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Messages - Gizmotron

This is my practice software.

software updated 12/09/12
While the zeros sleep you can play two different types of balance. In one spin you can play a balanced bet with an EC selection. You could almost play a balanced game with two bets, with options, if you play two spins of double dozens. EC's are 50/50, Double Dozens, played twice to win both, are 45/55. But the options offered in the DD x2 bets might be worth that extra 5% advantage to at least one loser of the two.

If you lose the first bet you don't have to take the second bet that you might also lose.

If you win the first bet and lose the second bet you have half your losses.

You almost have an even chance of winning both bets. You can let the winnings of the first bet ride on the second bet.
Now for some house cleaning of a different kind. The odds. Do the zeros sleep? The answer is no. Every time you place a bet you are exposed to them. But this also happens. Do the zeros appear to be asleep? The answer is yes. Can you make bet selection choices on the appearance of the zeros sleeping. If so then EC bets are currently working like 50/50 bets, even though mathematically they are actually not.
It is far better to have a spy. He should find out where the guard went last and go there. Except on Tuesday if the guard left after 4:32 pm. In that case the use of a magical run-and-hide technique guarantees not getting caught on Wednesday through Mondays. I know. I've been doing it for the last eight years. I've tried to tell everyone under my secret names. My next name is BSzinThe****er. Son of Sam to the great unwashed.
Quote from: VLS on December 05, 2012, 12:59:32 AM

"Every bad streak starts with a loss", he said.

Wait a darn second. I said that years ago. All I ever got was dog sh-hit.
He is just pointing out the importance of the global effect. Context context context, context is everything.
Every once in a while you get very long sleeping dozens. Try to design a bet that first pays all the risk on the first winning bet. Then what's left over to increase on each win. Let it ride for six more sleeper. You can also design it so you take a little for each winning step. The trick is to get that first winner on the big bet. With a double dozen bet you have about a 64% chance of winning that opening bet.
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 05:42:37 PM
Gizmotron, I have been playing roulette for 19 years. I have been winning MOST OF THE TIME for 8. Why don't you ask me what happened in the first 11 years?


Don't feed the troll.

There's always that ten ton gorilla in the room. You, or should I say pseudo you, always wins. Your claim is that for the past eight years you are always a winner. I wonder what happened to you that you have such a need for being approved? You are like the energizer bunny.  You keep going and going.

I can't wait for your next grand achievements.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 04, 2012, 05:12:27 PM
That might excuse Fender1000 but what about the shills / aliases?
Take the chart(print it), and run the list. I can run this list, about 10 spins from the last, combined with a quick glance of about 30 spins from the last for global effects, in about 15 seconds or less. What I do is to seek the best occurring trend. Then I get the bets down.

Quote from: Gizmotron on November 30, 2012, 10:53:47 PM
On every spin I check to see if a new characteristic is forming or that any existing ones are changing. So I scan the chart. I can see a characteristic in approximately one third of a second.

Look for sleepers in the dozens and columns.
Look for singles, then doubles, triples, and larger in the dozens and columns.
Look for global effects for all this.
Look for perfect and almost perfect patterns in the dozens and columns.
Look for a perfect or almost perfect dominance in the dozens and columns.
Look for dominance in all of the even chance bets.
Look for sequences of singles, doubles, and triples and above in the even chance bets.
Look for perfect patterns in the even chance bets.
Look for sleeping zeros and wide awake zeros.
Look for any active attack bet ending.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the current state.
Repeat this process after every spin and before every bet.
Quote from: monaco on December 04, 2012, 04:36:04 PM
Are you looking at black & red combined, or individually? or both perhaps?
As I play a lot of baccarat, I need to generate more streams of ec data, so tend to do them individually & combined.

That's interesting. An example of multiple tracks would look interesting too.

Quote from: monaco on December 04, 2012, 04:36:04 PM
In your example, they go series, then a short burst of singles, then back to series. I guess you lose a couple of bets when it changes, so then it would depend on when you jump on the trend?

So now you have the chart that I use in the casino while playing. If it looks like fresh cracked black pepper on a white porcelain plate then perhaps this technique is not for you. It takes a chart like this to find the best occurring conditions.

So what do you see? Unlike the previous examples, this example is all at once.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 04, 2012, 07:33:46 AM
Quote from: Robeenhuut on December 04, 2012, 07:20:44 AM

Its just a pointless debate. If this challenge ends in a positive territory it will only prove that PB can win in a few thousand sessions. You already posted few sessions played HAR where in about 500 games there was a strike rate of 9.5 and 4.4. I think that PB is coded in Ophis tracker and some can run 5-10 games sessions using actuals.  ;)

It is a pointless topic. I understand that he uses shills also. There should be a general warning to all new people that magical claimers lurk the halls with their marry men of shill.
General Discussion / Re: @ JohnLegend
December 04, 2012, 06:58:07 AM
Quote from: JohnLegend on December 04, 2012, 06:42:00 AM
Giz don't be concerned about the past, be concerned about what you and Spike and all the othet detractors are going to see over the next 6--12 months.

and this -" I make claims YES. But now I'm backing them up.

The question is, will you be man enough to admit you didn't know it all, when it becomes clear to you and other detractors that this method is a long-term winner?"

A person does not need to know everything to past you. You have nothing but a three step Martingale with a magic trick for knowing when to use it. Now anyone can see that that along contradicts your own pontifications regarding randomness. So now you are going to teach randomness.  If I wanted or needed a red herring I'd just introduce you. I suppose that a great rift between a real craft and just so much baloney is now going to degrade this forum into another endless and pointless waste of time. Just try it.