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Messages - Gizmotron

General Discussion / Re: Randomness and Madam Roulette
December 22, 2012, 06:06:34 PM
I've heard of it, the 8 train. I must not understand it. Just to be clear, are you saying that a single number appears 8 times in a little more than 110+ spins? Or are you saying something else happens 8 times?

General Discussion / Re: Randomness and Madam Roulette
December 22, 2012, 05:33:40 PM
" I finished the session at spin 122, and number 20 had appeared 8 times (Spin 112) by the normally expected outcome of 90-115 spins Look forward to any comment."

I hope that was a trick remark, like a test. There is no way that the number 20 hitting 8 times by spins 90-115 should be expected. ... basic arithmetic: 3 x 37 = 111.

Now if you expect the hottest number to hit that often then you must get very lucky every time you play. There's a lot of that going on too.

Please explain.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 05:15:04 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:59:49 PM
Not going anywhere, claims that will be proven unlike yours. That's the difference.

You might be. This childish behavior might not be dignified with all do respect for this thread. Feel free to trash anything here considered beyond the bounds of this discussion. "I know you are, but what am I" does not cut it.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 04:55:35 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:45:58 PM
Then youll have some explaining to do in 6 or so months. This I can't wait for...

Having you take me literally is nothing but childish. Look in the mirror Bub. You are the one claiming "we will all see, just you wait."  I've been around for years. I've seen lots of claimers just like you come and go. When you come back as alias Number Three would you please first take a big number two. Cause you are full of it.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 04:43:04 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:32:53 PM
No good. Post a clearly defined method for ALL to see. And prove it works or have it tested. You are so above us all, this should be a walk in the park.

I won't take orders from the peanut gallery. The truth is that this thread questions the validity of HAR being a provable theory. A request for properly conducted research under peer review is needed. My own research has already confirmed the position that HAR has no capacity to change long term values expected in a testing of large numbers. That's all the proof I need. There has never been a rule based system, progression, or set of rules that have effectively beaten the game of Roulette. There is no way in Hell  that you have achieved what everyone else on Earth has failed to achieve at. There is no way that a magical three stepped Martingale is that successful method. Who is kidding who?
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 04:27:07 PM
Every method or system has the same mathematical fate. At least from spin to spin. I'm an advocate that proposes that to win you must play the current conditions. Now there must be a syntax of communication with these conditions in order for there to be this communication. With regards to my technique that requires my charts. Without my charts very little of what I have shared can make sense. I have known this for years and had deliberately kept this secret. But you have it. Only at this forum I might add.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 04:16:47 PM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 04:02:44 PM
Its time you stopped playing Mr superior Giz and throw down. POST A METHOD and PROVE IT WORKS. I DARE YOU?

Let's see if I have this right. I've been discussing my methods and theories with people that I know have long ago given up on inadequate systems that never have proven to be useful. And in this past year openly shared every secret and attempted to successfully communicate every answer to every question asked of me. Including the answer that the only proof that anyone will accept is proof one gets for himself. I worked on this method for more than fifteen years. It takes years of playing experience to master it. And most important of all. I know human nature. The majority of people here hope that you are right. Nobody wants to work hard for a method that fulfills their dreams or plans. Having you demand that proof is like listening to a baby demand that his diapers be changed or to feed him. All I have for you is wait until July.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 03:58:33 PM
Hey MISTER LEGENDARY MAN, show me one person that can tell me when the mathematical probability for the next quality trend will start and how long it will continue to be effective. If you are handed the real method that works and you can't see it then you of all people have experienced the greatest lesson in irony. What's more, Your 7.4/1 magic pill is known.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 03:49:13 PM
So what we have is a little boy with a cardboard spaceship in his backyard. He's telling us that next July he will be in orbit. And if we don't believe him he's going to hold his breath.

Quote from: JohnLegend on December 22, 2012, 03:40:45 PM
Exactly what im in the process of doing now Giz. And where is your method and proof that you are right? Deceive who? You are overexaggerating everything here Giz.

You should know that if you tell a 1,000 people you can beat this game. Not even 10 will take you seriously. Please tell me you know this already. But then show a 1,000 people success. And then maybe 11 will take you seriously out of that 1,000. But at least those 11 will know I am not what you are implying.
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 22, 2012, 03:34:31 PM
They don't call you legend for nothing.

So here is where hit and run really works. In this place and these conditions, any person depending on luck or magical beliefs gets killed as a reward for their miscalculations. The place is Mt. Everest. You screw around with promises and you die. I prefer the real world.

If I didn't know better, and I can't prove anything, I would say that this is an elaborate hoax, JL is some kind of new type of troll craft, and that in reality he is some under paid and frustrated junior high school math teacher. This is the same person that was Fender1000 and promised that the future would prove his preaching was true. Now we are asked to wait once again. What I'm waiting for is someone that got burned by this to walk up and hit him and don't run.  There should be a consequence for trashing a forum by posters publishing outright fabrication designed specifically to deceive.

WARNING: Gizmo, you're treading a fine line here. No personal attacks please.
Quote from: Ralph on December 21, 2012, 04:45:28 AM
If the world and me pass away at the same moment, it is just a coincidence!!

Everyone knows that the world coming to the end is an independent trial. There is no way that past worlds in the universe leads to future worlds blowing to smitherings.
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 20, 2012, 09:15:07 PM
Why is it different to play H.A.R on a computer or 5 different live tables. Think about that. Then think some more.

I had no idea you were a funny man. When the heck will this year of promise be over?
BTW, I'm already working on a simulator for my collision experiment. I wanted to prove how often these quality collisions occur.
I've programmed the hit and run already. It is in my simulation of pattern breaker. And yes, It selects random points to return to a simulated open table. Now if you need to get specific, it can include that on Tuesday grandma lets me out of he basement to drop me off at the casino around 2:00pm and the bus takes me home, grandma's basement, at 6:30pm that same day. You can even make the casino shut down the casino at 3:00am and reopen the table at about 10:30am. The trick appears that in order to win at this you must know the magical secret. That might be difficult because the whimsical thing appears to be a moving target that always favors the blessed few.
Seeing how most of the members here are into finding systems and rules that lead to an inevitable success. I thought to create a very simple method combining a most basic trend characteristic with a stepped positive progression. The steps have five stages and the trend is the very simple sleeping dozen & sleeping column. The purpose was to generate interest in watching the flow as some members here have referred to it.