here,but I decided opposite...it is
all up to the player......but even if you miss the road sometimes,it is easy to find the way back when playing in cycles.

btw-I continued on reds,evens and lines 2,4,5
General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 04:05:53 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on May 02, 2013, 01:24:11 PM
Mr. Flat

Yes, you were right!  You have been right about many things.  I appreciate your kind words.

I promise I will get back to running the L v F on the bot.  Right now, BV has me scared of being cut off while deep into my bankroll.


---I also told you that,didn't I........DON'T BELIEVE ON LINE MAFIA....they are all same....and when I hear ppl.that they are
winning there/SM/.....they are just employies of casinos.
General Discussion / Re: A tribute
May 02, 2013, 12:17:11 PM
Maybe am older then GG but always ready to learn.
A donkey and the man know lot more then man alone.
Not meaning donkey GG.....but it is famous anecdote
from this part of the world where donkeys sometimes
knew to bring their drunk man back home safely.
Remember as a kid,right after sec.ww....if my mother
didn't had a donkey,we all probably wouldn't survive.
So if someone ever call you a donkey,take it as compliment.
I do.
General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 11:33:52 AM
Sam old boy,/I feel younger when call you old...lol/

--Those days am visiting those pages mostly to read your comments.
  It refreshes my mornings.....and it's all safely saved in my computer.
  More then 7 years of that.....While being absent/guitar plying/even
  opened a  thread about 2CS,asking is anyone contacting you,but no
  unswers......I really thought at the time....well better no mentioning.

---BTW---Wasn't I right about playing few methods and switching from one
   to another.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 12:20:00 PM
"but no honest money can be win without working."

Perhaps this is D'Alemberts ghost!  Up when you lose; down when you win.  One robot was playing this when I read this thread.

BURP...  hard thread to digest!!


---Right on the nail,Sam........but forgot to mention-------in cycles/5,6,7,8,9,even 12/depends on
the method played..........not really large big wins/even smaller losses/----but it always comes on top....or either about egal,if you had enough/waiting patience/ for one night...having in mind there is a new day/especially this positive approach for us over 60 thies/keep us going on.Me anyhow.
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 09:02:23 AM
Quote from: GGasoft on May 01, 2013, 03:53:29 AM
Grettings this is the master dispersion killer.

Im glad to be here with you for a limited time.

Im one of the few real pros on roulette around the world , if some one has a question about , our dispersion killing art.

I will answer.


--Since am I one of mentioned also,maybe we met somewhere from MC to Macao/for ccouple days
going to Malta for a week/....where are you from anyhow....and how do you succeed ....that is
the main question.Wish to tell us.
One can have hot streaks on several grounds at the same time......what then???
Since am aware that here/and other forums/are only about 005% real players  of
B&M casinos,mostly here are on line players.......and there is a large difference
between those 2...once you start playing there, then you should come as a winner
with all that artificial knowledge that you gained here,learning how to beat RNG and
on line numbers,which none of you succeeded as yet,nor will you ever do.
So go to real casino/aware that most of you haven't one near your home/and become
a winner with your knowledge.My 2 kunas.