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Messages - Gizmotron

Gizmotron / Re: Collision, When Worlds Collide
December 23, 2012, 11:35:45 PM
You can see everything clearly in my charts. You can see them in less than a second. My practice software is right here. It's free to download it. You can't do this without these necessary charts.
Gizmotron / Re: Collision, When Worlds Collide
December 23, 2012, 11:15:27 PM
Something might need to be cleared up. If you have a sleeping dozen then that means that the two active dozens are what you bet on to win. Now if you have a sleeping column you don't need to waste bets on the sleeping columns part of the two active dozens. Same thing goes for the even chance bets.

Suppose the high dozen 25-36 is sleeping that means that the 1-24 is not sleeping. Now suppose at the same time there's a streak of red numbers only occurring. So the bet is on all red numbers from 1 to 24. That's the collision of dozens and colors.

Quote from: AMK on December 23, 2012, 10:47:35 PM
I might see something now G

Its at least an explanation for 16 numbers to bet

When two dozens and two columns go missing (collide?) you could bet the 16 numbers not hit?

....    bet 16 numbers not hit
Gizmotron / Re: Collision, When Worlds Collide
December 23, 2012, 10:06:04 PM
It's  very simple. Try to see if you can see or envision a sleeping dozen. If you don't know what that is then try another game. If you do then check any sequence of spins that has a sleeping dozen. Now while this is occurring check to see if there is also a sleeping column.

Gizmotron / Re: Collision, When Worlds Collide
December 23, 2012, 08:58:27 PM
Wow does this work fantastic. If you have any capacity to guess effectively, at times, with any of the EC's, then you can attempt to win high payoff bets by colliding them with double sets of dozens or columns. You can collide with custom sets also. When two dozens collide with two columns you are betting 16 numbers. When you combine any two dozens with any single even chance you bet 12 numbers. If you combine two even chances you bet 9 numbers. It's  advisable to mix and match these kind of bets. It's almost impossible to not go on a win streak with these type of bets used in a sequence. All you need is skill.

My best advice is to not try. This kind of skill is far too difficult for common players to learn. There's nobody to motivate you.  Even though everything you need to learn it has been provided, human nature has already proven that most people don't have the personal motivation or conviction
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 04:57:25 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 23, 2012, 09:55:50 AM
This answer of yours show that you are as much empty handed as all others. Keep preaching.

All it shows is that you are happy with the conclusions that you maintain are the only possible truth. And to reinforce your belief all you have done is take my word. Nobody can research an issue in just a few hours when it has clearly been explained to them that it is a skill that requires years of experience from both practice and real play. There is only one conclusion that can be drawn from any person that seeks so desperately to impress others with such flimsy conclusions. I leave that for you members of this forum to decide what that is. It is frowned on to openly describe this obvious conclusion because of censorship and an almost total lack of free speech allowed by speech police. Anyone that knows me knows that when I'm personally attacked by one of these quick to judge individuals I freely express my resentment for their opinion.  I don't have to imagine where lies and ungrounded conclusions are protected by mother hens. Lies are the mainstay of this forum. You can say anything you want and it won't be challenged because in this reality we are all winners. Take this topic for instance. HAR is the excuse for one person's success while many have stated that this is impossible, after providing proof. If you listen closely you will hear someone laughing at you for being suckers, HAR   HAR, HAR .
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 09:13:44 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 23, 2012, 08:44:52 AM
     With due respect, I do not doubt your knowledge and brilliance but any bet selection (howsoever chosen) can suffer variance ( at least temporarily). Can you beat that?

All I have for you is fallacy. Those that seek only fallacy, only fallacy is offered. No matter what I say, all you can see is fallacy. 
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 08:40:55 AM
Clearly I can see you don't understand what I've written here at this forum.

My technique operates through a process of detachment. My bet selection method is nothing but a detached tool. The tool is used to cause movement in the effectiveness track. I deliberately manipulate the effectiveness track by probing it. I know from experience how to perceive useful changes as they occur. That's what gives me control instead of the changes controlling me.

Perhaps you recall topics like the list and the chart?
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 08:16:38 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 23, 2012, 06:30:51 AM
P.S.: All the negative aspects which I talked of is in the context of your betselection, irrespective of how do u chose them.

I hope you can understand this. There are no negative aspects to Roulette. Further more  there is nothing targeting my bet selections. It's just common randomness. It just happens. I decided to control the session instead of the session controlling me. Every spin is a signal from the flow of information coming from the effectiveness track.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 07:54:59 AM
 Can your so called "wait and attack" face "sessions from hell"? -- Why ask that question? It's ridiculous to do something you know is confirming the very opposite of what you are seeking.

Can they survive the blunt attack of variances? -- My method deliberately seeks the "blunt attack of variance." - what is that? a new clever cliche?

Can they gain in negative sessions? -- My method does not need to ever dig my way out of steep holes. I don't get in them in the first place.

If your answer is "yes", you are the best person in the world to learn the art of gambling. -- you know it's true. And you didn't have to climb a mountain  to ask a "one question only" from some over dressed zin master.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 07:38:10 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 23, 2012, 06:36:35 AM
you didn't answer my last three questions after reading P.S.

That's because I was responding to your comment further up. No questions to answer... and my phone battery died.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 06:33:04 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 23, 2012, 06:22:58 AM
      No method here talks of how to handle "sessions from hell" they just believe that "sessions from haven" will come to rescue.

I don't have sessions from hell because I deliberately refuse to bet during them. Hint number one: the absence of useful effectiveness.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 06:25:22 AM
Quote from: KingsRoulete
                We are all sitting on the same sinking boat. Every method is hit and run and trial and error. Isn't it?

My method is probe & attack. I clearly wait for a continuing state of effectiveness and then probe its continuing effectiveness by attacking it. Anything else is just waiting. So it's not hit and run it's wait and attack. I wonder if there really is a difference.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 23, 2012, 02:52:01 AM
If you take 300 spins sessions and randomize all permutations, -- what the heck does that mean?

you do the stats and you get a distribution no different than the original ones.
-- What the heck does that mean?

Then you randomize short bursts of 10 spins or so, to simulate HIT, and then you run. --That almost makes sense.

Why and for how long will you escape fluctuation? -- Who the heck knows?

don't you think PB is a method with flawed principles? -- No. I think that the flaw is magical thinking.

I will tell you the truth in what you will find. -- that's a relief . Your credibility is unquestionably flawless.

... and more gibberish
You can ride a good tram for a while but then everything will correct. There is no escape. It is like time. Everything gets older.
Thinking that you can slalom the bad results is ignorance.
You have the wright to have faith and hope. What you can not do is defy the nature of a system, and others intelligence too.
I have written to you you before that if you can present any logical corroboration of HAR you must do so, otherwise your insistence, for me, is at the fringe of disrespect for our minds.
We are not always correct, and truth is a relative thing. But there is a line, we can discuss ideas and exchange arguments.
So please, do not take this as persecution, open your mind, your eyes and your intellect to a sane, fair and objective discussion.

Best Regards.
General Discussion / Re: Randomness and Madam Roulette
December 22, 2012, 07:59:48 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 22, 2012, 07:20:49 PM
Randomness has no rules to produce a certain quanitity of numbers in a particular span. These are merely hypothesises. Every session is different from all other sessions, so far, so if u see something unseen, do not consider it was meant because you were catching an 8 train, specially when u r playing on a live dealer.

I have to agree. When you go to the casino with money, go mindless. Expect nothing but being treated to the cold senseless reality that if you are clueless, the casino is clueless, and the Roulette wheel is clueless that you are there only to perform the purpose of the great grist mill in the sky.
General Discussion / Re: Randomness and Madam Roulette
December 22, 2012, 06:21:11 PM
Ok, here is the research on this. You get 24 hits of a very hot number in 300 spins every once in a while. A common value is 12 - 14 for a hot number in 300 spins. So I can see 8 hits  in 110 spins as occurring more often than 24 in 300 does. My experience tells me that expecting 8 in 110 spins is still rare. Now 4 or 5 in 100 spins is far more realistic. That's my experience. If that is enough to create a system and if you can find the hot numbers that continue then you are working in the better directions of finding working methods. This is a direct approach toward considering the current conditions. That's what works.