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Messages - FLAT_IN_O

Off-topic / Re: Automated Roulette gallery
April 27, 2013, 08:46:17 PM
Quote from: wannawin on April 25, 2013, 11:35:56 PM

This new version of Admiral.......as far as I know in my town,every player I talk about it say that it is just impossible win on that machine......why do no,as never played it nor I would now,but Alfa down under
older type is ideal for playing......as it doesn't play against numbers bet,while this Admiral it seems doing opposite.
Quote from: Drazen on April 27, 2013, 07:49:23 AM
Thanks, I am pretty sure I understand now all around your play. And as you say, it is as it was seemed to me  :o No rules, no tracking, no STD.. Just your "maneuvering" ( we could say even blind, because there is no any tracking of anything) based on your personal permanence and betting amounts also on the fly. How much you think could be right.

That way you are still after 3K of sessions on the same chip and that way you would play differently and probably more cautios with higher chip size.

So abstract that it can't be more. But if you ask me, important is that is works by some miracle. That is really enigma to me mate and I bet even more to you :)



---There are no miracles in random play....since roulette it self is random game,therefore it should be
play thatway to beat it...........BUT HOW.......that is another question....and it is beatable on the long run...
as Sam pointed out;weeks,months years counts...there are nights when I sometimes lose more then
expected....but casino works every night.....and as long as you are there on regular basis means that you are playing with their money........many players I see today lose large amount......wanished for a while ,comes back again and same story repeats from month to month......in other words,mostly losers are ppl
that earn their money for living....that for sure I know many.
General Discussion / Re: OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 19, 2013, 07:44:56 PM
Positive approach,forget about what happened,eat and drink everything that you appreciate,as mostly
when you exclude things you been used to....other problems may start......whatever wish you many
more visits to casinos....,.and that's most important cause upstairs with St.Peter I doubt  he plays or have it.
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
April 14, 2013, 04:24:33 PM
Quote from: subby on December 15, 2012, 08:33:28 PM
if it can be done on airball can it be done on the live spin wheel with the person spinning the wheel?

Ofcourse it can.I see many such/private smaller casinos with live dealer/around EU,but as I have a device
which shows me things as soon as I come near any table wheel,could tell with 100% certainity what's going
on there.
General Discussion / Re: Is Airball Roulette Rigged?
April 14, 2013, 04:13:10 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 15, 2012, 04:22:44 AM
U mean to say, it can see our bets and produce the adverse.

This I know for sure it doesn't.
Quote from: Sputnik on March 21, 2013, 10:33:38 AM
Off topic ...
This show how easy it is being ahead using a progression.
As John Patrick put it, 70% of all people who visit a casino are at some moment ahead, still 95% of does will go home as losers.
This just show how important there is to have a methodology to follow and apply money management ...

-Once one start addopt above facts,will mostly walk out from the casino as a winner.
Quote from: Chrisbis on March 19, 2013, 10:43:29 PM

Im sorry Ivica, but in my head that does not make logical sense at all.......  :whistle:

how come????18/9 hit as furthest,which now goes to last 9 hits,while 16/7 as a furthest in last
9 goes to the furthest 9 splits.....capito.......very logical...the 2 CS tracker will show you all.
9 goes to last 9 splits.....7/furter in last 9 splits/ goes to further 9 splits.....and now you bet furter 9 splits

System + player :-X :-X :-X
9........after 9 splits appears/some will be repeaters/start bet on it......hit-continue same,miss-start betting
          on furthers 9 splits.........split 1 goes to furtherst,split that just hit as a furthest goes to last 9 splits.
          In other words,last spin always goes to last 9 splits,so for instance when betting furthest 9 splits
          and you get a repeater it is a los as previous split went to last 9 splits.Simple.
         just seen that 2CS is doing it waiting for 9 unique splits at the start....me doing it differently,
         as can't recall me saying that when introducing this bet....but as said each to his own.
Sam and others,
I have registered more then 300 Wiesbaden sessions,played live in Wien,Wiesbaden,my local
casino and on almost daily basis few hours Airball morning sessions.
In other words,have results from several casinos which amounts with more then 130000
spins,nicely sorted as last and furthest........the difference is 37 spins in favour of furthests.
Curiosity;one session had 28 furthest in the row....circling around, lasts becoming furthests.
I play this my way/most here are against such play,I know/and Sam is addopting safer way,
everyone to his own/way and pocket/...Sometime mid of the next week you will get the true
lose/win,reports from Malta trip.
Quote from: Chrisbis on March 18, 2013, 08:28:18 AM
Good luck Sam on the transition from fun test to real money play.
One thing this system should show up (during long interval) is whether BV employs 'system/method reading programs and therefore begins to alter the long term spins you receive.
(Sha -256 not withstanding)
Aso on this.......are there not other trigger conditions for Last/Furthest that have to considered .....like each dozen must have a split in it and each column must have been hit to qualify as either Last or Furthest ?

that is a different bet Crisby boy,nothing to do with LvF 9 splits.....RvR
Quote from: TwoCatSam on March 17, 2013, 10:00:29 PM

Probably shouldn't post this, but, what the heck?

As some of you know, I run the Excel Bot by Stef and Nice using the L v F system invented by FLATman.  I have run it thousand upon thousands of spins.  I've sit and watched it for hours upon hours.  One thing emerges.

The "Furthest" have a far higher hit rate that the "Lasts".  It is quite rare to see four Ls in a row and very common to see four Fs in a row.  Many Ls do not win the first time out and if they do, they "seem" to fail on the repeat try more than 50/50.  The Fs, on the other hand, hit quite often on the first and second try.  While looking at literally hundreds of Excel sheets, I can say the Fs definitely hit more than the Ls.  I could post a hundred screen shots, but that would only prove I found a hundred screen shots which support my position.


Have I done a million spin study on this?  Nope!  It's just one of those things you see, confirmation bias notwithstanding.  Do I plan to play money on it?  Yep!  I do, and I will report.

What does this mean??  If it's true, and I believe it is, it would mean that older splits hit more frequently than newer splits.

This may only be on BVNZ, as that's the only place I play.


yes,as long as it does so/regardless of lasts or furthests/in cycle betting of 9 spins
it comes as a great advantage.....over the weekend we are attacking Malta with this bet,
table switching.
Quote from: Razor on March 14, 2013, 08:12:01 AM
When you are increasing the accuracy of predictions you do not need MM

So contradictory to the strategy explained......as there you don't need any accuracy,
just a hope things turn as you wish.
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on March 13, 2013, 09:56:52 PM

No confusion here.

Good luck with this, Viper. :thumbsup:

You aren't joking...really.