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Messages - FLAT_IN_O

Archive / Re: Ralph's Bot
January 07, 2014, 11:24:12 AM
My mate,good old Lanky,once said;I can hardly unzip my pants.......

Question;any instructions how this bot performs.Some/me are literally blind to get it.
Quote from: Silver on December 28, 2013, 12:26:24 PM
I want to inform all interested people - that was released new roulette software.
Roulette Player - RP.
Using RP - there is possible to play already existing projects (created by somebody and shared), or to create your own bot.
A lot of features - http://www.rouletteplayer.net/features

Here are some screenshots with my project "Ag.Sleeper+" that may be used within RP.
Short description of Ag.Sleeper+

How do I make working above RP..When downloaded I only get images...and don't know how to make
it in function.....any help,pls.
Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
January 04, 2014, 08:40:16 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on January 04, 2014, 03:32:05 AM
I fear he is not.  He was 84.  Things happen to a body at 84.

Actually 87,last active sept.last year.
General Discussion / Re: THe new BETVoyager view
January 04, 2014, 05:29:01 PM
Is there any players seen or just only girls spinning..???
If only girls then it must be RNG again,but girly version...
Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
January 04, 2014, 03:58:16 PM

So my question to you is how do you handle your money?--by hand.
How do you divide you master bankroll into smaller sessions?--I don't
What kind of win goal and loss limit do you apply?--None.


--I play for joy,entertainment....sometimes win,sometimes lose,but when playing seriously/read larger money/
  then am playing by certain rules and rarely lose.....here couldn't apply my way of play cause conditions didn't
  suit me,therefore am really satisfied how small lose I had.
General Discussion / Re: THe new BETVoyager view
January 04, 2014, 03:41:21 PM
Quote from: zabbot on January 03, 2014, 10:25:43 AM
Hello..what you think about BV live games and are there are more trust than their RNG?

--Could you give a link where you play it.
Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
January 04, 2014, 12:02:17 PM
Exactly how I lost 6 k recently in Tunisia....9 spins 1 un..if plus restart...if minus,next 9 spins
2 un,and so on....but at the end zero/s catches you.
General Discussion / Re: Hi from Tunisia
January 03, 2014, 07:19:40 PM
Not really,where I been,Hammamet.....security guys alert all over.
Problem with odds in this new open casino/first in this part of the
world with 1 zero/1 min.on number...20 max....same on other chances.
Balls having wings...didn't lose much as should.But since inviting was free,
didn't pay the stay and food...it evened up,sort of.
General Discussion / Re: Hi from Tunisia
January 03, 2014, 06:43:48 PM
In the night time...this is mid day and rain.
General Discussion / Hi from Tunisia
January 03, 2014, 06:18:33 PM
Took 30 with me,coming back with 24....meaning did lose part of the BR...but not all...which means
am a winner....LOL
General Discussion / Re: need help for 0 00 table---
December 24, 2013, 05:53:30 PM
Will do that..thanks
Math & Statistics / Re: Variance question
December 24, 2013, 10:42:47 AM
Quote from: Turner on December 23, 2013, 08:14:13 AM
Just my sense of humour...don't all get offended....but this whole post reminded of a Mr Universe body building competition

Turner mate,
Fair dinkum,ausies would say...debate with no end/futile as far as roulette is concern/so many times heard
before,which nobody makes a winner.Just my 2 chips.
General Discussion / need help for 0 00 table---
December 24, 2013, 08:58:48 AM
Never played it nor do I know anything about that wheel...Since will be away for a week where there are
only those tables,need;

Some easy method,no win no lose/lol/--just to lose my time while she is taking photos around...lol
Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
December 24, 2013, 08:52:13 AM
Quote from: GGasoft on December 24, 2013, 04:22:05 AM
Dialog 3

-And how you choose what you play?

-Whatever is good....(Here he try to say he don't care about choosing something special to play I didn't find a expression to translate the idea right)

-How come whatever ?

-Yes so what.... , play what you play , you will have moments where you will win more than the theoretical balance, and anothers when you will lose more than the theoretical, what it really matters is how much you play on function of how you win or lose. It is chance, remember that.

-But and the biased roulettes? and all that?

-There still some small casinos on colonia and centroamerica , that they still have that old carromatos, but the big -casinos take precautions years ago. Forget about all and focus on what im telling you.

-But and the statistics?

-That is the worse way you can name to win , with maths is impossible.   

-But you know a lot about statistics

-Yes you have to study a lot and then forget about all

-And the law od third and the big numbers, and the Ecarts?

-That is all very cute, but on the action time the capital rule , same as all business

-With the time the cash will become each time more heavy. You want to destroy a country take out the cash from the pockets of the people...

-I don't understand nothing...

-You will

-and what about the symbol?

-With the time you will understand that santelli is a legend that go furter than himself , when you need a friend the nono will show and it will talk equal to equal , it will take a coffe or some drinks , and santelli will go back to the sky where he belong , for you to try to reach him or be better than him of course , the ball do not get dirt ......

Years later a friend repeat that last on front of 40 000 persons , that last that manrique toll him 20 years before on barcelona too.


Last part of  Manrique's Arcano 4

Bet selections do not exist for the dispersion Killer.


Start training without seeing the numbers , ask a friend to tell you if you win or lose only , and pay attention , on your balance to move between universes.


--Right on the nail....one of rares here...real player....how do I know...similar philosophy
   as mine.....good on ya amico.
Math & Statistics / Re: Variance question
December 23, 2013, 09:11:09 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on December 23, 2013, 07:52:16 AM
          that is what I said. Thanks for emphasizing my words. If you can win flat bet, u do not need MM and there is none that can win flat bet, for sure, in long run.

--Lately I do constantly...even posted idea,10000 DB spins,dealers involved/without reveling it all/on the other forum,for all to study it,but unfortunately Mr J./mod/thought it was against the rules so it was deleted......probably he will do the same here,so it wouldn't be point posting it.Am not,nor ever was against sharing...you wana it pm.me......now again some/mods/ might think am selling something....but they never
thought of the fact that DB stuff is reading this also.....therefore will only give this to these that I know.
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