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Messages - Gizmotron

Quote from: monaco on December 03, 2012, 12:23:31 AM
By attacking the absence of singles do you mean playing the 2nd line (RR or BB)

"9 formations in a row is SD3?" So what's 21 absence of singles in a row?

Absence of triples & no real trend holding in single or double dozens. Choppy.

Very good. You are seeing things clearly. But its not the big deal thing.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 11:40:01 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on December 02, 2012, 09:10:31 PM
Ok Giz, start a new thread in order to teach everyone the Black art of Random Reading and I'll be in the front row listening intently, taking notes..!  :thumbsup:

Already did:
Let's see who gets the over all strength of this example:

You need a good example of the global effect. I mean it needs to be a strong trend. If you write a program that hunts the absence of singles in even chance bets then you can have the program spit out how often longer intervals occur. I need to see about seven to nine occurrences in order to see it. It only takes an opening win to go on one of these wild rides. Anything after that is gravy.
Quote from: monaco on December 02, 2012, 08:51:27 PM
I'd also be ready for singles to start appearing.

You almost have it. Ask yourself if you think that waiting for a correction is going to be worth much to you. It won't happen until it happens. When it does it only pays off for sure on the first single. Had you started betting for the next single after an absence of singles in the first nine chances for it then you would have lost 12 in a row. The answer to this sequence is a total perfect absence of singles. So if you bet for it to continue you get 12 wins in a row. That's if you know how to play a sequence attacking the absence of singles. I'm sure there are those that don't understand the bet selections.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 08:53:34 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on December 02, 2012, 08:39:55 PM
You of course have the aforementioned skill and as a consequence are doing very well for you self...  :applause:

And now for the good stuff. You have to ask yourself why I would actually divulge a working method. Why would I openly answer every question and attempt to teach those skills to others. Because I have that answer too.
Hmm, that's a way of looking at it.
Quote from: dino246 on December 02, 2012, 07:41:48 PM
Wait for + then bet for +,reset and repeat after ^ ?
That looks like it would work but you are missing the bigger picture.
Quote from: Gizmotron on December 02, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
Had anyone come across this commonly occurring phenomenon by the ninth occurrence they would still had twelve more chances to treat the casino as a personal ATM machine. If people can sit around all day for two or three units, placing bets blindly, because the rules say to bet that way, then at $500 per bet this sequence would have net $6,000 flat betting. This sequence is not a once in a lifetime occurrence. These kinds of things happen day in and day out. You can confirm all this by searching actual spins.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 07:48:43 PM
Had anyone come across this commonly occurring phenomenon by the ninth occurrence they would still had twelve more chances to treat the casino as a personal ATM machine. If people can sit around all day for two or three units, placing bets blindly, because the rules say to bet that way, then at $500 per bet this sequence would have net $6,000 flat betting. This sequence is not a once in a lifetime occurrence. These kinds of things happen day in and day out. You can confirm all this by searching actual spins.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 07:29:21 PM
Quote from: KingsRoulette on December 02, 2012, 07:18:54 PM
blunt but the most honest answer. :applause:

I'm just curious. Have you just about gotten done with your system period? Have you done any work on randomness yet? Can you describe the basic characteristics in a chart of past spins? Can you see all these characteristics in a chart through a quick glance using visual dexterity? These are prerequisite skills of anyone attempting to acquire skills regarding randomness as a method.
Can you see an over all continuing theme in this:

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 07:11:58 PM
Quote from: topcat888 on December 02, 2012, 06:59:39 PM
Funny... I take it aren't any then.

It's actually easy if you know what to look for. But it's impossible if you never look. It's even worse if your IQ is only a few points above room temperature. Most people never bother looking in this direction until after giving up on all the known mechanical and rule based betting systems. The only thing that works is experience and understanding of the nature of current conditions. Everything that happens in a session of Roulette can be reduced to one of three conditions. That will give you the chance to deliberately cause one of three kinds of results. The winning method is to take control.

What you do with this is up to you. You won't be the first to reject it, if you do.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 02, 2012, 06:54:02 PM
Spike has an even chance, flat betting method that is based on reading randomness and then uses an educated guess to select the next bet.
Can you see an over all continuing theme in this:

Quote from: Bayes on December 02, 2012, 05:32:07 PM
Gizmo, you could clarify what you mean by a "global effect", maybe using a concrete example?
Yes. I've come to that same conclusion.  I might have to come up with a metaphor first, as that might make the point. And then actual charts that validate these conditions. I'll work on it.
These are results of just watching the three dozens. Each test stops at 15 sleepers in a row.

19,29,15,33,31,26,7,33,3,6,27,8,4,12,36,34,28,26 - d2 at spin - 280
19,10,18,5,8,1,32,6,3,8,25,7,7,26,28,5,30,7 - d2 at spin - 89
5,27,19,4,29,2,2,9,30,26,26,11,10,27,34,10,4,27 - d2 at spin - 141
36,28,29,15,6,13,3,22,1,23,11,14,17,20,4,18,14,20 - d3 at spin - 289
9,21,10,28,14,25,24,33,29,18,36,19,25,34,29,24,33,17 - d1 at spin - 179
36,37,35,18,2,6,24,12,1,21,1,18,8,19,7,13,18,8 - d3 at spin - 234
3,29,15,12,4,33,28,34,2,34,3,36,33,3,26,1,8,5 - d2 at spin - 79
35,5,23,28,2,33,1,3,7,36,25,7,36,1,8,26,29,32 - d2 at spin - 53
17,24,36,16,16,1,17,17,22,1,16,17,16,12,24,19,3,23 - d3 at spin - 32
2,30,11,23,32,25,29,22,33,27,29,36,31,13,32,36,31,25 - d1 at spin - 108
13,27,4,36,32,25,26,22,17,28,24,17,35,35,35,17,19,23 - d1 at spin - 113
35,31,32,14,15,17,10,2,20,1,9,4,22,21,13,11,17,23 - d3 at spin - 95
4,34,25,4,20,23,4,1,7,4,23,24,14,22,13,4,8,23 - d3 at spin - 82
7,25,7,16,20,24,19,31,21,23,19,32,27,22,28,29,16,19 - d1 at spin - 294
13,35,26,4,11,14,8,15,19,13,3,8,23,6,18,8,3,11 - d3 at spin - 282
17,22,9,17,13,32,26,18,22,20,30,19,21,19,20,27,23,18 - d1 at spin - 160